Five to five from one punch

Chapter 209 The Hungry Wolf Never Gives Up

Chapter 209 The Hungry Wolf Never Gives Up

Bai Yu, why is this guy here?
No, now is not the time to think about this. According to the plan he made, Bai Yu is the big boss identified by Hungry Wolf. Now he should not face the final boss of this game so early.

He hasn't evolved into a real weirdo yet, if he confronts Bai Yu now, the consequences may be disastrous.

But why should the hungry wolf refuse?
Now that Bai Yu appeared in front of him, would he still run away like a mouse crossing the street with his head in his arms?

If he doesn't even have the courage to act, then why should he become an absolute evil!
"Bai Yu, I want you to regret it!" Hungry Wolf exuded an unprecedented vigor, his muscles tensed up, as vigilant as a cat's hair blowing out when it encounters a fierce dog.

Since you are so lucky to meet him, there is no need to let this guy go, let me replace Master Banggu, and educate you well.

Since the last time he lost to Bai Yu, Hungry Wolf has been training himself with Bai Yu as his imaginary opponent. Pocket boxing has absorbed a lot of experience.

He successfully created a set of the unique skill of reversing Liushuiyan's broken fist, just to deal with Bai Yu and the old man!

Why is Bai Yu missing!
Obviously, my gaze never left the front from the beginning to the end, so why did this bastard disappear?

"Here!" Bai Yu's voice sounded from behind Hungry Wolf, and at the same time, Hungry Wolf was kicked into the wall next to him by Bai Yu.

The cracks in the ring state began to cover the entire towering wall, and even spread to the entire building.
After Bai Yu saw it, he felt extremely troubled. In this kind of place, he couldn't even use his full strength.

I was afraid that doing so would break the entire building and hurt the innocent people inside.

Several pieces of irregularly shaped stone fragments exploded from the hole in the wall, and a hungry wolf with blood on his forehead appeared from this hole. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, and the dark blue air flow wrapped around his fists, " Bai Yu, go to hell."

Countless attacks rolled towards Bai Yu, and Hungry Wolf's eyes were firmly fixed on Bai Yu's body. He had already predicted the directions and postures in which Bai Yu could dodge his fist.

No matter how the opponent dodges, I will definitely be able to reverse the way of the fist in time to hit this guy.

But something that made Hungry Wolf feel unbelievable happened again.

Inexplicably, he moved forward a distance of one meter, his arms hovering tiredly in front of his chest.
What happened?
Didn't he attack Bai Yu?

It's okay to miss, but how did I move a distance of one meter, and what's the matter with the fatigue on the arm and the slight soreness in the biceps.

The tiredness and soreness reminded the hungry wolf that he had indeed hit an attack beyond ordinary people's comprehension and an unimaginable range.

Huge force erupted beside Hungry Wolf, and Bai Yu kicked him out of the alley and leaped towards the street.

It wasn't until he rolled several times in the end and the hungry wolf drew a few long bloodstains on the ground that he lay down firmly on the ground.

Bai Yu walked towards Hungry Wolf's position. He just used indifferent time delete. Not only himself, but everything other than him was affected. He deleted it for a full 5 seconds and disappeared. on this timeline.

That's why Hungry Wolf can't understand why his situation is so weird, because Bai Yu is unselectable and invincible during the time-deletion process, Hungry Wolf is madly punching a non-existent person with a set of Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist
And the process that Hungry Wolf experienced during this time was deleted by Bai Yu, and he also forgot that he punched a set of punches in the air in front of him.

In front of Shi Zen, it is impossible for Hungry Wolf to defeat Bai Yu in terms of speed.

Unless he can rely on his physical strength to move his figure at high speed, forcing Baiyu himself to be unable to keep up with his speed, he has to use time-deletion crazily, until finally Baiyu is mentally exhausted and unable to use this ability, or his own extreme reaction makes Baiyu timeless. The moment the pause ended, he immediately made a counterattack gesture.

This requires a very high level of strength and reaction to oneself. It is the first time that Bai Yu has suffered such a loss from Jilian after he obtained it. Fortunately, Hungry Wolf is not Jilian's big bald head.
The hungry wolf that was kicked away forcibly propped up his body. During the battle, a momentary pause and loss of consciousness are taboos. Many people's deaths and failures are caused by bowing their heads to such taboos.

Hungry Wolf stood up, he looked at Bai Yu who was approaching him continuously.
He couldn't see the speed of Bai Yu's shots and movement at all. Why was the gap between the two getting bigger and bigger?
Hungry Wolf didn't understand this situation. After experiencing the last incident of being beaten by Bai Yu, he not only gained a lot and broke through the current realm, he even advanced a thousand miles in martial arts!
Even if he couldn't beat Bai Yu, he shouldn't have been pulled away by such a large distance.

"Admit defeat, you should also understand that it is impossible for you to win me now, obediently follow me back to the association to accept punishment." Bai Yu said to the hungry wolf.

"Are you kidding me? How can I fail at this point?" Hungry Wolf disagreed with Bai Yu's proposal. His muscles swelled up, his heart beat fast and powerfully, and his face became even more flushed.

After Bai Yu saw it, he seemed to feel that he had seen this appearance somewhere before.
That's right, he remembered, when he was polishing his body with Master Banggu in the mountains, he had seen Master Banggu use this trick.

Breathing method?

Hungry Wolf's whole body was filled with white gas. He felt that his body had been strengthened in all directions, and even the thoughts in his mind were clear. At this moment, he had an unprecedented understanding of many incomprehensible moves.

Hungry Wolf thought that maybe he could really defeat Bai Yu here.

Seeing the fighting intent emanating from the hungry wolf's eyes, Bai Yu understood that this guy didn't seem to be planning to give up, it seemed that he had to make this guy even more desperate!

Bai Yu took a deep breath.

No longer suppressing the breath of the whole body, the mind energy of the 23-point attribute began to explode, and the fiery red breath surrounded Bai Yu, and at the same time, the ground was divided into several stones of different sizes with him as the center. Float to the top.


After Bai Yu yelled, there was a huge explosion at his original position.

A crimson unknown energy wrapped around the white jade, and a huge crimson flame was burning on the outer layer of this unknown energy.

Bai Yu's whole body strength directly surpassed the state several times. Even he himself found it incredible!

He clenched his fists, feeling the strength inside him, until finally he smiled.

The hungry wolf in the breathing state: "."

(End of this chapter)

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