Five to five from one punch

Chapter 213 1 Group of Garbage

Chapter 213 A group of garbage

"What, did you meet a gangster just now?" Bai Yu stuffed a mouthful of beef into his mouth and said while eating.

"Yeah, it must be a gangster, I don't know him, he just came behind me like this, and attacked me." Saitama poured all the Chinese cabbage in his hand into the hot hot pot soup base, and stirred it with a utensil several times.

"ε=(ο`*))) Alas, the world is going downhill. Sure enough, the more prosperous the area, the more it will be full of gangsters." Baiyu asked Saitama: "What happened to the gangsters?"

"I was kicked and flew to the garbage dump." Saitama's words seemed to have done something insignificant. In his eyes, only Chinese cabbage and beef were in his eyes.

That gangster is really miserable, even if he touches other S-class heroes, it's better to go and attack Saitama. Sure enough, this gangster is a big idiot.

Bai Yu has no interest in gangsters, and soon he lost enthusiasm for this interesting thing.

Under the ground of the no-man's land in Z City.

At the General Hall of the Weird Association Headquarters Conference.

Poros and the unicorn were brought before the throne of the monster king Serpent.

The fat body with big bright eyes sat on the left side under the weird king snake.

They are looking at the two new weirdo partners at the same time, as for Genos?

They have long been sent to play with mud in a pimple.

"Your name is Poros, right?" Da Jiongyan patted his palm happily and said, "I'm glad you can join our Monster Association, as you can see. In fact, our organization has been paying attention to you for a long time, but at that time The news that you were killed by that handsome knight from the Heroes Association once made me sad."

"But thanks to the blessing of Goddess of Luck, you didn't die because of this, otherwise this would be a great loss to our Monster Association."

"I welcome you again with big eyes, officially joining our Weird Association!"

Dajiongyan gave Poros a series of punches. Generally speaking, if other weirdos hear it, they will be moved to tears immediately and then pledge their allegiance to her.

However, things did not develop as expected.

Poros stood there and yawned, and then he looked around. All kinds of weirdos were standing in their own positions. If it guessed correctly, these weirdos who are qualified to stand here should be the so-called cadres of the association .

Poros didn't respond to Da Jiongyan's words, which made her a little annoyed for a while, my old lady has been so polite to you, why don't you give me any face at all?

The black spirit suddenly felt that something was wrong, and it secretly whispered inside Poros's armor, "Captain Poros, you have to remember the mission, you are a professional undercover agent!"

"What you have to do now is to answer well what the other party said."

Poros seemed to really obey the black spirit's guidance, it opened its mouth and said slowly, "Hmph, rubbish!"

These words sounded like a curse in this dim hall, and all the weirdos were stunned for a moment.

Heijing felt that things seemed to be developing in an unbelievable direction, and it seemed helpless.

Da Jiongyan yelled at Poros angrily, "Are you calling me trash?"

Poros raised his hands and said: "Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I mean everyone here, all of them are rubbish!"

Fuck. It's over, Heijing thinks this mission is going to be dirty.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal behind Poros also seemed to feel that things were getting out of control, and it retreated quietly towards the rear, as if it didn't want to be affected.

Not only Dajiongyan, but even the cadres around were very angry, especially the hero who brought it back to the association, felt the burning pain on his face.

"You bastard, do you know what this place is?" Hero stood angrily and pointed at Poros and scolded, "It was you who wanted to join our weirdo association, so I gave you this chance, but You are so rude, do you think the Weird Association is a second-rate organization?"

Poros sneered a few times, and it glanced at the monster King Dashe and said, "It's true that I want to join your Monster Association, but I never listen to the orders of the weak, especially you group of trash and garbage!"

Da Jiongyan began to tremble all over. She hadn't encountered such a thorny monster for a long, long time. Although she admitted that Poros was very powerful, this was the Monster Association!
It can even be said that a dragon-level weirdo here is not a rare Chinese cabbage. Just the cadres here, which one is not a dragon-level weirdo?

How could this one-eyed monster look down on them so much?
Haojie came out at this time, and he said to Da Jiongyan angrily: "Let me teach this thorny head a lesson, after all, this guy is the trouble I introduced, let me teach him what is called Respect your elders."


This miscellaneous fish really dared to say that when he was fighting and plundering wantonly in the universe, this guy didn't know where he was playing tricks, but now he dares to say that he is his predecessor?

Really impatient to live.

Poros stared at the hero with the eyes of a dead man.

The strange man Wang Dashe was still silent on the throne, and Da Jiongyan seemed to have noticed this strange situation. According to her understanding of the former, usually such meaningless quarrels and battles would be strongly suppressed by the strange man Wang Dashe at this time.

But at this time, the eccentric Wang Dashe actually allowed this meaningless battle to happen?
Da Jiongyan suddenly realized what was going on, she stared at Poros curiously, suspiciously guessing in her heart, "Is it because of this weirdo?"

Not only the big piercing eyes, but the monster king snake has been looking at Poros since just now. It is different from heroes and other monsters. It stands on a higher and more distant realm.

So it can also see the terrifying energy emanating from Poros' body. Sure enough, only by touching it in person can it understand some deeper things.

So what would happen if he confronted Poros?
The strange man Wang Dashe's mind was full of this question.

So it has thought about not stopping the hero's actions, and it really wants to see for itself what Poros' methods are like.

The hero's tall body is close to 10 meters, while Poros's height is only 2.4 meters. At this time, the two sides look like a giant and a dwarf.

"It's too late for you to regret it now. The strength of our Weird Association is beyond your imagination." After Haojie finished speaking, he raised his arms high, exuding a depressing and dull atmosphere.

But in the next second, Haojie didn't even react, and was punched by Poros and flew away. His tall body was even sent flying out. There was an instant gap between the edge of the hall and the hard wall. close contact.

The sound of falling gravel was accompanied by a shock, which gradually brought the dazed weirdos back to their senses.

They are aware of the fact that the hero has suffered a big loss?

(End of this chapter)

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