Five to five from one punch

Chapter 218 Water dragon green?

Chapter 218 Water dragon green?

Centipedes are indeed the most disgusting things. Not only do they have a disgusting appearance that can stimulate the appearance of humans, but they also have an extremely hard outer armor.

More importantly, the big one came after hitting the small one.

The hard and sharp legs scratched directly on the face of the metal bat, and it didn't stop there, several legs on the upper body of Senior Centipede began to attack the latter's body one after another.
This most primitive and unreasonable attack is often the most terrifying thing. Blood from the metal bat began to drip on the ground, and he gradually fell to his knees weakly.

The metal bat felt aggrieved. If Senior Centipede was just a ghost-level weirdo, he might not be so passive, but the damn flower next to him kept emitting a hypnotic fragrance to paralyze his movements and nerves.

Senior Centipede's stout body swiftly and violently knocked the metal bat out of the unconscious consciousness.

The body of the metal bat was overwhelmed and smashed several cars.

Looking at the scarred metal bat, Senior Centipede showed a sinister and vicious smile on his disgusting face: "Hmph, is it over?"

With a metal bat, he slammed his weapon on his forehead, even if he suffered more serious injuries due to the concussion, he would not hesitate.

The Overlord Flower monster on the side was immediately stunned, what kind of magical operation is this?
Beat yourself up?
Senior Centipede felt a bad premonition. Its steps turned into sharp knife points, piercing the head of the metal bat. It wanted to end this boring duel, so as not to overturn at the end.

An arc flashed across, and Senior Centipede's forefoot was slammed into the ground. It looked at its interrupted forefoot in disbelief and said, "Impossible! The power is even more terrifying than before?"

The bat hit the ground a few times, and the blood-stained face of the metal bat was slightly fierce. He whispered to Senior Centipede and Bawanghua: "Just now you beat me hard, I remember it clearly. Come down. Let me repay you well, as long as I have the momentum, I will be invincible, after all, you are not monsters like Baiyu."

Martial Arts Conference.

On the aisle leading to the arena, a man with bronzed skin, naked upper body and showing muscular muscles was chatting up a very beautiful staff lady.

"Hey, beautiful lady, please allow me to know your name. When I saw you for the first time, I couldn't help myself. Not only do I want to know your measurements, but I also hope that you can accept it. My date request." After Shuilong finished speaking, he smacked the staff lady triumphantly.

No woman can refuse his love words and tricks, at least Suiryu thinks so.

The staff lady became nervous, and she was a little at a loss. But she didn't seem to have any reason to refuse.

Not only is Shuilong handsome, but he is also the champion of the previous martial arts tournament. More importantly, he is very humorous and masculine. Maybe it won't hurt to try it with him.

"Then my name is Aimi Hitohashi, please give me your advice." Under the wall of the water dragon, the staff lady said her name coyly.

Good job, got it! ! !
Shuilong happily thought that after the Martial Arts Conference was over, he would take this girl to dinner, watch a romantic movie, have a lyrical road trip, and finally find a chance to go to her apartment to have a look. The next thing is not suitable for children, Can't say more.

"Oh my god, it's a handsome knight, so it's true that he came to participate in the competition!" Aimi Hitohashi pushed the water dragon away and ran to Bai Yu.
Water dragon:? ? ?
Why did he have the illusion that he was green?

What is this handsome knight?
Aimi Hitohashi happily said to Bai Yu, "Hello, my name is Aimi Hitohashi, and I'm the vice president of the Cavaliers Support Fan Club. Can you shake my hand?"

It turned out to be a fan, Bai Yu glanced at Aimi Yiqiao, and he shook her hand without thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, the water dragon who was alone in the back, the greenness on his face became more intense.

Aimi Hitohashi pinched Baiyu's palm and refused to let go, she thought happily, "That's great, it turns out that the handsome knight's palm is really smoother than Meiyu's, and this rumor is actually true!!"

Aimi Hitohashi, who finished shaking hands with the idol, didn't seem to be satisfied with it. She continued to say with a reddish face: "Then, can you touch my head?"


Bai Yu felt that there was something wrong with this girl, maybe this was the enthusiasm of the fans?
He casually touched Aimi Yiqiao's head a few times. After all, Baiyu had a lot of experience in handling cats before, and he was a veteran in this regard.

"Hey, hey", Aimi Hitohashi cried out comfortably.

But this kind of cry made Shuilong feel even more uncomfortable. Not only was he bullied, but he was bullied in person?

The water dragon vowed to kill all the tauren in the world, and he turned into the God of War at this moment!
"Hey, you bastard, are you some kind of handsome knight?" Water Dragon came over with a terrifying aura, stood in front of Bai Yu and looked at him carefully: "Well, good guy, you really have a pretty face Look, do you guys know what you did wrong?"

"Who are you?" Bai Yu asked this inexplicable guy.

"You don't even know me, Suiryu. It seems that you haven't done enough homework to participate in the martial arts conference!" After Suiryu finished speaking, he turned to Aimi Yiqiao and asked unwillingly: "Aimi-chan, what do I do today?" I booked a delicious French restaurant tonight, would you like to give me a compliment?"

"Who are you? I don't know you, please don't befriend the staff casually, okay?" Aimi Hitohashi calmly refused.

A hat from Void and Formless was directly put on the water dragon's head. Naturally, he didn't care too much about Aimi Hitohashi, but the feeling of being ntr face to face is really uncomfortable!

water dragon?

Oh, it was Bai Yu, the player who used Nether Body Fist, finally remembered who this guy was. But he didn't seem to know him.

Shuilong felt more and more that Baiyu was an eyesore. Not only was this guy more handsome than him, but he even dared to green him.

"You are also a contestant in this martial arts tournament, let me test your strength." Shuilong stretched out a finger and pointed directly at the center of Baiyu's eyebrows.

Just when they were about to touch, a blue air current wrapped around Bai Yu's hand, and the floating lines like waves slid across the side, and at the same time, he pushed the finger of the water dragon directly into the wall at the side.

The water dragon looked at his own finger that was swallowed up in the wall.
His tone became serious, "Liu Shui Yan Broken Fist, you are Master Banggu's apprentice"

(End of this chapter)

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