Five to five from one punch

Chapter 242 I'm Dissatisfied

Chapter 242 I'm Dissatisfied

white jade.

Why him again?

He is indeed a nasty guy.

Powerful, handsome, righteous, and a real hero, he satisfies any imagination people have of a hero.

Loved by all, it is only natural that he will defeat all evil villains.

"I don't agree."

Genos seemed to hear the hungry wolf in front of him whispering these three words, he asked curiously: "Hero Hunter, what are you talking about?"

Hungry Wolf raised his head to look at Janos with his ferocious face, and he roared clearly: "I'm saying I don't accept it!"

boom! !

The ground was directly shattered by the hungry wolf's arms, and countless pieces of rubble erupted upward due to the huge force.

Genos even almost fell to the ground because of the shock, he took advantage of the incinerator under his feet in time, and flew to the top of the air.

Looking at the terrifying scene on the ground and the gray dust filling the vicinity, Genos said to himself in disbelief: "What kind of exaggerated power is this, is this really that hungry wolf?"

A hurricane blows away the filthy dust, and the tall wolf stands tall on the broken ground, like a man who has conquered the world.

Hungry Wolf's white hair had already been dyed red unknowingly, and even his entire eyes, including the area around the whites of them, were assimilated into a blood-like luster.

Genos felt an extremely dangerous illusion from this alienated hungry wolf
Shhh, bang.

The hungry wolf disappeared from Genos' vision.

As if it had been erased from the world.

The Biokine was close to responding, warning on Genos' instrument, and as he reacted, a heavy breathing sounded behind him.

Before Genos turned around to confirm, a huge force erupted from him, and the hard metal on his back was dented by Hungry Wolf's punch, and Genos was shot down directly at the same time.

The hungry wolf who had accomplished this feat did not feel relaxed. The alienation on his body seemed to be continuing. All the muscles on the surface of his body were protruding, as if something terrifying had begun to wrap around his entire powerful body.

The crisp and wandering sound of bone growth is like the frantic sound of beans being fried one after another.

The fingers of Hungry Wolf's hands began to sharpen gradually, and irregular shadows began to bulge around his neck.

In the sky above, a strange man is reflecting this scene into his eyes.

The phoenix man has been observing the movements of the hungry wolf since just now. Originally, he thought that the appearance of the devil-reformed man would directly defeat the hungry wolf, but he didn't expect such a terrifying mutation to happen to the hungry wolf.

Sure enough, Master "Da Jiongyan" cared so much, this self-proclaimed weirdo has a certain reason.

According to this situation, it is estimated that without the elder centipede's action, the mutated hungry wolf can also transform the devil into a human by himself, and dismantle the whole thing.

alert alert
Janos, who was hiding underground, opened his eyes at this moment, and a warning sounded frantically in his ears.

Sure enough, the heavy blow he received just now caused some damage to his body.

This hungry wolf seems to be more dangerous than I imagined, so I can't hold back anymore!

Genos, who made up his mind, began to release the firepower system on his body.

The rubble was directly blasted by the high-temperature flames, and Genos moved towards the hungry wolf falling from the sky. The two bullied themselves and approached each other, and began to collide with each other.

After a battle, Genos, who was able to suppress the hungry wolf just now, gradually fell into a passive position, which forced him to change the state of his arms and use the alloy blade to fight against this mutated enemy .

The hungry wolf has no fear of the alloy blade shown by Genos, and even uses his own flesh and blood to collide with it.

Flickering sparks burst out in mid-air one after another, until after the crisp and loud sound of metal being broken, Genos was kicked into the soil below by the hungry wolf again inadvertently.

The violent firepower formed a pair of wings, which appeared behind Genos. At the same time, because of the power of the firepower, he barely maintained his body and landed on the ground again.

This short fight made Genos clearly realize that he could no longer gain any advantage in close combat, and even the extremely hard alloy blade was broken by the hungry wolf with his flesh and blood
Speaking of which, is this really human?

The hungry wolf landed again, he let out a creepy laugh, and said to Genos at the same time: "You are Baiyu's disciple, don't worry. I will never let you go."

"That's not necessarily true." Genos said disdainfully.

The metal arms collided together, Genos closed his hands together, and terrifying energy gathered in the palms.

Super high energy incinerator!
The high-temperature energy cannons, as thick as several giant pillars, locked on to the hungry wolf and struck straight away.

Hungry Wolf crossed his hands, facing such a powerful high-temperature energy cannon, he was still indifferent, or rather eager to try.

An incredible scene appeared.

Genos' high-temperature energy cannon split the hungry wolf into two directly from the center.

Until the next moment, after a roar, the high-temperature energy cannon was crushed by the hungry wolf's punch.

Janos, who was in the party, was completely dumbfounded.
Hungry wolf has become so powerful?
The muscles of the whole body relax, and at the same time tense in an instant, mobilizing the strength of the hungry wolf, the whole body turns into a phantom of a cockroach and hits Genos' chest at high speed.

Genos passively began to move backwards at a high speed. This time he was really unable to defuse the attack. He knew that if he continued to leap backwards at this speed, once he hit a hard solid object.

I'm afraid I will suffer, very serious damage.

If you are unlucky, even controlling your body to exercise afterwards will be a serious problem.

At the moment when Genos resigned to his fate.

Bai Yu's voice rang in his ears, and at the same time Genos was hugged firmly by a pair of strong arms, "Oh, Genos didn't expect you to be here."

Looking at the familiar face, Genos said in disbelief, "Teacher Baiyu"

Bai Yu threw Genos to the ground, and he said bluntly, "Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise you would have been knocked into a mess."

"Teacher, why are you here?"

"I'm patrolling nearby. By the way, I'm looking for your whereabouts. I just heard a few heroes discussing you. They seem to have seen you flying here in the air, so I came here to have a look out of curiosity."

After Bai Yu finished explaining, he looked towards the direction where Genos was beaten and flew over just now, "Who are you fighting with, to be beaten like this?"

Without waiting for Janos to answer, Hungry Wolf shouted in a gloomy and unwilling voice: "Bai↑yu↓."

"You came just in time. I want to return all the humiliation I have suffered on you so far."

"You have to keep going, don't let me dodge!"

(End of this chapter)

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