Five to five from one punch

Chapter 238 Mission and long-cherished wish

Chapter 238 Mission and long-cherished wish

After some persuasion by Bai Yu, he finally dispelled the idea of ​​Poros self-destructing on the spot.

This guy is really a muscle. If he can't get through, he uses the Crashing Star Roaring Cannon on his chest to force it open.

Bai Yu exchanged information with Poros, and probably understood what was going on now.

The two old people of Banggu were given strange things, which should be something like a curse mark. Not only can they not lift their strength, but at worst, they may even have hidden dangers. For example, the guy who placed this kind of thing can decide their life and death .

This is a problem that must be solved.

It seems that Hei Jing was being followed by a dog. Since yesterday, he has been playing hide-and-seek with this dog for several hours.

The Unicorn Fairy was very active, and soon got to know the enemy's information, including their abilities and characteristics, which would speed up the demise of the Monster Association.

The highest-end strength of this weirdo association seems to be the guy named "Weird King Orochi", but Poros can restrain this highest combat power with one or two.

If he was a little more presumptuous, Bai Yu could even take his bald head and go directly to destroy this weirdo association.

"Master, I have something to ask you. Just this morning, the Monster Association captured a human child, so do you want to fish out this child?" Poros asked Bai Yu for instructions on the next step .

human child
That rich kid was finally captured. It seems that the Heroes Association didn't take my reminder seriously.

Bai Yu pondered for a while, and then said to Poros: "Don't worry about him, since the Monster Association has captured him back, it should be because of his role, so you should concentrate on continuing to lurk and wait for my joint attack, probably right here In three or four days, I will personally break into the Weird Association!"

"Oh, by the way, take care of that guy Genos when you have time, he seems to be terrified all day long so that I seem to be selling teammates."

Mission Objective: Destroy the Monster Association
Mission introduction: An evil weirdo organization, all members are weirdos, the headquarters of the organization is built in the underground of Z city, the weirdo association has the ability to turn ordinary people into weirdos, as long as they eat the weirdo cells provided by them, ordinary people can turn into weirdos A deep secret is hidden in the underground of this organization
Mission rewards: attribute points*10, crystals of myriad realms*? , lucky draw chance*1

Mission Objective: Gift of the Gods
Mission introduction: In the depths of the evil weirdo organization, there seems to be traces of gods' activities. In this evil association, there seems to be a believer who has contacted the so-called god and obtained its gift. Blacklisted, but they are far from expecting that the greedy hosts have already regarded their anchors as cute and charming myriad crystals
Mission rewards: attribute points*5, myriad world crystals*?


Mission objective: Defeat the ultimate evil

Task introduction: What is justice and what is evil, the result must be divided according to the opinions of the majority, unforgiveness, unconvinced, anger is an emotion for this, hypocrisy is the root of unequal justice, and it is called the ultimate evil A weirdo is about to be born, and it will create a world of "equality of evil"
Mission rewards: attribute points*15, myriad world crystals*? , Digimon egg*1 (optional)

Mission Tips: Encountering a target will automatically trigger an alarm mission target (not yet born)

Time-limited task: within 96 hours

It is very rare, if the three tasks that the system refreshes at one time, if they are all completed, Bai Yu will get a high attribute of [-] points, and even a huge sum of money in the Ten Thousand Realms Crystal, and what surprised him even more is the Digimon Egg.

But what makes Bai Yu feel difficult is this mission three, defeating the ultimate evil. Who exactly does he want him to defeat?

The way to teach the Riddler a lesson is to beat him up, but it seems that such a direct method cannot be used for the riddle task, and Bai Yu really wants a Digimon.

This one is called "Extreme Evil". Could it be the secret weapon of the Monster Association?

Bai Yu felt that this possibility was very high, after all, the Weird Association was the biggest risk factor right now.

Today may be a special day, not only the long-lost three tasks in a row, but also a surprise.

As for the Weird Association, Bai Yu had to deal with them within a week, because while eating hot pot just now, the system finally searched for a wish from another world after a long absence.

Bai Yu was worried that the flow of time on the two sides would be different, so he didn't go directly to this unknown world. After all, the invasion of the Monster Association was not over yet, and the mission was not completed.

This unknown long-cherished wish, the time to maintain acceptance is seven days.

If after seven days, Bai Yu still does not accept the long-cherished wish from another world, he will lose this opportunity to go to the new world.

As long as the curse on Master Banggu and the others is solved, it shouldn’t be a big problem for Bai Yu to eradicate the Monster Association, so task [-] and task [-] are not difficult, the key is task [-]. It seems that he has to wait for the birth of this "evil" before able to complete.

Fortunately, this task three has given a time limit, that is, within these four days, this ultimate evil will be born in this world. After Bai Yu completes the three tasks, he can accept the long-cherished wish from another world and go to the new world. world.

It has been a long time since the last blade tooth world.
Bai Yu rested her hands on the stone ping, looking out of the window at the dusk that was about to enter the night.

He thought with anticipation, what kind of world would this be?

But now he is already very strong, unless the next world is a world with explosive combat power like Dragon Ball, there shouldn't be any obstacles for him.

The new world also represents a new gold mine, which means that Bai Yu can quickly complete tasks to obtain generous attribute points and other rewards, which will make him stronger.

There is no end to power, and it is Bai Yu's remaining goal to become stronger without end.

Otherwise, it is not impossible for him to continue to accept the long-cherished wish from another world, and live in this world with peace of mind. After all, there is no punishment for refusing to accept the mission or failing the mission.

However, Bai Yu wants to become very strong, stronger, the strongest kind, strong enough to hold her own destiny in the palm of her hand.

When you encounter something difficult to get over, you can even point at the other person and swear, "You are doomed today, and it won't work if anyone comes."

Just as Poros said, the most domineering and powerful force should be used to open up the road that does not work.

It turned out that in the end, I was the same type of guy as Boros and Coach Jilian.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu laughed, it really is different to have a clear idea.

I feel that the whole person has the goal of continuing to strive, and there is no sense of fatigue in recent days.

"Good guy, let's go back and have a big meal!" Bai Yu walked back into the room with a smile, and continued to eat hot pot with Saitama and others.

But I always feel that he seems to have forgotten something, as if he has forgotten a person.

Yeah, where did Genos go?
(End of this chapter)

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