Five to five from one punch

Chapter 204 Infinite Immortal Beans?

Chapter 204 Infinite Immortal Beans?

For Bai Yu who can dance in the sky, the three-dimensional mobile device has almost zero effect.

As for drawing the Myriad Realms Crystal, it was neither painful nor itchy, and it was neither good nor bad.

It was this miraculous replica mirror that made Bai Yu feel a little surprised and a little overwhelmed.

Bai Yu has some impressions of this magical item. If he remembers correctly, this mirror should be able to duplicate items infinitely.

I checked the details of the item: just turn on the switch of the mirror and look at the mirror with anything, and the mirror will help you copy the item, but the copied item will be reversed left and right.In addition, there is space in the mirror.
Then Bai Yu placed the rectangular mirror on the wall. After thinking for a while, he took out a few fairy beans and placed them in front of the mirror.

After about 2 minutes, it spit out from the mirror, corresponding to the same number of fairy beans.

The items copied by the copy mirror will be reversed left and right. Bai Yu compares the fairy beans copied from the mirror with the original ones, and finally finds that there is indeed something wrong between the two.

But the left and right are reversed. It does not affect the effect of the fairy bean. Anyway, it is used for eating, not for viewing.
Fairy Bean + Copy Mirror = Infinite Fairy Bean!

So can copy mirrors copy other things?

Bai Yu took out the devil fruit from the system backpack and placed it in front of the mirror.

After the same 2 minutes, the copy mirror spit out a left-right inverted devil fruit.

However, at the moment when the two devil fruits appeared at the same time, the surface of the originally normal devil fruit was instantly stained with black dust.


Bai Yu curiously picked up the dusty devil fruit and inspected it
Devil Fruit (Fragmented Fruit): After eating, you will get the superhuman special ability "Fragmented", but you will be disgusted by the sea [This fruit is now invalid, and irreversible unknown changes will occur if you force it to eat]

Although the copy mirror did copy a new devil fruit, but it also caused the original fruit to lose its due effect. From this point of view, the copy mirror is not able to copy everything
Devil fruit can't do it, but fairy bean can. So is there anything on Baiyu that can be copied?
He operated the three-dimensional mobile device that he just pulled out in the same way, and after 2 minutes, Bai Yuxi got a brand new and normal three-dimensional mobile device.

Bai Yu took out all the items in his system backpack, and then removed Clark's glasses and a certain figurine, leaving only the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh card, transformation time card, and Re cells.

After more than half an hour of testing, Bai Yu found that the Re cells and the transformation time card can be copied, which belong to the kind that can be used normally, but the blue-eyed white dragon card cannot be copied.
No matter how Bai Yu fiddled with this card in front of the mirror, the copy mirror just couldn't copy a brand new card. This situation was even weirder than when copying the Devil Fruit just now.

Could it be that there is really a blue-eyed white dragon in this card?
Bai Yu put away the replica mirror and other props, then he entered the master ball and found the Deep Sea King who was cleaning.

He handed the replica mirror, fairy bean and three-dimensional mobile device to Deep Sea King, and asked him to manually copy these two things for him.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate on the beauty of Xiandou. As for the three-dimensional mobile device, it may be of no use to Bai Yu, but why would Neng Bai female ticket reject it?
What's more, he can also distribute the three-dimensional mobile device to the alien monsters under Poros.

Ten thousand monsters all equipped with three-dimensional mobile devices, just ask if you are afraid?
Perhaps Bai Yu will soon be able to become a big shot who eats fairy beans as a meal, so pay homage to Yaqi Luobei!

Silent night.

The street lamps on the side of the road flickered with faint blue lights from time to time.

The sound of brakes sounded on this quiet street, and the undocumented rider forcibly stopped his bicycle. He looked suspiciously at a certain man blocking his way.

Hungry Wolf glanced at the undocumented knight, and he said suspiciously: "Hey, you are a hero, right?"

Regarding the question of whether he is a hero or not, the undocumented knight proudly admitted his identity.

"The hunt begins." Hungry Wolf's palm trembled excitedly, as if he had pressed an unstoppable switch, excitement filled his whole body.

The undocumented knight was stunned!
Hungry Wolf mercifully declared to the undocumented knight: "Don't you understand? You are the food I use to become a perfect weirdo!"

Just when Hungry Wolf was about to make a move, a male voice gnashing his teeth came from behind him.

"Found him, this bastard is here!"

"That's right, this guy is finally found."

"Asshole, you must teach this guy a lesson."

The eyebrow-browed man in a vest with medical tape on his nose yelled at the hungry wolf angrily: "Hey, thank you for your hospitality last time, I want it this time"

The man with the eyebrows in the vest hadn't finished his declaration of revenge when he was hit on the bridge of the nose again with a punch from Hungry Wolf, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

Hungry Wolf showed his muscles, and asked the guys behind him bluntly: "The vest group? It seems that you are here to take revenge on me."

"It's really stupid to come here to die after finally surviving, but speaking of it, that guy Baiyu did such an earth-shattering thing to you in the gymnasium last time, it seems that I have to surpass him too!"

The hungry wolf rushed towards the vest group excitedly, and a black figure suddenly appeared, and he punched the hungry wolf firmly in the face, sending him flying a few meters away.

After rolling around on the ground for a few times, the hungry wolf suddenly exerted strength from its lower body, trampled on the ground with both feet, stabilized its body, and counteracted this force.

There were several blue veins in his muscles, and the Venerable in the vest stood in front of his little brother with an extremely angry expression. He said dissatisfiedly to the hungry wolf: "Good guy, I didn't expect to find out that my little brothers were being bullied by you just after I got out of the hospital." Oh, you're a passionate bastard."

Venerable Vest!
The hungry wolf was as happy as a piranha smelling blood, he grinned and said, "Oh, S-class hero, the vested venerable!"

"I didn't expect to catch a big fish like you tonight!"

Bai Yu was able to do it before, beating the vest group and the venerable vest overwhelmingly, so Hungry Wolf will naturally have to do the same. Field experience.

He can't say no!
"Shut up, jumping beam clown!", Venerable in the vest, exerted force with his right hand, the muscles on his thick arm became more and more tense, and his fist violently fell on the concrete floor.

Several cracks appeared on the surface of the intact concrete floor along with gray dust, and then a special impact exploded directly under the hungry wolf's feet
(End of this chapter)

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