Five to five from one punch

Chapter 237 Genos's Undercover Readme

Chapter 237 Genos's Undercover Readme
The friction sound of the chainsaw cutting the minced meat sounded from time to time in the next door, and the low growl of the beast biting things gradually spread into Jinos' ears as if ignoring the wall.

Crazy, all this really is crazy.

The room where Genos is in is not big. It should only be about 40 square meters.

The furniture is only a simple bed and table, other than that there is not even a squatting pit to shit, let alone an expensive toilet.

It is said that this is the lowest-level room in the Monster Association, and it is usually a shelter for wolf-level monsters.

He is a majestic genius scientist, the former leader of the House of Evolution, and the current manager of the octopus ball shop, so he is only fit to live in this kind of place?
The sound of clanging metal friction and cutting was transmitted from the poorly soundproofed walls.

The one who lives next door seems to be a ghost-level weirdo named "Cutting King", who is good at using the sharp blades of both hands to chop the target to death. It seems to be some kind of urban legend.

Originally, such a weirdo shouldn't live in such a low-level room, but this seems to be an arrangement of the Weird Association. As for the reason, Genos can think of it with his ass.

It is obvious that he is worried about him. This weirdo of the cutting king is here to monitor him to prevent Genos from making any strange moves.

He's not really a weirdo after all.
Genos opened his eyes, he really couldn't fall asleep, among a bunch of weirdos, normal people must not be able to fall asleep.

He sat up, and then secretly took out a small ball of black balls.

Immediately afterwards, the black ball flashed a red light spot, and then scanned over Jinos' pupil.

[Identity confirmation. Confirmation is successful and correct]

Start the dial function, dial the target. "Madman".

Genos put the black ball in his ear
That's right, this is a special communicator. In the Weird Association, it seems that the guy named Da Jiongyan has covered something strange. Ordinary communicators can't communicate with the outside world at all.

But that doesn't matter, he's a genius scientist, Genos!

This small difficulty was nothing to him.

There was a beeping sound, and the call was connected quickly.

Ginos's eyes became serious. He suppressed his voice and said to himself into the air, "Baiyu, why are you here?"

"It's been almost 48 hours, do you know how I got through it?"

"Can you imagine how terrifying it is for a human being to live among a group of strangers? Didn't we agree at the beginning that I would lead your men into the enemy's interior, and once the location is determined, you will go down to earth and directly destroy this place?" Organization, what the hell are you doing now?"

The phone buzzed, and Bai Yu's voice sounded unhurriedly: "Hey, Saitama, don't put so much cabbage, put some tofu too."

Not only Bai Yu's voice, but even a female voice, "Yu'er, quickly taste this piece of mutton, it's very filling."

Kino's face turned ashen for a moment, Cao Nima, Baiyu Cao Nima!
Lao Tzu broke into the interior for you regardless of the danger of his life. After you agree on the position, you will directly destroy this organization.

Don't talk to Genos, the problem of the distance is too far, it turned out to be a big circle, this weirdo association is actually under the ground of the no-man's land in Z City, and the bastard Baiyu lives on it, and it may still be there Happy eating hot pot!

As long as he is willing, he can kill and penetrate from above the ground in a matter of minutes, entering seven times and exiting seven times.

Thinking of this, Genos wanted to kill someone. He said angrily to the other side of the phone, "Bastard, what are you doing?"

"Have you considered my safety!"

"Blame me? Don't you have a lot of clones? Why don't you let them come and ask you to come in person." Bai Yu's voice made Genos even more mad.

"Well, don't worry, I'm still confirming some things, and I want to correct you, there will be another 6 hours, and it will be close to 48 hours. Strictly speaking, what you just said was wrong."

Genos took off his glasses, and asked in a dispassionate manner: "What on earth do you want to do? Do you know that my personal safety is in danger now, there is a lunatic next door who has been trying to tear me apart"

"I can't tell you yet, but didn't I arrange for Poros, the black spirit, and the unicorn to go in?" Then Bai Yu asked curiously: "Let them protect you, if they don't want to, just say yes My order will do."

"Oh, Baiyu, the beef is done, let's start."

Genos recognized this voice, it seemed to be the bald man named Saitama.

Then, the communicator sounded an extended beep~~~.

In order to eat beef, that bastard Bai Yu hung up his phone.
"Grass!", Genos cursed angrily.

That Poros, since he came to the Weird Association, seems to be the second in command here, vaguely as high as that big piercing eye. The problem is that in this place where Genos is, he has no access to this kind of Buddha.

Still seek its shelter?
According to Genos's analysis of this weirdo's personality, it would probably say, "Miscellaneous fish have no survival value, so you can find a place to hide and fend for yourself."

As for the black spirit, there is no news so far, as if the whole person has evaporated.

Not to mention the unicorn fairy, let alone whether the other party has evil ideas of public revenge, and Genos heard about this guy, it seems that he gets along very well with the high-level cadres here, either on the road of bragging, or On the way to play cards.

Three hours ago, Kinos learned from a Slime monster that the Unicorn was also honored as the champion of the first Monster Association Fighting the Landlord.

"This question is so difficult, I don't know how to do it." Genos looked at the ceiling in despair. If he had known, he would not have come here. Wouldn't it be good to manage the octopus ball shop?

But there are some things that clones are not suitable to do here. There are some doubts here, and the main body must come.

Bai Yu put down his phone, greeted Saitama and the others, and ran to the balcony.

He looked down at the gravel road below, and muttered: "It's actually under my own house, it's nonsense."

Then Bai Yu took out the master ball, and then selected the one-way communication function to directly link with Poros' mind.

"Master." Poros' respectful voice came into Baiyu's ear.

"How's the situation?" Bai Yu asked concisely.

"The Master's masters have been arranged by me, but strange things have been planted on them, and I'm not good at this." Poros quickly informed Bai Yu of his current situation.

In the end, Poros proposed to ask: "This curse mark feels very troublesome. Da Jiongyan seems to be hiding it. Why don't I just blast them all out with a star-collapsing roaring cannon in this organization?"

Crashing Star Roaring Cannon?
I think you want to blow up not only this association, but also the apartment where I live?

Bai Yu thought so
(End of this chapter)

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