Five to five from one punch

Chapter 226 Helpless

Chapter 226 Helpless
It is not impossible to break the stilling force.

Master Mizutori once said that martial arts can be divided into "two poles" since ancient times, and can also be regarded as Yin and Yang.

Although yin and yang, but there is no fixed answer.

Shuilong's talent in martial arts is naturally very impressive. After today's blow, he probably touched something.

Soft and rigid!
These two figures can be found in any boxing method and any martial art.

For example, my Nether Body Fist is the best explanation for the concept of "rigid". Nether Body Fist is almost all offensive moves, but it does not mean that there are no defensive moves, but compared with offensive moves, Nether Body Fist Fist's defensive moves are not very eye-catching.

If it comes to "softness", Liushuiyan Shattering Fist contains this word or it is a combination of rigidity and softness.

The current trick called "reducing force" is probably the best interpretation of the word "soft".

If the water dragon wants to defeat this move directly, the best way is to start with "rigid", such as the strongest offensive move, and use the most powerful force to defeat this force that represents "softness".

A raging fire can evaporate a drop of water, and a raging ocean wave can annihilate a fire.

There is no absolute fairness in the two matters. Softness can overcome rigidity, but stronger rigidity can counterattack softness.
Finding the most direct solution, Shuilong smiled happily, but this once caused the pain on his cheek to become more intense.

Seeing Shuilong's stupid look, Bai Yu probably had a clue in his heart, "Come on, Shuilong, let me see how scary you are!"

"Don't underestimate me, Bai Yu!" After the water dragon roared, a spiral breath wrapped around his right hand, and he concentrated his whole body strength on one punch. The power of this blow could penetrate the huge rock without any problem.

Underworld Phoenix Fist!
This time, Shuilong placed the point of impact of his fist on Bai Yu's chest. The Nether Body Fengsheng Fist has the effect of strangling from the inner center to the outside, so this is the best point to punch.

Bai Yu still stood where he was, and didn't dodge like this, he insisted on doing this
Shuilong thinks this will be the biggest reason for Baiyu's failure, arrogance!

"bang bang"

As the loud noise came out, the water dragon hit Baiyu again as he wished, but he still couldn't be happy because the feel of the blow was still not right.

The arm with which he punches is facing the sky with the back of his hand, which is a normal posture for punching, but now under unexpected circumstances, it has turned into a posture with the palm facing the sky.
Fist and forearm, twisted 180 degrees
Driven by the Nether Body Feng Sheng Fist, Bai Yu's body began to spin 360 degrees crazily in front of the water dragon.
"Can this also relieve the force?", the water dragon was shocked, and then he was kicked out again.

Touching his left cheek, Shuilong knew it was swollen again, and now it was finally symmetrical with the right.

Seeing Bai Yu continue to act like a normal person, standing where he was, Shui Long actually began to feel a wave of shaking in his heart. A stronger power can break the opponent's resistance, but do you have this power?

If Baiyu knew what Shuilong was thinking, he would definitely tell him generously that you don't have the power
Next, Shuilong suppressed the fear in his heart, and he performed various moves of Nether Body Fist, including Dragon, Tiger, Shock, and Crack.

But it's all useless work.

He was like a poor five-year-old child who kept attacking Bai Yu and was beaten back mercilessly.

Suiryu remembered that when he first stepped into martial arts, he seemed to have tried to attack Master Mizutori like this, but every time he was hanged and beaten by the latter, exactly the same as the current situation.

In the auditorium, after seeing this scene, they all started talking.

"No way, why does this water dragon look so weak?", from a passer-by A.

"Oh my God, I'm still his fan, I didn't expect that he couldn't even break the opponent's first move, which makes me so disappointed.", from a passerby A B.

"Damn, I made the wrong bet. I thought the champion would be strong. If I knew it, I would have bet on the handsome knight." From a certain gambler passer-by C.

Some people on the side of the high-level martial arts, although they are now in high positions, but their eyes are still vicious, they have already seen the tricks.

It's not that the water dragon is too weak, but that this white jade is too strong.

This technique called stilling force is really outstanding and it makes people feel very miraculous, but no one can use it for its miraculous tricks.

If they went up to use this force-relieving force, they might not have been blown away by the water dragon with the underworld imitation beast fist at the beginning.

There is only one most important reason for the current situation, and that is Baiyu's own basic strength, which is too scary. I'm afraid it is not on the same level as Shuilong or even their group.

Having been beaten into the air countless times, Shuilong may have seen the fact in his heart, that is, the strength gap between the two sides is too great, and it becomes like a joke to rely on the strongest strength to break the stillness.

However, he still didn't want to believe that the water dragon prayed for all of this. It's just that the reason for the powerful de-energizing move was not because of the strength gap between himself and Bai Yu.

The water dragon failed to attack again and was sent flying above the ring.

After a few seconds, he continued to hold on. Standing up, he said to Bai Yu, "You only know this trick?"

"Aren't you a big brother of the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist school?"

Shuilong was annoyed at his current self, because he couldn't solve this trick, so he chose to use the aggressive method to trick his opponent.

It was a shame but there was nothing he could do now.

"Then I don't need it." Bai Yu said lightly.


Shuilong was dumbfounded, he just tried the aggressive method helplessly, but the other party actually agreed?
If Bai Yu didn't need to calm down, then maybe he could really defeat the opponent.

An emotion called hope surged in Suiryu's heart, although he also knew that this was a shameful thing for warriors.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Shuilong wants to win this game too much, if he can lower his brother's 5cm in exchange for victory in this game, he will definitely agree.

Bai Yu took off her coat, still on the ground
He took a horse stance, and swung his palms in the air. The azure blue energy gas was entwined in the palm of his hand, and the movement of Liushuiyanshattering fist was very beautiful, which would make people unconsciously attracted by this artistic scene Attracts, even water dragons.
If Nether Body Fist could be so handsome, maybe it would be easier for him to pick up girls.

When Shuilong thought this way, his eyes widened abruptly, as if seeing an incredible scene.

The azure blue wavy airflow on the white jade hands has gradually transformed into a silvery white. It is rubbing against the burning flame.
The latter said to the water dragon with a smile at this time: "Sure enough. I knew that the device of dissipating force is not suitable for me. It is really a bit blunt to use, but this kind of trick is deeply in my heart."

"True Flowing Rock Broken Fist, please give Baiyu some advice." Baiyu said to Shuilong as he performed the most famous boxing technique of the school.

(End of this chapter)

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