Five to five from one punch

Chapter 245 Incarnation of Frieza

Chapter 245 Incarnation of Frieza

"Teacher Baiyu, what exactly am I missing?" Genos was extremely eager to know what he was missing. Why is Elder Centipede like an ant that can be easily crushed to the teacher?
Finally, the day came when Bai Yu gave that extremely realistic yet simple answer.

"It should be that your firepower is insufficient, maybe you need to replace it with more powerful parts"

Genos was stunned, his whole face was as funny as if the pause button had been pressed.

After a few seconds, he gradually choked up and said, "So that's how it is. As expected of Teacher Baiyu, he can easily see through the complicated surface to see through the real heart."

"It's the ultimate firepower. It turns out that what I lack the most right now is the ultimate firepower!"

Genos seemed to have found his next target, and he was as happy as a three-year-old with candy.

"It's almost time for lunch when we go back. I suddenly have a craving for braised beef ramen. What do you think of Genos?" Bai Yu changed the subject appropriately, he was not very used to Genos like this.

"Yes!" Genos bowed at 90 degrees, and then said unquestionably: "I will have braised beef ramen at noon, and I will go to the market to buy ingredients now, please rest assured to leave it to me."

Bai Yu: "."

He actually wanted to go to the noodle shop to eat or forget it.

In the central bottom meeting of the Weird Association.

The phoenix man threw the exhausted and unconscious hungry wolf into a room. His injuries had already been taken care of by professional eccentrics, so I believe there should be no serious problems.

A moment later, Phoenix Man told Master Dajiongyan all about Elder Centipede's death in the S-class hero.

In short, the Phoenix man did not add fuel to the whole matter, and there was a word in his words.

The handsome knight is awesome!

After Da Jiongyan heard this, she was very surprised. After all, she was very aware of Elder Centipede's strength. Even though he was defeated by the blaster back then, it didn't mean that he was an opponent that could be defeated by any S-level hero.

But Da Jiongyan still didn't panic, she kindly comforted the Phoenix man and said: "Don't be afraid, it's just a S-level hero, don't forget that Mr. Wang Dashe is more terrifying than Elder Centipede, and we still There is a foreign aid who is not weaker than the weird king snake."

After hearing this, the phoenix man was indeed relieved a lot, and quickly dismissed the wild chicken with Dajiongyan.

Although Da Jiongyan will discuss many things with Phoenix Man, this guy is a bit dull in some respects.
Inside the huge palace, the dim environment became silent again.

The bloated body with big piercing eyes sat on the gorgeous throne.

She was thinking about the handsome knight.

The mysterious silver light incident, the record of beating several S-level heroes in the gymnasium, and the cooperation with the tornado to repel Poros through despicable means... and this amazing move to eliminate the elder centipede.

Hungry Wolf has a chance to surpass the monster King Serpent, and the handsome knight has the potential to surpass both of them.

I really want to have him.

It's a pity that the only chance was in that deep mountain. At that time, the handsome knight was not as hung up as he is now. He was lying in front of Da Jiongyan, so within reach.

It's all the bald head's fault after all...

The more she thought about it, the more angry Da Jiongyan started to find a few cannon fodder monsters, and she ordered them to run into human society to wipe out those bald guys one by one.

Only in this way can the angry Da Jiongyan calm down.


Would it be better to replace ramen with rice noodles?

Bai Yu was thinking wildly while eating the beef ramen in the bowl.

Genos is pretty good at it.And the beef quality and soup base are very good.

The only downside is that the ramen is handmade by Genos. I feel... this good apprentice's hard work is not very good.

The bald-headed devil eats delicious food, as long as there is meat and noodles, he doesn't pick at all, just eat it.

After all, compared to the old days, eating meals with meat is already a very luxurious life.

"Janos, what do you think about adding some poached eggs next time?" Saitama suggested after taking a bite of the noodles.

"Ah, as expected of Mr. Saitama, he actually has cooking skills beyond the reach of ordinary people." Genos said in admiration without thinking at all.

"Mr. Genos, I think this bowl of braised beef ramen, is there too much beef? It will be counterproductive!", King commented.

"Impossible, the only way to put more beef is the favorite of the teachers. Only this is something that I can't let me back down."

In some things, Genos's persistence seems to be very extraordinary.

Bai Yu quickly ate up the whole bowl of braised beef noodles, and even drank up the delicious soup base.

"Thank you for the hospitality!" Bai Yu wiped her mouth with a tissue, and said to King and Genos, "I'll go out for a while, and you can take off separately."

After Baiyu left the apartment, Saitama murmured suspiciously: "Why does it always feel like Baiyu is hiding something from me?"

"Well, everyone always has some little secrets. It's Saitama, you are too sensitive." After King finished speaking, he also walked outside the door. He said goodbye to Genos: "I'll go back to my house first. Come on, bring those games over here."

On King's trip back this time, he never expected that the Heroes' Association had already dispatched all kinds of people to his house to squat him!

After half an hour of stepping on the spot.

Bai Yu stood in front of a dilapidated convenience store. After he entered, he turned left and right several times, and finally found a secret giant pit in a hidden ground.

This seems to be one of the entrances to the underground weirdo society.

So should I go straight down, or should I put on a pretense?

Going deep into the Weird Association always feels super exciting.

You should still pretend.

Thinking of Bai Yu here, he took out a card.

It's the special item I got before, the transformation card!

He thought about a model in his mind, and then the transformation card gradually shone with white light.

This ray of light quickly surrounded Bai Yu's whole body
Bai Yu's height decreased visibly to the naked eye, and his figure also began to gradually become thinner. At the same time, there seemed to be a strip-shaped thick object behind his buttocks that began to sway.

After the light gradually dissipated.
Bai Yu's handsome appearance had disappeared, and what remained in place was
Blood-red eyes, purple-black lips, two blood-tear lines under the eyes on the face, bright purple shell and pale skin on the body, three toes on one foot, and a thick and flexible tail behind the buttocks.

Standing in place at this time, it was Frieza disguised by Bai Yu through the transformation card.

(End of this chapter)

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