Five to five from one punch

Chapter 228 Genos is Careless Again

Chapter 228 Genos is Careless Again

The entire arena began to fester.

The fierce gust of wind surrounded the arena. Under the relentless gust of wind, the hard arena was as fragile as tofu, and it would shatter when touched.
After the gust of wind disappeared, the arena had long since disappeared, leaving behind a huge pit
In the deep pit, the figures of Baiyu and Water Dragon appeared in the pit. The former's index finger and middle finger touched the head of the water dragon, while the latter's eyes collapsed at this time, and he kept chanting: "I give up, I give up. I give up. "

The water dragon kept repeating this sentence.

After the entire auditorium fell silent for a while, they seemed to realize what had happened.

"Wuhu, Bai Yu, a one-trick male, won!"

"Hahahaha, I knew it was right to suppress him. I made money this time."

"Handsome knight, I want to have a baby with you, remember my phone number, 135******."

The referee finally came to his senses, he took the microphone and shouted loudly: "The winner is Bai Yu of the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist style!"

"This year's Martial Arts Tournament, the champion belongs to Bai Yu, now all of us salute and cheer for the champion!"

Bai Yustruck his hair, and he said to himself, "I won, and I completed two tasks in one go. I'm really happy."

He glanced at the water dragon who was still lying on the ground, and the latter was still repeating the three words "I surrender" at this time.
The water dragon was hit by his Blast Formation. Although Bai Yu kept his hand in the end and didn't really hit him, but in the process of casting it, he was also affected by the confusion of thinking
After about 10 minutes, he will return to his original state.

Bai Yu didn't take care of the water dragon anymore, instead, after taking the champion's bonus, he walked back to the waiting room in the arena.

Saitama was in the audience, always being a melon eater. He crazily stuffed chocolate biscuits into his mouth, "It's amazing, I really want to try Baiyu's trick for myself."

Sure enough, martial arts are still very interesting, but only for Bai Yu.

When the bald head was thinking this way, the phone in his pocket vibrated and a ringtone came out at the same time.

Saitama thought it was Genos' call, so he answered, "Moshi Moshi, what's wrong?"

"Help, Saitama!", King's cry for help came from the phone
Saitama asked seriously: "What's the matter, did something happen to you?"

"There are a lot of weirdos, Mr. Saitama. There are a lot of weirdos out there, and even a few of them are following me. They say that I am strong and insist on competing with me. Who doesn't know this, but my strength is all fake. , come and save me!!", King said crying.

"Where are you now?" Saitama asked.

After King reported an address, Saitama hung up the phone. Although he heard Genos said that there were strange people attacking outside, he didn't expect that there were so many strange people in so many cities at the same time.
Bai Yu's game was over, and Saitama left the arena, running towards King's goal at high speed, and even killed several monsters blocking his way along the way.

Outside the arena, half of Janos' body was embedded in the ground.

Half of his head was shattered, and the electric arc sizzled.

"I didn't expect that I would be careless again after all." Genos said angrily.

Not long ago, a compound-eyed monster with a body nearly ten meters high appeared in front of Genos.

Although judging from the aura emanating from the opponent, this is indeed a very powerful monster, but Genos believes that he can still defeat the opponent.

After all, he just defeated a ghost monster, didn't he?

The confident Genos launched an attack on this strange man named Hero.
But his incinerator, which was extremely sharp in the past, was of no use to this hero. Instead, he ridiculed him that it was a play flame for barbecue.

Just ask, can this be tolerated?

Genos fired all his firepower on the spot, accelerated his athletic ability with the help of powerful flame jets, and beat the hero hard.

But Genos really didn't expect that this weird guy named Hero had thick skin and thick flesh, so he couldn't hit the opponent at all.

What's even more unbelievable is that this weirdo named Hero actually knows martial arts!
Genos couldn't even survive two moves in the hands of this weird guy named Haojie, and then he was hammered into the ground.

Afterwards, Janos breathed a sigh of relief watching Haojie walk towards the arena.

It turned out that this powerful monster was going to the arena.

If that's the case, it's fine.
The teachers are all there.

This hero went there, only to seek his own death.

To use what Teacher Bai Yu usually said to describe it, that is, the meat bun beats the dog, and there is no return.

Now that the hero is dead, Genos didn't worry about him causing any waves. He reported the news he knew to the Hero Association, and then sent a recovery signal to Dr. Kunos for help.
He's going into the factory for repairs again.

Maybe after replacing the new parts this time, it can become stronger again.

In a downtown area of ​​a certain city.

A huge octopus tentacles appeared in it, wreaking havoc everywhere.

Its huge body and powerful strength make it difficult for all B-level and A-level heroes to parry.

Horrific multiple eyes gradually appeared on this octopus monster and on its tentacles.

It began to absorb the destroyed buildings and soil to strengthen its body and strength.

The strength of the opponent made the heroes despair, and they even thought that this was the strongest and most vicious monster in human history.

Even after that, the eighth A-level named Gatlin of Death and many A-level heroes could not defeat this monster octopus.

And at this time, a hero who looks more like a woman appeared, the shining Flash!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he let all the heroes watch him perform, saying that he could solve this huge octopus monster alone.

The flashing Flash decided that the eyes of the monster octopus were the weak point. His lightning-like speed was astounding. In just one second, he put on a blooming show on each eye of the monster octopus.

The eyes are indeed the weak point of the octopus monster, but this operation of the flashing Flash made the octopus monster fall into a state of rampage, and it became even bigger and more terrifying.

The city was destroyed in an instant
A certain A-level hero said desperately: "Isn't this even more counterproductive? It caused even more unnecessary disasters!"

The flashing Flash fell silent for a while, and he seemed to think it was right.
Flash, who was slapped in the face, had to save his face. He said to everyone: "Don't panic, let him try my trick!!"

However, there was no opportunity for the flashing Flash to perform. The monster octopus was directly pulled into the sky by a strong gravitational force, and the huge green energy filled the land.

(End of this chapter)

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