Five to five from one punch

Chapter 233 The Arrival of the Hero

Chapter 233 The Arrival of the Hero
Above the chaotic city, the big peeping eyes are taking in scene after scene.

She was far away at the Headquarters of the Monster Association and happily said to the Monster King Da She: "Everywhere is full of chaos. It seems that our plan has been very successful. This invasion of human cities has achieved unprecedented results."

"First, let the monsters destroy everywhere, and several cities are full of anxiety and fear, so that human beings realize our power."

"Second, collect hostages that are of special value to the Heroes' Association. For example, the son of the association's director has been kidnapped."

"Thirdly, through this incident, outstanding human monsters are induced to join our camp, and there are also responses from various places where some hidden monsters join our association."

"The Meow Meow monster went to the prison and turned the already vicious prisoners into monsters. Now it has brought this group of newcomers on its way back, and the hero is looking for martial arts experts to transform them into our backbone."

The Monster Association will win this time!

The arena was filled with the wild laughter of Uncle Baoshan.

A big eye shaking its wings appeared next to Haojie's ear, and it said something in the latter's ear.

Then Junjie was a little dissatisfied and said: "Hmph, you underestimate me, big eyes!"

But Junjie also thinks there is no need to stay here.

He ordered to Baoshan: "Newcomer, your name is Baoshan, right? Next, I will take you to the headquarters of the Monster Association. Let's go."

"Ah?", Baoshan stopped torturing the water dragon, and he yelled at the hero, "Bastard, don't order you, Mr. Baoshan!"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Baoshan directly attacked the hero.

However, in the brief confrontation, Uncle Baoshan was easily and violently beaten by the hero, and the former even showed incomparably terrifying power, which calmed down the violent Uncle Baoshan for a time.

Because he realized that he was no match for Haojie.
Give up the explosive mountain that was committed below, and said to the hero: "Then wait for me, I will kill this human being first."

After all, Baoshan walked in front of the water dragon. At this time, the water dragon no longer had the same brilliance as when it came out just now. Several of his teeth even fell out, and the blood formed an ugly shape on his face.
"Hey Baoshan, listen to me, we shouldn't fight each other at all, we are not enemies, and I don't want to fight anymore." Shuilong bowed his head to Baoshan, admitting defeat in disguise.

Baoshan caught the water dragon, showed a kind smile and said: "Uncle Baoshan likes to play with guys who are weaker than himself. This is why I am looking for ways to become stronger. This feeling is really great. what."

After finishing speaking, Baoshan threw down the water dragon, and then stepped on the latter's leg, breaking it directly.
In the arena, the screams of the water dragon filled the surroundings
Aimi Hitohashi, who was hiding aside, even closed her eyes, forcing herself not to watch such a cruel scene.

Enduring the intense humiliation and pain, the water dragon just wanted to escape from here. It's scary. Is the weirdo such a scary thing?
So those heroes have been fighting this horrible thing?

Damn! ! !
Can anyone come and save him?

The two A-level heroes present had already been beaten to death by the hero and the three-eyed crow and fell to the ground. At this time, no one in the field could save the water dragon.

Realizing this, the water dragon began to desperately beg for mercy from Baoshan.

Baoshan accepted the water dragon's begging for mercy very viciously. He can let the water dragon go, but the condition must be that the water dragon licks the soles of his feet.

The water dragon crawled up to Baoshan's feet, then put his right hand on the latter's big toe, and broke it hard. "Baoshan, you human traitor, should I lick you!"

Baoshan's big toe was broken, and compared to the pain, he was even more annoyed at the water dragon's resistance, "Shuilong, I'm going to kill you!"

The water dragon desperately yelled towards the sky, "Help, is there anyone? Come and save me, there are strange people here, very hateful strange people, is there anyone here? Heroes, where are you? If you hear it, Come and save me!"

Shuilong looked at the two A-level heroes who fell on the ground, and he understood that even if these two people who were weaker than him stood up, the current situation of the battle would not be changed.

But Shuilong just wanted them to stand up again, even if it was a perfunctory way for him.

He shed tears, "Please, hero, can you stand up again?"

"Heroes won't come, they are all dealing with the commotion outside, by the way, Baiyu seems to be an S-level hero, but he should have left the arena long ago, and now you are going to die here.", Baoshan saw the water dragon This crying look is inexplicably funny.

Bai Yu is right, Bai Yu is an S-class hero.

The water dragon seemed to be grasping at the last straw, and he shouted with all his strength, "Bai Yu, if you are a hero, please stand in front of me."

The water dragon fell into endless darkness, until now he understands that only when he falls into complete despair, will he seek the existence of light, no matter how small the light is, as long as there is light, there is hope, and the hero is that light.

"No, there is no light, only despair!" Junjie said indifferently, and then he seemed to be very concerned and said, "Who is Baiyu, is he the champion of this martial arts conference?"

Baoshan stomped on the water dragon with all his strength, he was already tired of this toy.


So hot!

How is this going?

Baoshan found that the soles of his feet were very hot, and he couldn't step on the soles of his feet. It wasn't that his soles were fixed by something!
The water dragon froze.
Bai Yu really appeared in front of his eyes.

There was so much trouble in the arena, Bai Yu never showed up, and Shuilong always thought that Bai Yu had left here very early.

"It's no wonder that such a thing happened. It turned out that strange people invaded. As expected, I shouldn't be researching rewards at this time." Bai Yu said coldly.

"Baiyu." Uncle Baoshan was stunned, he thought this guy was no longer here.

"I knew that when you were in despair, you would also look forward to the hero's arrival." The coat on Bai Yu's body began to sway without wind, and the high-temperature heat began to radiate from him.

"Get out!", Bai Yu's eyes turned into fiery red suns, and the immobilized Baoshan was directly crushed by the impact of the infinite air wall.

Countless invisible impacts all fell on Baoshan's body. As the blood and unknown liquid fell, Baoshan became more and more painful.

"I thought you were a guy with a bad personality, but I didn't expect you to be so bad. It's not right to be a good person, and you ran to be a weirdo!" Bai Yu clenched his right hand tightly, scarlet energy gathered on the fist, and he moved towards the top of the explosive mountain. The body hammered over.

A beam of red light soared towards the sky, piercing through a terrifying hole in the clouds, and under Bai Yu's "Qi Fist", it directly annihilated Baoshan. The entire huge body was completely destroyed.

Bai Yu easily completed this trivial matter.

Baoshan's death seemed to let the sun fall on the arena again. The golden sunlight fell on Baiyu's body. The black coat on his body matched the golden light perfectly. With the dancing of the clothes, Shuilong felt that Baiyu's back was So stalwart.

"So handsome," Shuilong said to himself.

It turned out that this is the hero! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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