Five to five from one punch

Chapter 206 How dare he?

Chapter 206 How dare he?
Poros didn't delve into this matter, and it turned around and said to Genos: "Our confession is correct again, I am now a weirdo in your evolutionary family. In the previous battle with the British Association, I was defeated by the master. defeated, but before I died, I split part of my cells and hid myself to survive until I finally met you."

Genos took over and said: "After I met you, I used the technology of the Evolution House and the combination of ultra-high-speed regeneration and healing cells in your body to quickly resurrect you into this world, and for this reason you have become A member of the family of evolution."

"After realizing that it was difficult to fight against the Heroes' Association, we chose to join the Weird Association and intend to become one of them and contribute to the great cause of the Weird Association."

Poros nodded, he was very satisfied with Genos' confession, "Yes, that's it, this is the background and identity tailor-made for us by the master, you can follow this template to describe yourself later. .”

"One last warning, don't do unnecessary things, otherwise... don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Genos' face was gloomy for a while, how could he do unnecessary things?

You know, if you mess up, you have to face the counterattack of that lunatic Bai Yu, he is out of his wits to do this
"You seem to respect Bai Yu very much, what method did he use to make you weirdos listen to him so much?" Genos tentatively asked.

Naturally, Poros would not tell the glasses man the secret of Baiyu's possession of the master ball, but this did not prevent him from praising Baiyu, "Master is the person I respect the most, and it is also the goal I have always wanted to surpass and rush to. Giving me meaning and motivation in life, his orders are the best spurs for me."


Genos was speechless for a moment, why did he hear a smell of "Speed ​​and me fencing swords" in the mouth of this one-eyed monster?

When he thought of this, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he unconsciously walked away from Poros for several steps.
Boys must protect themselves when they go out!
Junjie has been waiting in this deserted place for a long time.

He had heard a little about this House of Evolution before, and he heard that this organization seemed to be an evil organization that was good at making weirdos. The most conservative estimate of the strength of the entire organization should be at the middle or lower level.

Some time ago, I heard that this House of Evolution was destroyed by the Heroes Association's S-level hero, the devil-reformed man. Now it seems that things are not as rumored.

At least, this House of Evolution hid itself well during the destruction war, and even secretly developed its own strength.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have approached themselves at this point in time and asked to join the Weird Association.

It seems that the ambition of the Weird Association has begun to spread in the other world, and it even attracts those restless guys to join.

Sure enough, the future world should be ruled by weirdos, natural selection, survival of the fittest!
When the hero was thinking wildly, Genos and Poros came to the destination here and met with the former.

From the moment the two parties came into contact, Junjie instantly realized which kind of powerful monster this one-eyed monster in golden armor was.

"I recognize you. But you should have been wiped out by that handsome knight in the previous battle with the British Association. Why do you still survive in this world?" Heroes looked at Poros in confusion. ask questions.

Poros believes that any creature whose strength is not as good as it should be called "bad fish" by it!
It just so happens that what Poros doesn't like is when the trash fish asks himself questions
After the hero asked a question, Poros felt a surge of anger in his heart. He really wanted to tear up this unsightly compound-eyed monster, and then use the energy cannon in his body to destroy it to pieces. There are no cells left.

The black spirit that has been hiding in the armor seems to have felt the restless energy of Poros, and it anxiously said in words that can only be heard by two people: "Captain Poros, calm down, don't forget, we are going to be You are undercover, not here to fight, don't forget Master Baiyu's mission!"

Hei Jing's proper reminder, like irrigating with cold water, instantly extinguished Poros' inner dissatisfaction.

It felt that what Hei Jing said was right, he had to endure it, and then joined the association of brain-dead monsters through this trash fish.

Poros then cooperated with Genos to explain the lines and background identities that the two had agreed on to Junjie.

After a while.

Junjie finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the handsome knight from the Heroes Association used despicable means to defeat the one-eyed monster, but fortunately, the one-eyed monster stayed behind in the end, and it was a wonderful fate that he joined the Evolution House.

What the one-eyed man did to the Heroes Association before is still a freshly baked delicious cake. Naturally, Haojie doesn't think that the one-eyed man is some kind of undercover agent.

After all, why do weirdos backstab each other?

Poros's identity and strength are unquestionable, and Haojie can even skip the part of testing his strength. A smile appeared on his ugly face and said: "Hahaha, brother Poros, congratulations on making the The most correct choice is to join our Monster Association, which is as comfortable as a fish entering the ocean. Please believe in our Monster Association. In the recent period, we will attack humans and destroy the Heroes Association even more. To avenge you!"

After Junjie failed to recruit black spirits yesterday, he thoroughly studied the books on marketing skills and the bridge of communication between people. Now he is boasting so well that it can be described as sticky hands.

Brother? ?
To avenge myself? ?

Poros's one eye gradually widens unconsciously
How dare he?
How dare! ! !
Dare to call it brother and help him avenge?

Who does he think he is?
Does he fit?
There was only one thought in Poros' mind at this moment.

That is to kill this trash fish named hero!
Hei Jing is completely dumbfounded, where did this f*cking talent come from, an undercover agent
Brother, your mission is to be an undercover agent!
It kept roaring in Poros's armor, calm down and other words
But the effect doesn't seem to be ideal
Just when Poros couldn't hold back his anger and was about to make a move, there was a huge shocking sound behind it.

Before the side could figure out what was going on, a huge yellow-brown beetle suddenly fell from the sky.

Exactly, Asura Unicorn Immortal, this Immortal
Because of the appearance of the unicorn, Poros instantly cooled down the killing intent in his heart.

And the black spirit hidden in the armor was completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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