Five to five from one punch

Chapter 236 Something is wrong with this woman

Chapter 236 Something is wrong with this woman

Today is an unfortunate day. Due to the invasion of the Weird Association, the city has been damaged to varying degrees, and the casualties are even more difficult to estimate.

The atmosphere in the war room of the Heroes Association is depressing.
Several high-level executives sat on the chairs and closed their eyes to meditate. They seemed to be in a tacit understanding and did not communicate with each other.

Until a message appeared in front of their eyes.

"Including Elder Centipede, the monsters began to leave the city on their own initiative and evacuate in an organized manner. Even if we launch a counterattack at this time, it may be too late." Xiqi said angrily.

Xiqi's words seemed to ignite a bomb that had been suppressed for a long time, and the voices in the conference room gradually became noisy. There were combat factions who advocated attacking the Weird Association, some peace factions who advocated peace and prosperity, and even more scumbags who watched on both sides.
In this ridiculous scene, a man with two tentacles growing on his lens and holding big eyes appeared in front of everyone.

He was manipulated by the Monster Association, and came to negotiate with members of the Hero Association or declare war!

on the street.

The fragmentary corpses of all kinds of weirdos fell around the ground.

The strongest summoner King and the bald devil are walking on the road. They are discussing whether to have a hot pot party.

"Speaking of which, it's really thanks to Saitama that you came in time, otherwise I would have been caught up by those irrational weirdos."

Saitama didn't care about these things, but he said to King: "I heard that such strange riots seem to have occurred in all cities today."

King froze for a moment, he really didn't know, "There are strange people haunting, Saitama, are you unhappy?"

Next, Saitama said that apart from Baiyu, he has lost interest in weirdos, none of them can excite him, and he has lost something.

King felt that there seemed to be a problem with Saitama's mentality, and finally he invited the latter to his house under the pretext of going to play games together.

"This time I will hit you with two thumbs."

After King finished speaking, a blush appeared on Saitama's forehead, and he said excitedly to the other party: "Ha, that's what you said, watch me beat you up this time!"

When the two were happy talking, Hungry Wolf dragged his tired body over.

After hunting the metal bat, he went to City Q to find the Police Dogman.

Originally, he wanted to stage a wonderful dog slaughter battle, but it turned out that he was unilaterally beaten by this police dog man.

If it wasn't for the fact that Hungry Wolf had evolved after being severely beaten by Bai Yu, and his body seemed to have undergone some strange changes, otherwise he would have lost even worse at the hands of the Police Dog today.

"Is this the strongest man on the surface, King?" Hungry Wolf found this great opportunity, and he smiled cruelly. His body was still able to move, and his strength was constantly flowing in his body.

He began to rush forward, locking onto King's figure and all his evasive movements.

The hunt begins! !

Boom, after a loud noise, on the CH name screen, Hungry Wolf was kicked by Saitama and flew into the wall.

"It's really not old-fashioned. I didn't expect to meet a gangster at this time." Saitama said and remembered something, "It seems that when I went to the night market last time, I also met a gangster. What does he look like? ?”

"Forget it if you can't remember, let's go, Saitama."

"Well, yes, let's go, there is no need to waste time on a bastard."

"Go to hell, Fubuki!", Crossbow S waved his sweet whip with all his strength, and only had a solid hit. I believe that Fuuxue's alluring face would instantly bloom into a flower of blood.

Time seemed to be stopped.

A beam of light descended from the sky, split between Fuxue and Crossbow S.

The leather whip was blocked by this beam of light, and the moment it was touched, the leather whip began to be broken down into fine particles in an instant.
Silver-haired white jade appeared in front of Nu S, his face of keeping away from strangers and proving the truth by killing his sister, frightened her instantly.

As long as the IQ is higher than 80, if you think about it with your own brain, you will know that this man is definitely not easy to mess with, and you are absolutely impossible to be this man's opponent.

Why does this third-rate organization have such terrible members?

Crossbow S understands that the only way to survive now is to escape from here. She directed the members of the blowing snow group who were controlled nearby and said, "Quick, you trash, come and cover me, don't let this silver-haired man approach me."

As soon as the words fell, Nu S took a step back unconsciously because of her inner fear.

Immediately afterwards, the crossbow S hit a solid object.

How could there be someone behind her?
Nu S turned his head violently, the guy who killed his sister to testify was actually behind him! !
Crossbow S didn't notice when it came to his back.

The silver-haired white jade looked at Nu S, and he gradually said, "It's amazing, I thought you were a human being at first glance."

Nu S's breathing became heavier, and cold sweat broke out on her face, because the silver-haired man put his hands on Nu S's head, and she didn't even have the ability to struggle.


Crossbow S died, and Chuuxue looked at this strange man and disappeared with a "huh", which is really embarrassing.

Silver-haired Jade.
Fubuki knew that he could become like this, but this was the first time she saw him like this.

To be precise, it should be the second time, after all, she fell into a coma the first time.

With a grunt, Chuuxue swallowed nervously. She didn't like the other person's appearance a little bit, and the silver-haired Yu'er revealed an uncomfortable feeling all over her body.

It feels like giving people an illusion of superiority. No matter how you look at his eyes, it seems that he is treating other lives as ants. This kind of Yu'er is very annoying!
Chuuxue clenched her fists tightly, and she mustered up the courage to say to Bai Yu: "This appearance makes me very uncomfortable, Yu'er, can't you change back?"

Bai Yu glanced at Fuxue, he closed his eyes, and began to fade away from this innate state. Although there is not much time left, it will be automatically released after about ten seconds, but...forget it.

By using the bug of time, Bai Yu's state was retraced to the past, and he changed back to his original form, reappearing in front of Fubuki.

Bai Yu looked at Chuuxue's embarrassed appearance, and he felt a very H feeling for no reason.

He handed his black overcoat to Fubuki, "You should put on this."

Fubuki accepted it happily. She felt the material of the coat, "This coat feels so comfortable to the touch, and it's also very beautiful. I really can't put it down."

Fubuki draped her coat behind her back, covering up the scenery behind her, her face seemed to be very happy.

Bai Yu looked at Chuuxue's smiling face, scratched his head and said to him, "You seem to like this coat very much, so I'll give it to you."

"Uh, is it okay?" Fubuki said in surprise, but she was very honest and wrapped the coat tighter
So this is the so-called love clothes?
It seemed that it was time to show off in front of her sister. Thinking of this, Fubuki felt very happy, and even laughed on the spot.

She was finally far better than her sister in some respects!
Seeing Chuuxue's ghostly appearance, Bai Yu felt that there was something wrong with this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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