Five to five from one punch

Chapter 205 Still refuse to eat?

Chapter 205 Still refuse to eat?
What kind of power is this?
The hungry wolf that was blown away thought so
The Venerable Vest caught the hungry wolf's momentary loss of consciousness, and his huge body began to move at high speed to lock the target, and even produced a loud air explosion during the movement.

With his hands crossed, the venerable in the vest used his best "vest capture and throw".

When the hungry wolf realized the coming attack, he had already missed the best time to dodge, and he was ruthlessly knocked into the air by the Venerable Vest.

The best way to deal with opponents with strange powers is to "strike with strength" and "strike with strength"!
The moment before the hungry wolf, which was spinning wildly at high speed in mid-air, fell to the ground, he spread his limbs in an instant, and landed firmly on the ground.

The hungry wolf spun at a high speed in mid-air to remove the strange force of the vested master's attack, but after all, he suffered a certain amount of damage and blood began to flow from his mouth.

The tiger in the vest who was eating melons in the back watched this unbelievable scene. He said to the black hole in the vest: "Brother, that hungry wolf didn't fall down. Let's run now?"

The black hole in the vest froze for a moment, obviously he was also shocked by Hungry Wolf's coquettish operation, and when he came back to his senses, he said to his younger brother: "No, big brother is here, we are waiting and watching."


The Venerable in the vest looked at the ferocious face of the hungry wolf, and this word suddenly appeared in his mind.

The blood on Hungry Wolf's mouth was still dripping, but his golden eyes became more and more energetic. "Haha, what a terrifying power, it's really shocking."

Hungry Wolf saw how the Venerable in the vest was beaten by Bai Yu on the video, but he didn't expect that when he came into contact with it in person, it became another matter
Bai Yu, how strong are you now?
When I think of the hungry wolves here, I get even more excited!

The Venerable Vest felt an unprecedented horror from the hungry wolf in this state.
Seems like something terrible is about to burst out
Perhaps, is it the best choice to kill this man here?
The Venerable in the vest had evil thoughts all his life, raised his fist and dropped it on the head of the hungry wolf. At this critical moment, the undocumented knight ran out, and the hungry wolf resisted the punch stiffly.

The situation is like a funny and funny situation stretches down
The Venerable in the vest, who had figured out how to fight, was seized by Hungry Wolf's Liushuiyan Shattering Fist and counterattacked, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

The undocumented knight was also severely headshot by the hungry wolf because of his innocence, and the rest of the vest boys were all defeated by the hungry wolf alone!
The Venerable in the vest was lying on the ground exhausted, he felt that he might have to go to the hospital again, but he never thought that he would go to the hospital three times in a row during this period.
Hungry Wolf took a look at the Venerable in the vest on the ground, and he kindly patched his face hard.

Just when the hungry wolf thought everything was over, Cha Lanzi suddenly jumped from the grass to the former's back and shouted: "Bastard, let me teach you a lesson."

In the next second, Cha Lanzi was slammed onto the ground by the hungry wolf. Before leaving, the hungry wolf said to the half-dead Cha Lanzi, "Are you an idiot?"

"That day, you were lucky enough not to be in the dojo, so I planned to let you go. I didn't look for you during this time, but I never expected that you would come to me by yourself."

"Tell Bai Yu that one day I will evolve into the strongest weirdo and stand in front of him to settle all our grievances."

The next day, passers-by who usually like to run in the morning were shocked by the tragic situation here, and at the same time, these passers-by also informed the Heroes Association of the situation.

Inside the dark dungeon.

Bang Pu and Bang Gu are placed here.

They were seriously injured, and the amount of water and food supplied to them by the Weird Association was seriously insufficient.

In front of the two of them, there are two strange cells that are beating like heart organs
With a tall body, Haojie walked outside the dungeon and said to the two old men, "What's the matter? After thinking about it all night, are you still refusing to eat the monster's cells?"

Bump glanced at Haojie, and he responded with disdain: "The two of us are different from you. For the sake of stronger power, we chose to be a weirdo, and finally got ourselves into the ghost we are now."

"Huh, your mouth is still so stinky." After being questioned by Bangpu, Haojie's face became ugly, but he seemed to remember something important, and then said to Banggu and the two: "Your body You have already been sealed with a special curse, and you are still seriously injured. It is impossible for you to escape here. There are only two final results. When the big snake comes back, he will feed you all himself."

This time, the two of Banggu didn't speak, they just closed their eyes and were thinking about something.

Having finished speaking, Junjie didn't pay much attention to these two old men who couldn't make a fortune. He still has more important things to do today.

On the road leading to the outside city, Junjie ran into the wandering emperor, and asked him to help him pay more attention to the two old men, Banggu and Bangpu, so as to avoid any accidents.

After hearing this, the Wandering Emperor curiously asked Haojie: "Aren't you the only one who guards them? Why do you suddenly want to leave the Weird Association?"

Haojie felt that this was no secret, so he explained to the Wandering Emperor: "The House of Evolution, this organization that was previously destroyed by the Heroes Association, suddenly contacted me and said that they wanted to join our Monster Association, and claimed that they had very powerful monsters there. Go out and test whether this is true, the big battle is coming. It is also a good thing if we can strengthen our strength."

After finishing speaking, Junjie embarked on the journey of recruiting talents. He never expected that this time he would recruit a group of undercover agents.

Comb your hair the way an undercover agent should.

Don a handsome suit of gold binding armor.

Clumsily hid the black essence on his body.

In this way, Poros walked side by side with Genos on the road.

Genos was flustered. Of course he knew that a few days ago, half of the Heroes' Association was defeated by a strange monster.

Although he felt that Bai Yu was a lunatic who didn't follow the rules, it didn't prevent him from paying attention to the news about Bai Yu.

Hasn't this one-eyed monster been wiped out by Bai Yu?
Why is it here.
Jinos never expected that Bai Yu would be so mad that he recruited this one-eyed monster to be his subordinate.
How on earth did Baiyu ensure that these wild and powerful weirdos would not betray him?

Poros looked ahead, and suddenly asked Genos, "You seem to be thinking about something bad?"

Kino was taken aback for a moment, he shook his head frantically in denial, "I'm not, I'm not, you're talking nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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