Five to five from one punch

Chapter 211 Is Born a Wolf, He Shengyu

Chapter 211 Is Born a Wolf, He Shengyu

Bai Yu didn't answer this question directly, but Hungry Wolf had already guessed the answer from the other party's expression.

The huge gap in strength between the two sides made Hungry Wolf feel disheartened, but also strongly unwilling. At this moment, he wanted to sigh to the sky, if he was born into a wolf, he was born into a jade!

Bai Yu raised his right hand, and the psychic impact bomb condensed on the palm of his hand, and the fiery red energy ball instantly condensed into a small sun full of danger.

When the hungry wolf saw it, his eyelids twitched
This is no longer something martial arts can do, Bai Yu, you still have superpowers?

At this moment, Hungry Wolf has to admit that Bai Yu should be the real son of God.

The mental impact bomb was shot directly at the position of the hungry wolf. When the latter realized that he could not be hit, he immediately jumped into the sky!
Hungry Wolf's decisiveness allowed him to dodge the impact bomb, but in the next second, Bai Yu's body appeared directly beside the thought power impact bomb. The location of the hungry wolf. Throw it over.

? ?
Hungry Wolf was completely dumbfounded, "There is such an operation?"

boom! !

The hungry wolf's body, which was completely blown up, fell from mid-air, and Bai Yu appeared strangely behind the former. He clenched his palm tightly, scarlet energy entangled around his fist.

"It's over." Bai Yu's light words fell into the ears of the half-conscious Hungry Wolf.

It was indeed coming to an end, Hungry Wolf didn't expect that he would not be able to fulfill his dream before he died, hehe, he was really unlucky to meet this guy Bai Yu here.

If there is an afterlife, hope can only be born in a world without Bai Yu.

At this critical moment, Sonic appeared behind Bai Yu with a terrifying and sickly smile on his face. He laughed wildly and said, "Hahaha, go to hell, Bai Yu!"

Secret technique, giant shark shadow burial, must kill!

A giant black shadow biting like a shark appeared around Sonic, and when the giant shadow bit down on Bai Yu, Bai Yu didn't think too much about it, and directly used the "Qi He Fist" condensed in his hand A hammer landed on Sonic.

The scarlet beam of light directly defeated Sonic's giant shark shadow, and at the same time hammered his newly bought famous sword into pieces, his shirt was directly torn, and the whole person moved towards the sky again to a farther and higher position fly.
At the moment when Sonic gradually turned into a shooting star, he sternly said, "Baiyu, just wait for me, I will definitely come back!"

"Pervert! A man, who wants to wait for you?" Bai Yu angrily cursed Sonic, a sick ninja.

This Sonic is like a dog skin plaster, you can’t even shake it off. Saitama said that he met this guy yesterday, and even performed an embarrassing dance in front of Saitama, but in the end, Sonic was more powerfully swayed by Saitama The embarrassing dance was repelled.

Why don't you just pretend to miss Sonic and beat him to death next time?
In Bai Yu's mind, he was thinking about the feasibility of this plan.
Just after Bai Yu realized it, he found that the figure of the hungry wolf had already disappeared around here.

Did you run away?
This guy is quite lucky. Not only did he temporarily break through himself in the battle, but even Baiyu admired his tenacious willpower. If Sonic hadn't appeared just now, maybe Baiyu really wanted to kill Hungry Wolf.


A hungry wolf with wounds is hiding in a sparsely populated park.

This injury was the most serious in his hero hunting activities.

In the battle with Bai Yu in the morning, if that strange ninja hadn't appeared, he might have died. Bai Yu's killing intent at that moment was absolutely real.

"What a terrible guy, but... I will definitely stand in front of you again, Bai Yu!"

The injuries on his body are healing by themselves, and even Hungry Wolf feels incredible, as if after breaking through in the battle in the morning, he feels that his whole body seems to have some strange changes.

Hungry Wolf couldn't explain exactly what kind of experience this was, but he thought it shouldn't be a bad thing anyway.

"Oh, that's awesome. Is this the A-level hero's golden ball?"

"Oh, the name of Springbeard's stunt is so domineering!"

The child-like exclamation attracted the attention of the hungry wolf, and he followed the sound to find a child sitting on a chair.

This kid with thick lips is holding a book, reading it with relish, and from time to time he will say the names of some heroes and their unique skills.

Hungry Wolf just stood behind the child and looked at it thinking.
From the looks of it, this should be a book in the Heroes Illustrated Book.

After Hungry Wolf thought of this, he smiled at the child and said, "Hey, little boy, can I read this book too?"

Snot-nosed male:! !
He looked behind him in a panic, a man with dried blood on his face was looking at him with a smile
"Uncle, who are you?" Snotxiong asked cautiously, and then he saw the torn coat and injuries of this strange uncle, and he continued: "Uncle, you are seriously injured. Let me call the ambulance for you phone?"

Hungry Wolf responded indifferently: "It doesn't matter, it's just an injury I got while fighting a guy, and it should be almost healed in a few hours."



Could this uncle be a hero?
Is this the injury he got while fighting the monster?
Snot-nosed Xiong made up a reasonable explanation in his head, and then he handed the rare edition of the Hero Illustrated Book in his hand to the uncle, and he also sat on a chair to communicate with this strange uncle.

Hungry Wolf looked for various information about other heroes on the Hero Illustrated Book, and memorized their various special skills and rankings.

And the snot-nosed male seemed to have found someone to confide in, and he enthusiastically introduced the various characteristics of each hero to Hungry Wolf.

The encounter between the two is like the prelude to lighting up the fireworks called "fate".

In the middle of the night, there was an astonishing sound of fighting in a small alley where you couldn't see your fingers.

Sparks appeared in this black alley from time to time accompanied by crisp crashing sounds.

A-level hero Golden Ball, I think I may have actually encountered a monster
In this dark environment, why is this human eccentric who calls himself a "hero hunter" able to feel like a fish in water here.

Any attack by himself seems to be dispensable to him.

With the passage of time, Golden Ball has come to an end. At this critical moment, his good partner, Spring Beard, came out to help in time.

However, even if it is superior in numbers, it cannot change the cruel situation of the battle. Until the last spring beard's stunt, "Treading Wu Violent Power" was cut off by the hungry wolf with one hand, the scale of victory has already fallen heavily to the latter's. party.

Plopping sounds sounded one after another, and the golden ball and the spring beard fell to the ground weakly. Can't get up again!

In the darkness, Hungry Wolf showed an arrogant and confident smile. He seemed to feel that he had become stronger again!
(End of this chapter)

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