Five to five from one punch

Chapter 210 Despair

Chapter 210 Despair


The hungry wolf moved with him, and then a gust of wind blew up, and his figure turned into several afterimages and attacked behind Baiyu. At the moment when he was about to collide with his opponent, his right foot slammed on the ground, crushing the already exhausted body. With this momentum, the hungry wolf's body instantly appeared directly in front of Bai Yu.

The sharp fist hit Bai Yu's face directly.

The hungry wolf's strong fist hit Bai Yu's handsome face, and at the same time, the powerful force almost caused a loud explosion sound behind Bai Yu.

Hungry Wolf felt a little unbelievable, this was the first time he touched white jade in this contest.
But something even more unbelievable happened to Hungry Wolf.

The hungry wolf found that his attack did not cause the slightest damage to Baiyu, so he vigilantly moved away from Baiyu a few meters away.

Seeing the vigilant look of the hungry wolf, Bai Yu couldn't help but smile, "What's the matter? Don't you want to stand up and let you beat me?"

Hungry Wolf's pupils visibly trembled. Sure enough, he was able to hit Bai Yu not because his speed suppressed the opponent, but because the opponent didn't care about his attack.
What a shame!
This technique of exploding qi is really easy to use. Baiyu can feel the energy in his body constantly intertwining. If he intentionally controls the flow and consumption of qi, theoretically he can maintain this state for a relatively long time.

If the attribute point of Nian Qi can be higher, he can even continue to explode in this state.
However, it is not without disadvantages. If the body is not strong enough, it may be difficult to bear such an improvement, and it will become a burden on the contrary, and even affect the body.

Hungry Wolf laughed on the spot at this moment, and he laughed crazily for a full minute, until finally he calmed down, "Bai Yu, you are really different from other people."

"Isn't it human?" Bai Yu stretched his waist, and then he asked Hungry Wolf dissatisfiedly, "What about you? Master Banggu is so kind to you, and if you ruin his dojo like this, I can think you Is it a beast?"

Hungry Wolf shook his head, and he explained: "Bai Yu, it has been almost a year since the day you came to the ashram. Let me tell you a secret. In fact, a long time ago, I planned to stay in the old man's ashram. After I finished my studies, I would clean the place after what I wanted, but your appearance made me delay this plan, and now it has prevented me from making any progress, so I just did what I thought was right."

"This is a lunatic with secondary illness", Bai Yu said in his heart.

"Boring lunatic." Bai Yu snorted coldly. His whole body, wrapped in fiery red energy, turned into a beam of light and ran towards the hungry wolf. The intense red light was faintly visible in the air until finally it disappeared in the eyes of the hungry wolf.

next moment!
Hungry Wolf's chin was hit by Bai Yu's punch, and his body began to leave the ground. At the same time, the moment Hungry Wolf's consciousness collapsed, his arms began to move unconsciously, and Liu Shuiyan's smashing fist counterattacked fiercely and stabbed Bai Yu's eyes.

Bai Yu's left hand lightly grabbed Hungry Wolf's left hand, and at the same time gave it a firm grip!
The crisp sound of bones accompanied by the painful screams of hungry wolves resounded through the street.

The more painful and difficult it is, the more it can stimulate the killing intent and physical potential of the hungry wolf.

His thinking began to jump more and more, his heart beat more and more exaggerated, and the blood in his whole body began to flow rapidly.
Hungry Wolf feels that his potential is being discovered, his body seems to have undergone a strange and wonderful change, he seems to have become stronger?

The hungry wolf's collapsed consciousness was also washed away by this special change. His pupils returned to life, and at the same time he showed a terrifying smile. He directly locked Bai Yu with his legs, and at the same time, his hands turned into sharp thorns and directly inserted into Bai Yu's head. On the left and right temples.

Bai Yu was amused by the strange change of Hungry Wolf, his eyes shone red, and his pupils were filled with the deep red light like the scorching sun.

The wall of breath instantly locked the arms of the hungry wolf, making it difficult for him to move.
Hungry Wolf was also shocked by Bai Yu's miraculous trick, he gritted his teeth and roared: "What kind of trick is this?"

There was no need for Bai Yu to answer the hungry wolf, nor did he want to answer the hungry wolf. In the end, he acted as a riddle and perfunctoryly said: "Who knows."

Hungry Wolf felt that he was once again insulted by Bai Yu
"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Hungry Wolf's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his legs locked Bai Yu's body, fixed him in place and couldn't move, his hands were directly locked by Bai Yu's strange tricks, and he repeatedly lashed out. The actions he came back could not be successful, and all he had left was his own head to move. After all, the speed of the two sides was not at the same level, so he could only take this method. But he has no other choice now.

"Hehe..." After the hungry wolf laughed sinisterly, he slammed his whole head towards Bai Yu's head, and he had never been afraid of anyone if he fought hard!
Hungry Wolf successfully hit Bai Yu's face with his "Iron Head Skill", but his whole body was hit by the force, and he flew out from the counter-shock.

Bai Yu's forehead was covered with blood. It was the blood of the hungry wolf. He murmured helplessly: "Hungry wolf, you are an idiot!"

Just as Hungry Wolf expected, Bai Yu deliberately let the former lock him, and he even used the wall of breath to directly abolish Hungry Wolf's arms, in order to observe the strange changes in this guy, and at the same time, he was very curious about this What kind of tricks will the hungry wolf use to attack itself.

But Bai Yu never expected that Hungry Wolf would choose such a stupid way, and it turned out that the idiot was himself.

Bai Yu's physique is far above that of a hungry wolf, and even after bursting out of his whole body, his physique is blessed, and he even takes a leap forward. Even he doesn't know how resistant his current physique is.
The reason why Bai Yu stood still just now was because he wanted to test the strength of his body after he exploded.

It seems that the effect is far better than I imagined.

There was more and more blood on Hungry Wolf's face, and his nose was even crooked because of the action just now.
He thinks he is really difficult
He had already made a breakthrough in the battle just now, but the gap with Bai Yu was still insurmountable.

"Did you do your best in this battle?" Hungry Wolf asked while covering his nose with his right hand.

Bai Yu blinked, he must not have used all his strength, just after the explosion, he has been playing with an attitude of indifference, not to mention that he still has freedom and extreme intentions, not to mention the most reckless forced [-]-[-] split However, the latter, a guy whose talent is weaker than his own, is not suitable for it.

Putting these aside, if you continue to fight and trigger the God's Hand, with Bai Yu's current strength and the double damage of the God's Hand, if you accidentally touch the hungry wolf, it's not surprising to kill him directly matter.

(End of this chapter)

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