Five to five from one punch

Chapter 207 Movie Emperor Unicorn Fairy

Chapter 207 Movie Emperor Unicorn Fairy

Asura Unicorn?

Why is this bad character and morally corrupt guy here?
Despite Genos' super high IQ, he still can't understand what happened here at this time.
Didn't he and Bai Yu make an undercover lurking plan?

Why is this unicorn here?
Temporary play?
Compared with the inner drama of Genos and others, Haojie is easier to accept the reality. He asked the beetle in bewilderment, "Who are you?"

After Asura Unicorn heard this question, its huge body began to tremble slightly. It was clear that it was broad daylight and the sun was scorching hot. However, Haojie inexplicably felt the illusion of trembling and cold from the strange beetle.

"My name is Ashura Unicorn Immortal. The purpose of coming here today is to join the Weird Association and seek a haven where only weirdos can get peace of mind!"

There were crystal clear tears in the corner of Asura Unicorn's eyes, and it choked up and told about this period of time and the painful experience it had experienced before.

It was originally just a beautiful unicorn living in the forest, but one day, it was captured by evil scientists and taken back to the research institute as an experimental material.
After countless inhumane and terrifying experiments, the innocent unicorn gradually changed from a child's palm-sized body to its current size, which is as huge as a hill.

After turning into this ugly and gigantic appearance, it gained unprecedented strength and wisdom, and it finally turned into a weirdo.

But it was not happy at all, because the research institute began to fear its power. They were afraid of the wisdom and thinking that this unicorn possessed, and they were even more afraid that they would die by the big hand of this unicorn.

They began by imprisoning the innocent unicorn, not allowing it to come in contact with the outside world or with other creatures.

The place where this unicorn monster lives is a dark dungeon. Its body is bound by several specially made chains that can limit the monster's power.
In this dim place, there is no one to communicate with it, and its only desire is to find a talking creature to express its inner unease.

This humble and pitiful wish was not allowed by the evil scientist, and he even used torture from time to time to torture the unicorn, trying to obliterate its reason and thinking, and wanted it to become an animal without the ability to think. Ruthless Tool Geek.

Obviously it did nothing wrong.

It was the scientist who took it upon himself to capture it and even experimented on it. After going through life and death tests, the unicorn survived by virtue of its tenacious will.

But why did this scientist do such inhumane things to it?
Finally one day, this evil organization was defeated, and the one-horned fairy escaped from this evil organization.

After it became a weirdo, it finally came into contact with the outside world for the first time.

Life in the outside world is colorful. This makes this innocent unicorn feel curious and longing
But the tolerance and rejection of weirdos in the outside world is extremely terrible. The Unicorn Fairy soon ran into walls everywhere, was insulted by humans, driven away by humans, and even in the end, a group of guys who claimed to be heroes came to destroy it.

Obviously it didn't do anything, it just wanted to get along with human beings, so the unicorn fairy made up his mind, and in order to achieve this goal, he began to perform heroic rescue activities as a weirdo.

But what they got in return was more doubts, insults and even forced killings!

At this moment, the unicorn fairy finally understood that what was wrong was not it, but the world. As a weirdo, it could not get along with human beings after all.

So since humans want it to die, why not the other way around?

So Asura Unicorn Immortal came here, so he found a hero!

It's going to join the Weird Society.

The hero was moved by this story, how inspirational it is, what this unicorn fairy said is right, what is wrong is this world.

Why is it that weirdos are killed by humans, but they can't be reversed, or even let weirdos rule the world?
The Weird Association needs such talents.

With high-quality talents like Ashura Unicorn joining, I believe it will definitely make the Monster Association shine.

Junjie decisively approved the application of Ashura Unicorn Immortal to join.

As for Poros on the side, he has already fallen into deep doubts. He yelled in his heart, "So the experience of this guy, Asura Unicorn, was so miserable?"

Hei Jing expressed disbelief in any word of Asura Unicorn Immortal!

Anyone who believes is a fool. It's okay to deceive a fool with these nonsense words, but there is no way to deceive it!


The Genos were dumbfounded.

He admits that he is indeed not a good person, even an evil mad scientist.

But what the hell, this is the first time he has encountered such an act of splashing dirty water.

What is it called. The evil scientist captures the unicorn and transforms it?
Obviously when I was doing the experiment myself, it was you, the unicorn, who flew into the laboratory, and Genos, who couldn't drive it away, was helpless about it, and finally had to stuff it into the experimental materials together.

He admitted that he had indeed done a lot of experiments on the unicorn.

It was successful in the end though.
But why should you be restrained, don't you have a clue in your heart?

The moment Asura Unicorn was born. It directed and performed an embarrassing dance in front of Genos, and even killed a clone with a punch during the embarrassing dance, and even killed many evolution families It also threatened to go out and wipe out all human beings, twisting their heads off and kicking them as balls.

What else can Genos do?
It can only be locked up to prevent it from going out and destroying it everywhere, exposing the house of evolution.

In the days that followed, Genos sent his clones in to provide psychological counseling and thinking correction for the mentally ill unicorn, but in the end none of those clones came out of the dungeon.

Why did he come here? Genos is responsible for all the blame, obviously he is the victim.

The eccentric hero seems to have believed the words of Asura Unicorn Immortal, and it even seems to take good care of this Unicorn Immortal.

So Jinos has reason to believe that if Asura Unicorn says that the evil scientist is him, Hero will definitely punch himself to death on the spot!
Fortunately, after Ashura Unicorn followed Bai Yu, he seemed to restrain his evil character a little bit, and did not point out that Genos was the evil scientist who transformed it.

Because of this, Poros' impulse to kill the hero was stopped by Asura Unicorn, and even the latter joined the Monster Association with Poros and others.

A secret operation was launched.

(End of this chapter)

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