Five to five from one punch

Chapter 232 Bai Yu Has Been Strong Again

Chapter 232 Bai Yu Has Been Strong Again
After Haojie watched Baoshan eat several strange cells, he said lightly, "Hehe, what a greedy guy."

After eating the weirdo cells, the dissatisfied roared at the hero himself: "Hero! Shut up, my uncle. After I turn into a weirdo, I will make you lose your composure. I swear that I will beat everyone Kill all the tall guys, especially that Bai Yu!"

In the next second, there was a painful scream from Baoshan, and he fell to the ground.

Junjie thinks this guy failed to transform.

Snake Fist Snake and Lightning Max took advantage of this opportunity to launch a sneak attack on the hero, while the water dragon was very unscrupulous, directly jumping to the sky above the arena alone, and jumped with all its strength!
Impossible to win. It is impossible for them all combined to defeat this hero.

Now is the only time to escape.

Just when the water dragon jumped into the air, the monster-shaped Explosive Mountain appeared in front of his eyes.

The latter yelled: "You have nowhere to escape!" Then he clasped his hands together and hammered the water dragon to the ground.

Looking at the success of the strange man, Haojie said, "It's a miracle that he got used to it."

10 minutes ago.

Bai Yu put down the phone dissatisfied.

These guys from the Heroes' Association really know how to summon people.

He actually wanted to kill a centipede by himself.
Won't they find an angry chicken to kill the centipede?
He is very busy!
Bai Yu opened his personal panel, directly added all 14 attributes to it, and finally changed to .

personal attributes

Power: 63
Defense: 62
Agility: 62
Mindfulness: 30

ε=(ο`*))) Oh, I became stronger again, what a boring and unpretentious path.

In addition to attribute points, Bai Yu also liked to mention the opportunity to curse the Spoon Killer, as well as the function of unlocking talent templates.

He was extremely interested in the latter, so Bai Yu immediately opened the personal interface, and sure enough, he found a new interface in the favorability template.

An interface appeared in front of Bai Yu's eyes, and there were three colors in the interface, red, green, and blue.

These three colors divide the range of the entire interface, and there are three spaces within the range of each color. The spaces of all colors add up to a total of nine positions.

After Bai Yu clicked on these spaces, a prompt popped up immediately.

Whether to spend Myriad Realms Crystals to buy talent gems.

The corner of Baiyu's mouth twitched, and he knew it. It was full of krypton gold.

In the end he chose "yes".

Then a screen jumped out, showing several stones of three colors with different functions.

After browsing through all of them, Bai Yu finally understood what was going on.

I feel that this talent template is very similar to the inscription in a certain mobile game I played in my previous life.
But this is a simplified version with only nine grids.

Bai Yu calmly thought about it, and then he directly spent the Ten Thousand Realms Crystal to directly purchase nine talent gems, three of each color.

Just arrived, the Myriad Realms Crystal that hasn't been warmed up is gone again.
He directly covered all the gems in his own nine empty boxes.

Suddenly a golden light flickered.
At the upper center of the talent gem interface, the effect of the talent gem is displayed.

Red Gem: Damage to enemies increased by 30.00%
Blue Gem: The damage caused by the enemy to you is reduced by 30.00%

Green Gem: Physical vampire effect increased by 30.00%

Ah, this wave is taking off.

Bai Yu carefully selected the three talent gems with the most practical effects, especially the blood-sucking effect that only green gems have.

This wave of white jade is going to evolve into a ruthless team fighting machine, no, it should be Italian...perpetual motion machine!
In the future, don't call him a one-trick guy, but call him an enemy of ten thousand people!
After all the nine innate gems are filled, a new icon appears in the center. It is also a new skill.

Reverse Teleportation: Choose a familiar character or friendly army in this world. After chanting within five seconds, you will instantly teleport to the selected target regardless of the distance. Effect, cooldown: 3 hours
Bai Yu opened the icon, and there were several heads of people on it, all of whom he was familiar with with bald heads, Genos, Blowing Snow Tornado, and so on.

This teleportation skill is good. It was actually invincible during the period.

It's a pity that there is only five seconds. If it is possible, Bai Yu hopes to extend this time indefinitely, so that he can embarrass himself in front of others or yell at him, but the other party has nothing to do with him.

This wave of mission rewards is simply a profit, and Bai Yu's strength has been raised to another level.

Just as he was enjoying himself, he suddenly remembered that there was another chance to draw a lottery, and Bai Yu used it without thinking.

Now that luck is so good, why don't you use it?
Waiting for the New Year?
A burst of white light flashed.
[Congratulations to the host for the successful extraction, and get: a special version of the same black coat as the God of Gamblers (produced by God of Gamblers)]

Bai Yu:? ? ?
That's it?

What the hell is this?
Bai Yu directly pulled the black coat out of the system backpack.

The workmanship is excellent, the material is great, and the clothes exude a nice fragrance, and the shape is also very good-looking. If you wear it on your shoulders, it is really handsome. But is it useful?
It seems to be really useful.

After all, handsome is a lifetime thing.

Not only that, but Bai Yu also discovered the special effect of this coat: never wear, temperature adjustment, and visual feast.

Never wear means that the coat will not be damaged. It is a simple and practical effect. Temperature adjustment is to adjust the material of the coat according to the host and surrounding temperature. No matter what the weather is, it will make the host feel comfortable.

As for the visual feast. This one seems to be a bit coquettish.

Visual Feast: When the host wears this windbreaker, the charm will be enhanced beyond the norm. When it is paired with music, it will have a shocking visual effect on the surrounding creatures, and the host's force will rise in a straight line. The creatures in the visual shocking effect will easily have a good impression of the host .
It wasn't until the end that Bai Yu discovered that this handsome coat turned out to be a weapon for pretending to be aggressive. Did you match it with the Bgm function?

In a way, this coat is indeed very good.

Satisfied, Bai Yu put the coat on his shoulders, don't get me wrong, he just wanted to try this feeling.
"It seems to fit quite well." Bai Yu murmured happily.

But at this moment, there was a violent vibration from the ceiling.
What's going on out there?

Just now, Bai Yu had been studying the situation of rewards, and he didn't pay attention to what happened outside. He opened the locked door curiously, only to find several guards passed out on the ground.

Something went wrong.
Bai Yu disappeared directly in place.

"It's really embarrassing, Water Dragon!" Uncle Baoshan stared at Water Dragon with the eyes of an ant, and he shouted happily: "How about it, I am still stronger in the end."

Uncle Baoshan looked at the body of the water dragon that started to stand up, he showed an evil smile, and then crazily beat the latter with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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