Five to five from one punch

Chapter 225 This is the Power Reduction!

Chapter 225 This is the Power Reduction!

Weird Society.

In the bottomless abyss, the walls are covered with stairs formed by muscles, as well as sculptures of various weird shapes.

Da Jiong stared at a half-curved stone well and fell into thought. There was only a strange color of soil in the stone well, and there seemed to be the remains of various creatures in the soil.

A huge phantom appeared behind Dajiongyan, and it said hoarsely, "How about it, Dajiongyan. Did the weirdo we sent over to the human city make a big fuss?"

"Master Wang Dashe, please rest assured. Although a few monsters have been killed by mistake, our side is still overwhelmingly dominant."

"The Hero Association is in a panic. I believe they don't even understand why the strange people invaded the city so much."

After Da Jiongyan finished speaking, she shook her body excitedly, and the one eye on her body began to be bloodshot, as if she could find bursts of twinkling starlight in this eye.
The eccentric Wang Dashe asked curiously, "Has Hero gone out? What is he doing?"

"The hero is heading to the competition venue where the martial arts masters gather. On the way, he seems to have encountered an S-class hero, the Devil Transformer, but he has already defeated him."

"Not only the devil transforms people, but also the metal knight and the metal bat that is about to be defeated. Even most of the heroes have been completely defeated. The combat power of the Hero Association has been greatly weakened."

"Our main monsters haven't been dispatched yet, and you even exist. The victory already belongs to our Monster Association."

After Dajiongyan said this, she suddenly seemed to think of something. She asked a little uncertainly: "The only variable is Poros in our association. It is like a time bomb. It is uncontrollable and very deadly!"

The monster King Da She was silent for a few seconds, and then it said: "If necessary, I will restrain it personally. I believe it is also a monster, so it should still be on our side."

The A-level hero Snake Fist Snake, after all, lost to the martial arts of Nether Fist and Water Dragon, and the latter knocked out the former with one blow.

At the same time, the eye-catching final is coming quietly.

Nether Body Fist Water Dragon VS Liushuiyan Broken Fist White Jade.

The two sides were already standing on the restored stage.

The audience has been looking forward to this battle of the century for a long time. They cheered wildly for their favorite side. After listening carefully, those who are interested can still find that the number of supporters on Baiyu's side far exceeds that of Shuilong. number of people.

Shuilong clapped his hands together fiercely, and he said to Baiyu: "Hey, this moment has come after all, I really want to see how you make me experience the feeling of despair, like the previous game, defeating with one blow me?"

"It's too boring to end with one blow. How can you break your promise when you say you will automatically admit defeat?" Bai Yu opened his hands, like the king of the world embracing this arena, this sky. Free emotion.

"As expected of an S-class hero, it's really pleasant~", the tone of the four words of S-class hero in the water dragon is very strange. It seems to be mocking something.

The referee gave a loud shout and sounded the gong, signaling the start of the final!
Liushuiyan Broken Fist is good at returning to defense and counterattack. To a certain extent, it is a late attack. The most correct way for Shuilong at this time is to test, but... is it necessary?

Shuilong exerted force under his feet, and the clenched fist of his right hand suddenly changed, his body leaped in front of Baiyu in an instant, and at the moment of thunder, he punched Baiyu's face fiercely.

Hit. It's that simple?
Simply make the water dragon feel incredible!


feel wrong
Why does it look like it was hit on a ball of cotton?
The body of Baiyu flying backwards was like a weightless feather. The moment the water dragon lost consciousness, Baiyu's toe kicked the water dragon's chin abruptly.

Water Dragon's combat experience is also very rich. The moment he realized that his hand was not right, he had already been prepared for the enemy's counterattack.

He clasped his hands together to block his chin, defending against Bai Yu's unexpected kick.

But the opponent's powerful force still kicked the water dragon into the air.

The water dragon spun in mid-air to release its force, and landed heavily on the ring again, even smashing the floor into a cracked and irregular-shaped pit
The water dragon with red palms realized that the opponent's strength was not joking.

Bai Yu's body in the air began to gradually fall to the ground again. He smiled and said to the water dragon, "How about it? This kind of martial arts technique is quite fun, what do you think?"

Bai Yu suppressed his own strength, otherwise he would be able to knock this guy out of the water dragon in one blow with just his current attributes. After all, he had promised to make him surrender in despair, so of course he had to keep his promise.

Shuilong's face became gloomy, and he asked Bai Yu: "I punched you in the face, why are you fine? On the contrary, the feeling just now was so strange. It's as if my power was removed drop, then."

Bai Yu sympathetically answered the water dragon: "Removing force, it is relieving force. This is a technique that an old man has studied all his life. To be honest, I only used it once, because I have always felt that relieving force is not very suitable for me. , but I think it’s quite fun to use it on you now, after all.

It's an insult.

The other party was hitting himself in the face with an advanced martial art technique, and told himself that this technique was used for the first time because he thought it was not suitable for him.
Although it is not suitable, it is still very useful to bully yourself.

"Damn things!"

Shuilong's eyes were red, his shirt was directly shattered, his strong bronze-colored muscles began to agitate, and the momentum exuding from his body began to transform into a sense of oppression.

He rushed towards Bai Yu.

"Nether Body Sky Roar!"

Several black phantoms appeared on the palm of the water dragon, and this phantom gradually turned into a terrifying flame, and then the flame began to twist and rotate and adhere to the palm, and the two complemented each other.

This blow still hit Bai Yu's face, at this moment.
Bai Yu's whole body twisted involuntarily, and a huge air blast exploded behind him!
Shuilong still didn't feel right with his hands, and he understood his attack, and he still couldn't break through this trick of "reducing force"!
Just as the water dragon expected, in the next second...he was kicked flying by Bai Yu with the same movement.

The water dragon hit the ground directly, and his fists slammed down on the floor. If he didn't do this, he would even be kicked out by Bai Yu.

The right cheek was swollen. "Hiss, it hurts." Shuilong felt the pain from the right cheek.

He looked at the still unscathed Bai Yu standing there.
Bai Yu didn't attack him, and Shuilong also understood what the other party meant, he was telling himself arrogantly.

"Come on, use all your strength. In the end, you will still find that you are doing useless work. Even if I don't attack you, you will not be able to defeat me. Your only choice is one. That is to admit defeat!"

(End of this chapter)

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