Five to five from one punch

Chapter 227 This Man Turns Out to Be Bai Yu

Chapter 227 This Man Turns Out to Be Bai Yu

With a grunt, the water dragon swallowed unconsciously.

What the hell is this?
Really. Flowing Rock Shattering Fist?
Are you sure you won't be called a villain by Master Banggu?
Human beings are full of fear in the face of the unknown, and the water dragon is also like this at this time. He is more or less familiar with Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, but...really, what is Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, he has never heard of it Pass.

"Come on, water dragon, you will find yourself jumping from a deep pit into an even more difficult abyss." Bai Yu said to the water dragon with a smile.

Shuilong took a step forward, he raised his hands, and from the angle he could see, he placed Baiyu's entire body between his hands.

In an instant, the water dragon's feet smashed to the ground, and the whole person appeared in front of Bai Yu. Immediately after, he pretended to be swaying, and jumped behind Bai Yu with a backflip, and threw a swift elbow towards the latter's head.

Taking it easy, Bai Yu pressed the palm of Shui Long's elbow, Shui Long was not surprised by this, if he could defeat Bai Yu in this way, what else in the world would he not be able to do?
Now is the best time to attack, Shuilong used his feet to exert strength, and his fists were aimed at Baiyu like bull horns. He murmured: "The horns of the underworld body shock the sky!"

A dark phantom resembling a bull's head appeared on the body of the water dragon, and the black shadow with sharp horns wrapped in both fists rushed towards Baiyu.

Good guy, the tauren is by my side!

Bai Yu closed her eyes and switched to defensive mimicry mode.

Just when the water dragon was about to win, Bai Yu pinched the water dragon's wrist firmly with both hands, the momentum of the latter couldn't even move Bai Yu's position by one centimeter.

Rock solid! !
This word came to Suiron's mind.

Perhaps I don't know. Is it because he was misunderstood by Bai Yu? He seems to have seen a phantom of a domineering armor appearing on Bai Yu's body.

True Flowing Rock Shattering Fist's defensive mimicry mode can give white jade 50.00% of its defensive attributes, and it can even obtain [-]% damage reduction and immune control effects.

If Bai Yu could still be broken by the water dragon's attack, he would simply commit suicide on the spot.

What's more important is the follow-up effect of this defensive mimicry. Bai Yu pulled the water dragon over with both hands, and then hit the water dragon with half of her shoulders.

The water dragon was unbearable on the spot, and the whole person flew out directly.

Pain, it hurts.

Water dragon has never tried so painful.

His body seemed to be split in half, and there seemed to be something blocked in his throat, and he couldn't spit out fast.

This fishy-sweet sensation made the water dragon extremely uncomfortable, and he went straight to the ground, vomiting out a few mouthfuls of bright red liquid.

Although Bai Yu controlled his own strength, the counterattack of the defense mimicry was added with the damage bonus of the trick called "Tauren Impact" that the water dragon just used on him.

To a certain extent, it can be said that the water dragon is his own fault.

If Bai Yu wanted to win this match, he could go over and kick the fainting water dragon now, but he still stood still, waiting for the water dragon to stand up.

Shuilong lived up to expectations, braced his body, and stood up regardless of his injuries.

It's just that this will only make Shuilong feel more severe pain, and he even thought about whether he should just pass out like this.

If you can't win, you can't win this game.

Such an idea has already appeared in Suilong's heart.

He kiss understands that the gap between the two cannot be shortened or even approached in a short period of time. Suiryu is extremely eager for the kind of temporary explosion miracle that exists in comics to appear on him.

Perhaps only in this way, he can still hope to win the game.

What is the reason that supports the water dragon to continue fighting, he can no longer say a reason, the water dragon started to run towards Bai Yu's position,

Punches, kicks, knives, whips.
What kind of martial arts, what kind of Nether Body Fist and water dragon can no longer be used, and he is attacking Bai Yu by instinct.

But in exchange for a more merciless beating.

The water dragon was knocked out again
This time, he really didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The injuries on his body became more and more serious, and if he continued to fight, he would die, right?

The water dragon thought so.

Bai Yu walked to the side of the water dragon and said, "Desperate?"

Shuilong smiled and replied, "Desperate."

"I don't need that move just now, you can continue to attack me, just let me feel how terrifying you are as a martial artist." After Bai Yu finished speaking, she opened her arms and let the water dragon attack him.

Shuilong licked his lips, he really wanted to tell Baiyu loudly, "You are a devil, right? In anime, you are a big villain."

How about throwing in the towel?

This thought popped into Shuilong's mind.

But if he did so, he would deny the meaning of the first half of Shuilong's life, and prove himself wrong.

Are heroes that good?
You have to admit defeat, apologize to them, and prove yourself wrong.

Shuiru closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He opened his mouth slightly.

"I don't want it!!!"

After a loud roar, Shuilong stood up like a carp, and launched a sneak attack on Baiyu who was standing beside him.

Nether Body Fierce Ten Killing Fist.

Although Shuilong was beaten badly, he also gained a lot in this battle. He obviously wanted to admit defeat just now, but in the end he still chose to resist. The power that suddenly emerged from his body gave him Emboldened.

Maybe he got a blessing in disguise this time and made a new breakthrough.

space is divided
The wind soared into the sky!

Including the water dragon himself, he had a blow containing killing intent, and he was crushed by the gust of wind as soon as he gathered his momentum, and he didn't even understand how he appeared in midair.

Slowly, Shuilong began to feel that his thinking was slowing down, and often it only took a moment to make a decision. He felt that this thinking time was prolonged ineffectively.
The water dragon wanted to raise his hand, but couldn't.

It feels like the order from the brain is delayed by something.
A black shadow blocked the sun in the sky, as if creating the illusion of a corona.

it seems like a person
Who is it?
Can't remember?
By the way, the water dragon forgot what exactly he was doing here?
Why is he here?

Ah. It's so annoying, why can't I remember, my brain seems to be rusty.

A handsome and outrageous face appeared in Shuilong's eyes, and the wildly dancing red hair seemed to be mocking him.

Shuilong discovered that the black figure blocking the sun was a man. Why did this man feel so familiar? He seemed to hate this red-haired man very much.

Obviously the other party is very good-looking, Shuilong has an urge to fencing with the other party, but why does he hate this man so much.

"Gangfeng. Absolute Strike", the red-haired man's voice reached the water dragon's ears.

It felt like ten minutes had passed, but Suiryu finally remembered.

This red-haired man is Bai Yu!

(End of this chapter)

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