Chapter 244
I lost so badly.

The phoenix man couldn't bear to watch this scene anymore.

It found that if it really didn't make a move, the hungry wolf might not be able to take it back to the Monster Association.

It's also time for Elder Centipede to take action, and the hungry wolf can't end this journey here.

Bai Yu looked at the half-lived hungry wolf and fell into deep thought.

Why did this guy suddenly become salty?
Could it be that I gave him too much despair? That's why he became like this ghost.

If this continues, task three will not be completed, Bai Yu pondered whether to simply release the hungry wolf in the wild and let it continue to grow for a while.

Anyway, as the mission reminder said, within four days, the hungry wolf will inevitably grow into the ultimate evil.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to harvest the rich fruits by myself at that time?
Just as Bai Yu was planning this, the ground began to shake, and immediately under his feet, something seemed to break through the ground.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Yu took this opportunity to throw away the hungry wolf, and then jumped to the rear.

The ground split open, and a huge purple-black centipede appeared in everyone's eyes.

At the same time, taking advantage of this chaotic moment, the phoenix man swooped down, and then quickly moved under the elder centipede's body, and soon it locked and grabbed the hungry wolf.

There was a thump, thump, thump.

The phoenix man took the hungry wolf and slipped away like this.

This process caught Bai Yu a little off guard. He didn't expect a chicken to fly down and take away the hungry wolf. Of course, he could indeed prevent this, but in the end he let the hungry wolf leave.

Bai Yu has already made up his mind, let the hungry wolf evolve to the end, and go there to harvest his head.

Task three, he's done!

Digimon is also ordered!
Genos looked thoughtfully at the scene where the hungry wolf was taken away.
He found that Teacher Bai Yu seemed to want the hungry wolf to leave here on purpose, although he didn't know what the reason was.

But it's definitely not about being in the same family. Maybe Teacher Baiyu left something behind on the hungry wolves. The teacher must have seen through the connection between the hungry wolves and the Weird Association, so he deliberately let them go.

Ah, this Pogenos smells of conspiracy.

As expected of Teacher Bai Yu, he must be playing a big game of chess!
After Phoenix Man took away the hungry wolf, Elder Centipede's long and thick body began to block the vision of Bai Yu and Genos.

With such a thick body, it is estimated that this weird person should be the elder centipede that the association asked him to eliminate yesterday. That's right.

Now that we have met, there is no reason to let it go.

When Bai Yu was about to attack the elder centipede, Genos stood up and said full of fighting spirit, "Teacher, please hand over this centipede to me."

Genos is serious?
Bai Yu visually inspected the elder centipede's size. He initially estimated that the monster's disaster level should be a dragon. Can Genos really survive?
"Then try it, I'm optimistic about you." Bai Yu showed Maitekai's iconic smile and gestures.

"Yes! Teacher Baiyu, I will work hard."

Genos looked at Elder Centipede in the sky, his face became serious.

Yesterday he was punched down by that monster who only knows martial arts, and just now he was almost defeated by a hungry wolf. This centipede monster, he must take it down.

Otherwise, how can I, who has stopped advancing, become a hero like the two teachers, and how can I avenge my hometown?

With a strange mood, Genos rushed towards Elder Centipede.

Soon, under Bai Yu's gaze, Genos and Elder Centipede staged an alternative interpretation of "Nezha fighting the third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace".

You really deserve to be a master of sun bugs, Genos!

After a great battle, Genos lost to the strength of Elder Centipede after all, and he was soon educated by the opponent.

Bai Yu once again caught Janos' broken body
The latter said to Bai Yu disappointedly: "I'm sorry, Teacher let you down. I was still too careless. This centipede is more powerful than expected."

After Bai Yu heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He really wanted to tell Genos that this wasn't a matter of carelessness, it was already a matter of level differences.

But thinking that this would hurt Genos' self-confidence, Bai Yu still didn't say anything, but encouraged him and said: "Well, next time you must not be careless again."

The phoenix man was flying leisurely in the air, and the hungry wolf at its feet said dissatisfiedly, "Since you want to take me back to the Monster Association, is it really okay to be so leisurely?"

The Phoenix Man didn't take it seriously, it just felt that Hungry Wolf didn't know the true strength of Elder Centipede.

"Have you seen the figure of Elder Centipede?"

"In the evaluation of our Monster Association, it is said that there is mutual restraint between individual heroes. A dragon-level monster of the size of Elder Centipede has only three targets in the Heroes Association to secure it.

The first is the trembling tornado, a war weapon, the second is the metal knight with unlimited firepower, and the third is King, the strongest man on land. "

"Elder Centipede is born to be the nemesis of your Martial Daoists. No matter how powerful you are, it is difficult for you to overcome this gap of biological differences. It is a pity. The handsome knight who beat you up is a Martial Daoist. He has no chance of winning. This monstrosity of enormous size."

As soon as the phoenix man finished speaking, the hungry wolf at its feet laughed loudly. He felt that he had heard the funniest joke of the year, "Hahahahaha, did I hear it right?"

"Why do you think that centipede can eat that bastard Baiyu?"

"Listen to me. I can tell you responsibly that Bai Yu is not as powerful as you imagined. He is my old enemy!"

The phoenix man sneered in disbelief: "You mean, this handsome knight can kill Elder Centipede?"

Perhaps the Phoenix man is a bit crow-mouthed today.

Not long after he finished speaking, a dazzling red light flashed from behind it, and a round of scarlet spherical light appeared in midair.

Bai Yu exudes an incomparably frightening red energy, and the translucent fire seems to evaporate all the water in the air, which is terrifying.
Even the phoenix man can feel the burning sensation from the other party from such a far away place.

After Hungry Wolf felt such a high burning sensation, he laughed even more wildly, as if he was mocking the Phoenix man, "Did you see that Bai Yu is so unreasonable and makes people feel so hopeless and frightened, What is a centipede in front of him?"

A powerful breath of thought power gathered on Bai Yu's fist, and a precise and powerful "qi fist" hit the elder centipede's long and thick body.

The latter was instantly swept away by more violent and powerful energy, until finally it dissipated above the land.

After the phoenix man saw it, the whole bird was dumbfounded. It roared: "Damn it. Is this still a human?" while flying so fast, wishing I could grow another pair of wings and escape, without the ease and leisure I had just now. feel.

(End of this chapter)

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