Five to five from one punch

Chapter 214 The Intervention of the Weird King Serpent

Chapter 214 The Intervention of the Weird King Serpent
Da Jiongyan and the rest of the weirdo friends were shocked.

The hero's strength also belongs to the outstanding group in the Weird Association, not to mention that it is proficient in the martial arts used by humans.

Simply put, this is a monster with a physique far beyond human beings and proficient in various martial arts.

Unexpectedly, in the first collision, Hero suffered a big loss, such a situation is very rare
"Hmph, miscellaneous fish!", Poros' tone and expression seemed to have done something unimportant, and he had never paid attention to this weird man named Hero from the very beginning.

Boom, boom, boom.
Poros was paying attention to the dark and boundless abyss, and the continuous vibration sound came from inside, "Hmph, there is still something about this miscellaneous fish."

Haojie ran towards Poros's position with all his strength, and every time he took a step, he would step on a deep crack in the spot.
In just a few breaths, the hero reappeared in front of everyone. The slightly gray scar on its upper body was like a ditch that was dug and then abandoned, reminding how it was blown away by Poros just now. .
Haojie didn't let go of any harsh words, he rushed towards Poros without saying a word, and the latter also responded to him without hesitation.

The violent and astonishing collision between the two sides began to fight continuously in this vast place.

The ugly big president watched the two people fight each other from time to time above the hall, resulting in flickering figures. He said helplessly, "Isn't this too fast?"

The cat weirdo spoke to the ugly big president in a mocking manner, "Can't even you see the movements of the two of them clearly?"

The ugly big president scratched his head. He was very embarrassed and explained: "I really can't see clearly. You also know that last time I challenged the hero and was beaten violently. Maybe I have to strengthen the muscles of the whole body and greatly strengthen the physical state to capture it. to such a high-speed dynamic.”

The weirdo King Dashe didn't have much interest in the discussions among other weirdos.

Until it gave a faint "Huh?"

There was an astonishing explosion sound from the ceiling above, which once made the ugly president and other weirdos cover their ears.

Then, a huge body fell from above.

A huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and in the deep pit with cracks, the scarred hero lay powerlessly in it.

Poros then also fell from above, causing several wounds on its face, and even dents of different sizes appeared on the golden yellow armor.

"Hmph, this kind of thing called martial arts does have merit." Poros said in praise.

As soon as the words fell, traces of elusive white smoke began to emit from the wound on Poros' face, and then the wound disappeared.

Haojie's body was crumbling, he struggled to stand up, "You bastard, don't look down on martial arts!"

"It's you I look down on!" Poros grinned loudly, he folded his hands together, and the terrifying energy in the palms was instantly compressed and gathered into a super-dense black charged energy ball.

Haojie sensed the danger on this energy ball, and his intuition was frantically alerting him to retreat.

But...if he backs off, then this battle also means he loses.

"Hahaha, miscellaneous fish, I allow you to retreat, but don't die!" Poros shouted arrogantly at the hero.

As partners in the same association, some cadres can't stand it anymore. If you win, you win. Why do you want to humiliate others?
Although the phoenix man didn't really want to take care of such things, he instinctively didn't like this weird guy named Poros.

The big president, the gums, the cat and other weirdos feel that it has nothing to do with themselves. Even if the hero is really dead, he will at most pretend to shed a few tears to express his sorrow.

The monster king snake finally moved at this time. It can be regarded as spying on something in this battle. It can no longer let Poros continue to fight, otherwise it will soon turn into a cadre of the Monster Association and stage a chaotic fight with it. I'm afraid the final result will be that the cadres of the association will suffer heavy losses.

Such a result, the weirdo Wang Dashe and Da Jiongyan couldn't accept it. After all, the Weirdman Association will launch the first shot of war against human beings starting tomorrow.

On the night before the war, it is absolutely unacceptable for something to damage the strength to happen.

The weird king snake stood up, its tall body was unimaginable to everyone.

Asura Unicorn looked at the leader of the weirdo association, and it said to itself in shock: "Oh, you know it's very tall just sitting down, but I didn't expect it to be even more exaggerated when it stood up. Probably more than 45 meters tall."

Seeing the movement of the monster king snake, Poros thought to himself: "This guy is finally willing to get up."

Although it looks down on the Weird Association, it is not enough to ridicule for no reason and bombard it with maps as soon as it comes in.

Poros never forgot the task Baiyu gave it. The reason why it intentionally made enemies as soon as it came in was because it wanted to show off its skills so that these guys could not underestimate it. Perhaps being able to obtain power and status far beyond that of a cadre will be more conducive to the subsequent [-]-year-old plan.

It seems that the expected effect has been achieved, and the leader of the opponent can no longer sit still.

Standing up, the monster King Dashe said to Poros: "I admit your great strength, but the Monster Association is not a soft orange that can be manipulated by others, stop it... Poros!"

"Hmph, don't be kidding, your name is the weirdo king snake, right?" Poros looked up at the other party and taunted, "Don't you think that being big means strength?"

This guy is so hard to communicate with...

The weird Wang Dashe didn't know if the other party did it on purpose, or what...

It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable, and maybe the opponent wants to use this to test himself.

Then, let's fight!

Da Jiongyan waved her hand, signaling the cadres around to back off, and at the same time she used her super power to divert the hero who was struggling to stand up straight, lest he wait to die in the aftermath of the unknown Aoe battle.

The monster king snake who stood up had an incomparably huge body, and just looking at it with his eyes made people feel an undeniable sense of power.

Poros also felt the terrifying energy in the monster king snake. It put away its arrogant and domineering expression, but it didn't expect this monster to be stronger than it imagined.

Shouldn't it correspond to the prophecy of his own battle, but he was actually talking about this weirdo King Da She?

The excitement forced Poros to blast the energy in his hands at the monster king snake, and the latter also noticed this move.

Behind the monster king snake, several black shadows in the shape of strips broke out, and in front of the black shadows was a terrifying snake head with scales.

Several snake heads closed together, and huge energy gathered on top of the monster king snake, and then dazzling energy began to erupt, and one purple and one black energy cannons collided together in an instant.

The first confrontation between Poros and the monster King Da She was staged in the eyes of all the cadres and monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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