Five to five from one punch

Chapter 239 Rejection

Chapter 239 Rejection
"Why are you rejecting my joint offer, Dr. Beaufoy?"

Tong Di looked at the former mentor on the screen, and he didn't understand why the other party could refuse the proposal of joining forces.

"Hmph, you're still the same, don't you think you're going to cry wantonly while hugging a robot that you think is safe at night?", the metal knight on the screen answered irrelevantly.

"Answer my question!" Tong Di was a little annoyed, as if some little secret in his heart had been exposed, he took out the lollipop in his mouth and threw it into the trash can, "Don't try to fool around, give me a reason , Dr. Beaufoy."

Beaufoy also looked at the little kid on the screen. It turns out that he has gradually become a little grown up without knowing it, but after all, he is still too immature.

"Trapping the son of the director of the Heroes' Association into the lair of the Monster Association, and then rushing here to declare war, this is obviously a trap with a huge pit."

"What puzzles me is that you stupid guys actually plan to gather all the heroic forces to go to this weirdo association to carry out the hostage rescue plan. Are you out of your mind?"

"At first, I thought the Heroes' Association could last for a while, but it seems that this association, which has rotted from its roots, is about to enter the countdown to extinction."

Tongdi's breathing became heavier, and he asked Bofoy, "You mean we will fail? And you don't plan to go to rescue this hostage?"


The cold answer chilled Tong Di, and at the same time he couldn't suppress his anger.

Metal Knight seemed to have expected it long ago, and immediately turned off the screen call, refusing to engage in meaningless laning with this child.

This is the case with a bear child, who will pull your IQ above his level, and then defeat you through rich experience. This kind of behavior is not only meaningless, but it will also make you angry in the end.

Tong Di remained silent for a full 10 minutes, he was sorting out some thoughts and follow-up plans.

Then he stood up, took a plan and walked into the combat conference room of the Heroes Association.

After a while.

There was a slight quarrel in the conference room of the war room.

"Is this serious?" The vicissitudes of life bearded man slapped the table in disbelief, and he said to Tong Di: "Do you really want to remove the handsome knight, this top combat power, from this plan? "

"Yes, strictly speaking, there is still Master Banggu. Although he has not shown up or heard about it for a while, given that the time of the Hero Hunter's activities is too consistent with the time of his disappearance, I have reason to believe that he It was because he was not willing to attack this disciple and chose to hide temporarily."

"The handsome knight seemed to have fought against the hunters of the British Association on the street a few days ago. Although he repelled him, he didn't bring him back to the association. He even let the latter leave in the end. In fact, it was very tricky."

"According to the information from Metal Bat, it seems that the Hero Hunters and the Monster Association have reached an agreement, which means that they are likely to be together. This operation is extremely important. These two must be brought together with the Hunters of the British Association. Heroes with extremely delicate relationships are excluded."

The bearded man murmured: "Master Banggu, Hungry Wolf, and Baiyu. It is true that they have different relationships. They are all of the same school. It is the relationship between master and brother."

Xi Qi frowned, and he asked Emperor Tong: "But the handsome knight is very strong, don't forget the one-eyed man before, he and Mr. Tornado solved it together."

Xiqi's implication is that for these unnecessary or even speculative suspicions, it is too nonsense to exclude top combat powers like handsome knights?

Tongdi smiled, and he said that it doesn't matter at all, the super alloy black light has returned to the team, not to mention that all the power of the Heroes Association will be injected into the plan this time, not to mention that they still have secret weapons, Miss Tornado and the strongest on land The man, King! !
With the King, there is no evil that cannot be defeated, and Tongdi's greatest confidence comes from this.

Tongdi is a well-known leader of the association. Although Xi Qi did not agree with this opportunity, he finally acquiesced.

Damn, damn it!

Why does this dead dog keep chasing after me?
Ever since my uncle came into this broken association, he has never stopped hunting me down.
Does my smell attract the goddamn thing?
After a loud noise, the wall was directly broken by a giant creature, and the dark shadow rushed towards the black spirit.

The black spirit has long been familiar with this podge's sneak attack. It nimbly performed a beautiful somersault in the air, then adjusted its body angle, and escaped the attack perfectly. And hit the ground.

Heijing asked Boqi, "You dead dog, can you really not talk?"

Pochi: "Wow woof woof woof!"

Heijing: "."

As expected, a dog is still a dog. Although its strength is exaggerated, it is still a beast after all.
Heijing's wretched face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly, "Don't think that I've been avoiding you because I'm afraid of you. If you want to hit, it's not impossible. Just kill you here!"

Heijing's condensed body immediately began to swell to an unbelievable degree, and it gradually turned into a muscular man comparable in size to Pochi, with several wretched white faces exposed on the dark body.

Hei Jing's huge body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Pochi directly. The latter couldn't even react for a while, and was directly hit by Hei Jing's heavy fist.

With a groaning sound, Pochi was shot directly into several walls.

The expression on Hei Jing's face became serious.

This dead dog is tougher than it imagined!

This kind of defense is so perverted, it happens to be the type that Hei Jing doesn't like very much.

In the dark distance, a dazzling light flickered directly, and Pochi opened his mouth, exaggerated and astonishing energy gathered in its mouth.

Bang! !

The huge energy was released, and it directly locked on the target of Hei Jing, and he will not stop until he dies!
Hei Jing's arm became stronger and stronger, and the muscles on it began to be remodeled, and all the vitality and strength in the body were concentrated in this arm.

With a bang, Hei Jing directly smashed the mud and rocks under his feet, and then fell to the bottom, dodging Pochi's angry blow.

The black essence that fell below condensed its body again, and it ran in an unknown direction again.

Fight to the death with this dead dog?

In the short fight just now, Hei Jing understood that this is not a silly thing that can win or lose in a short time.

Either it turns on the golden mode, or it has to consume a lot of vitality and cells to kill this stupid dog, but no matter which one.
Black spirits are at a loss! !

(End of this chapter)

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