Five to five from one punch

Chapter 241 Anger Catalysis

Chapter 241 Anger Catalysis

Weird Utopia, is there really such a beautiful place?

Meow Meow is dubious. After all, if there is such a good place, how could there be a Weird Association?
However, this name still left a seed in the heart of Meow Meow's weirdo. Assuming that the Weirdman's Association really failed in the end, then it seems reasonable for it to try to go to this so-called weirdo's ideal town.

Just this morning, the same scene was being repeated in some weirdo's room.

"Brother President, do you know the utopia of weirdos?"

"Brother Wandering Emperor, do you know the utopia of the weirdo?"

"Brother Gum, have you heard of Freak Utopia?"


This group of guys are really easy to deceive. It seems that this group of weirdos has never experienced the horror of human hearts.

Asura Unicorn Immortal was staring at the huge monster on the bottom floor.
The sense of oppression is really strong. If you hadn't seen Captain Poros make a move, it would be hard to imagine that such a powerful weirdo really exists in this world.

Maybe the Heroes Association doesn't have Brother Baiyu and Saitama, and it's not certain that these guys can really defeat the Heroes Association.

However, the Society of Freaks still paid the wrong amount after all.

If you can give more, Asura Unicorn Immortal has about a month of rich time, it will definitely be able to steal away all the backbone of the Monster Association.

Of course, time is still too tight, and this weirdo king snake will not let it go.

The darkness gradually engulfed Ashura Unicorn's body, and it was ready to find the next fool.

In the weakest layer of the Weird Association.

A strange man with a black thick wrap around his waist, a shape that looks like a pill, and a single eye on his upper body is standing motionless on the spot.

Several slime monsters surrounded Duoyan Wang and they cursed in unison: "Humph, but how dare a weak monster stand in the way of our three slime brothers?"

Wang Duyan whispered submissively: "I didn't. The three of you walked side by side, taking up almost the entire space. Even if I wanted to make my way, I couldn't do it."

"Presumptuous, if you say that, do you think it's our three brothers who are wrong?" Said the slime who was covered in green.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with it, let's just devour it, anyway, a weak monster like it will die in the hands of heroes sooner or later, so it's better to take advantage of us." Blue Slime evilly proposed this Opinion.

The white slime shook his body, expressing his agreement with what the two big brothers said.

It's over, I want to play by myself!
Wang Du saw the three slimes whose bodies were gradually inflated, and he was no match for them at all!

If this continues, I will die a miserable death, so I have to think of a way.

A cold feeling passed through Wang Duyan's brain, as if in a flash of inspiration, it suddenly thought of a great idea.

Wang Duyan took a step forward confidently, and said angrily, "Do you three slimes know who my big brother is?"

The white slime asked cooperatively, "Who is your big brother?"

Wang Dayan smiled crookedly, and said confidently: "Listen to me, my dear brother is a powerful weirdo who has just joined the association and became the second in command, Mr. Poros!"

"Have you seen my one-eyed eye? This is the most direct evidence of blood relationship between me and Lord Poros."

The three slime brothers:! !

What Wang Duyan said seemed to be true, and immediately frightened the three slime brothers. From this time on, absurd rumors began to spread around this area.

Incinerate machine guns to fight!
The countless fists mixed with intense flames blocked the hungry wolf's dodging posture.

Due to the injuries on his body, Hungry Wolf was directly beaten by Genos's company and caused a lot of trouble. He was knocked into the distance, and even knocked down several big trees in a row.

Genos, whose equipment has been updated and whose strength leaped to another level, is now full of confidence.

"Hero Hunter, Hungry Wolf is obedient and capture you, you have hurt too many innocent heroes, I must arrest you." Genos's upper body began to gradually flash bright red flames.

"Hahaha, S-level heroes, the devil transforming people are completely different from the group of A-level heroes who fell on the ground." The hungry wolf's body was like a demon god, and it directly shook the trees that were pressing on him. His eyes were fixed on Genos and he said: "It seems that today is a good day, you will become the third S-class hero who failed in my hands!"

The ground began to crack, and spider web-like cracks appeared, just like the dry land.

The speed of the hungry wolf was so different from what was shown just now, Genos couldn't even react for a while, and was approached by the former.

Flowing Rock Shattering Fist! !

The hungry wolf entangled his hands, and with a frightening blue air arc, his violent and unstoppable fists shot down at important positions on Genos' body.

Genos usually observed the scene of Master Baiyu using Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, and he also secretly recorded the characteristics and ways of this boxing method, and soon he analyzed the results and strengthened body through the computer, instantly and hungry The wolves fought fiercely together.

Even after the passage of time, Hungry Wolf began to feel that his Liushuiyanshaken fist seemed to be unable to do anything to this reformer.

More importantly, Hungry Wolf has several injuries of various sizes on his body at this time, even very troublesome internal injuries.

If it wasn't for the obsession that supported him to move forward, Hungry Wolf would have already fallen in the battle where he was besieged by several A-level heroes just now.

Soon, Hungry Wolf changed his movement posture, adopted the same limb movements as Police Dog Man, and took an opportunity to break Genos' arm.

Originally, this was an opportunity to break through, but Hungry Wolf found that it was a trap.

The temperature of this severed arm began to rise, and immediately after that, a strong and amazing flame explosion erupted from several holes.

The hungry wolf holding this arm was directly blown out and suffered a big loss.

Genos's upgrade this time not only has many more functions, but even improves the firepower to a higher level.

Originally, he wanted to use the special restraint function of the broken arm to capture the hungry wolf alive
But in the end, he still made a strange choice, and went to kill the hungry wolf mercilessly on the spot.

Under the high-temperature explosion just now, blisters appeared on Hungry Wolf's body surface, his skin became more reddened, and burns of various sizes appeared on his body.

With old injuries on his body, and after experiencing such a serious injury, Hungry Wolf's thinking even began to collapse, and his vision became blurred.

In the vision of the hungry wolf, Janos' vague figure appeared not far away from him, and at the same time, the dazzling light began to envelope his whole body.

"Compared to Teacher Baiyu, you are really far behind!"

These indifferent words reached the hungry wolf's ears.

The heart seemed to be beating violently.

Intense anger exploded in Hungry Wolf's heart, and unwilling emotions filled his entire body, as if under this violent emotion, the injuries in his body seemed to be suppressed.

His body seemed to undergo a strange change, and an indescribable force filled the hungry wolf's body.

(End of this chapter)

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