Five to five from one punch

Chapter 217 The Angry Metal Bat

Chapter 217 The Angry Metal Bat
The martial arts conference is about to begin.

The Wushu Conference held every few years is located in the city center.

It was organized with a large capital injection from the Martial Arts Association. After many days of publicity and fermentation, the surrounding area outside the venue can only be described in four words, it is crowded!

Waiting room.

Bai Yu was quietly scrolling through the short videos on the phone.

To be honest, the venue of this martial arts conference is very large, and there are many spectators, not to mention the scale.

This was indeed beyond Bai Yu's expectations. Originally, he thought it would be a kind of small circle communication competition, but he never expected it to be so grand.

Putting down the phone, Bai Yu picked up a match schedule and glanced at it.

The contestants are all seeded candidates belonging to various genres.

Nether body boxing school, Shanghai style karate school, sunflower dojo's gentle body protection school, Kudao school of martial arts, Ku Chong school of boxing, dark hell killing school, etc., all kinds of schools are countless.

Bai Yu seemed to have seen a familiar guy on this schedule.

Explosive mountain!

Is this guy also coming to this martial arts conference?
This is really a narrow road for enemies!
Just when Bai Yu was feeling bored, a guy with a double chin walked up to the gate.

He said arrogantly: "Hey, is this the big brother of the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist school?"

Since the hungry wolf drove away the people in the dojo, only Baiyu and Chalanzi remained in Master Banggu's genre, so of course he has also become a senior brother
Although this name is a bit weird, after all, it always reminds Bai Yu of that Senior Brother Duan Shui Liu.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Yu punched the double-jawed guy away. After all, he came to his lounge before the game to bother him, and the first sentence was so arrogant, so he was probably looking for something.

It is estimated that the next routine should be that the other party maliciously slanders and ridicules himself, and then let himself retreat in spite of the difficulties, don't be ashamed here.

In the end, Bai Yu became a blockbuster in the following martial arts competition, and of course staged a revenge routine for the bastard who slandered her.

Then it seemed reasonable for Bai Yu to omit this process and directly beat this guy up.

Anyway, according to the normal development, I still have to beat him on the field in the end
No problem.

After the beating, he really felt refreshed. Bai Yu stretched his waist. If there is no competition later, he really wants to sleep here like this.

The phone was vibrating, and a familiar ringtone rang.

After Bai Yu took a look, he answered the call. It was from the vaccine person.

A few minutes later, Bai Yu put the phone back on the table. He looked at the ceiling and murmured, "Assault. The Weird Association is going to attack the human city today and kidnap a rich man and his son?"

Sure enough, it was right to send two or five youngsters to the Weird Association. There are people inside, and the news comes quickly.

Bai Yu took out his exclusive communication machine and informed the association of the news. As for whether they believed it or how to deal with it, it was none of his business.

Inside a sushi restaurant.

Metal Bat looked at the father and son in front of him speechlessly.

If possible, he would not hesitate to beat the father and son with his own bat.

"Hey, remember to put the sushi plate back away after you finish eating." The metal bat looked at the operation of the father and son, feeling uncomfortable.

The kid in a suit with an arrogant face ignored the advice of the metal bat, but excitedly said to his father beside him, "That's amazing, Dad, the sushi is actually spinning on the machine."

"Ahaha, I didn't expect the sushi of common people to be quite innovative. I always thought that it was only eaten by animals. It seems that I have to change it." The guy called the father by the child replied arrogantly road.

The two happily wiped out the sushi on the plate, and even put the plate back on the machine after eating the sushi on the plate.

He didn't listen to the metal bat's advice at all.

"Hey, you two guys, you can't put it back after eating. When you count the money, you have to use the plates you have eaten." The metal bat reminded a little annoyed.

The wealthy father and son still didn't take it seriously, and the son even said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I think it's very polite to put it back after eating."

After finishing speaking, the rich father and son still went their own way.

Metal Bat is already thinking about whether to send these two guys to the hospital
Just as the metal bat was thinking this way, the ground suddenly shook violently.

"What's going on, why is there a sudden earthquake?", Metal Bat murmured to himself for no reason.

Could it be the hungry wolf?

At this moment, the ground burst instantly, and several monsters got out from the ground. One of the centipede monsters clamped the rich man's son on his upper body, trying to take him away from this place.

Damn it, the hungry wolf didn't come, but the strange man came instead?

Why did the weirdo want to catch this worthless father and son?
After the metal bat spat a few times into the palm of his hand, he said to the centipede monster, "Bastard, you haven't paid the bill yet, where do you want to go?"

"In short, let's destroy you first!"

City S, a certain park.

Hungry Wolf stood behind Snotlucky and looked at the book called Heroes Illustrated Book together with him.

After a while, Hungry Wolf stroked his beardless chin and said, "Police Dog Man?"

S-class hero No. 12. It looks like a guy in a funny animal costume, and it doesn't show how strong it is.

Well, it is necessary to go over and take a look.

"Okay, the next decision is Police Dog!" Hungry Wolf said happily.

After Snot Xiong heard this, he wanted the uncle to take him to meet the police dog, but at this time the city warning began to play loudly.

"Emergency evacuation alert. Emergency evacuation alert!"

"In the shopping street of City S, traces of strange people appear, and the disaster level is initially determined, ghost!"

"Citizens who are outside, please evacuate in nearby buildings. S-class hero metal bats are currently fighting."

Hungry Wolf showed a ferocious smile, and he reminded the brat Snotty Xiong, "Heard what you said just now, go home quickly, and stop wandering around outside."

Weird people are haunting, and the snot-nosed male is so frightened that tears are about to come out. He hugged his books and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At this time in the sushi restaurant.

Several monsters, including the centipede monster, have all been defeated by metal bats.

He scolded bluntly: "Centipede or something, it's really disgusting!"

Because of the activity of the metal bat, the rich man's son was successfully rescued, and they happily called out to the former: "Oh, brother, you are really powerful, making people feel very safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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