Five to five from one punch

Chapter 246 Meeting

Chapter 246 Meeting
Bai Yu felt the body disguised by the transformation card.

No matter in terms of touch or appearance, they are all impeccable. It is simply the most perfect transformation technique.

Probably even more perfect than Hokage's transformation technique, at least Baiyu thinks so.

After turning into Frieza, Baiyu jumped into the cave from inside.

The bottom of this cave is very deep, and the surrounding light is not enough.

In this way, the white jade gradually began to sink.
After about ten seconds, the cave finally came to an end.

Since Bai Yu turned into Frieza, he didn't wear shoes on his feet, and the damp soil stuck to his feet.

It feels so uncomfortable. Maybe it's Bai Yu's illusion. He feels that there seems to be a foul smell in the soil.

After exploring the spot for 2 minutes, Bai Yu found that where he was currently, there were only two options: forward or backward. In the end, Bai Yu felt that there was not much difference, so he chose to go forward.

Below the Palace of the Weird Society.

Da Jiongyan opened her big eyes, and every corner of the hole leading to the Weird Association was covered with her special telekinetic power, so when a special creature entered here, she would indeed be able to know the information at the first time.

The Monster Association has officially declared war on human beings. This news can no longer be concealed, and recently, many wild monsters have come to seek refuge with Dajiongyan.

But this entrance, if Da Jiongyan guessed correctly, should belong to the most secret one, and no weird person would come in from this place at all.

More importantly, if you enter from that place, you will be very close to that special secret room.

There is a very special thing in the secret room, which cannot be touched by these strange people from outside, otherwise it may cause a lot of trouble.

Da Jiongyan asked the trusted weirdo to take this new friend over here. She didn't want any unexpected accidents to happen on the eve of the war.

Bai Yu was walking in the tunnel, and he found this place a bit strange.

On the walls of these tunnels, there seem to be some ancient pictures similar to sacrificial offerings, which not only have a sense of age, but even have a strange sense of mystery.

This feeling made Bai Yu feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

He was still moving forward in an unknown direction. After wasting so much time and taking many wrong paths, Bai Yu seemed to feel that the surrounding environment began to change.

The wet muddy ground also began to gradually turn into hard and smooth icy stone walls, and torches began to be seen on the walls on both sides.

Several weird men gradually appeared in front of Bai Yu's eyes, and they seemed to come just for him.

"Oh, is this the new friend?" A gray mantis monster was looking at Bai Yu and asked.

"Haha, what a short weird guy, it doesn't look like a big guy." The wolf-headed monster next to the praying mantis monster took the words.

"Fortunately, we got an order from above, let us come here to pick up this idiot, hum. What a waste of time." A certain group of slimy slimes also think that Bai Yu is not a powerful weirdo.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" A rhinoceros monster with a height of about five meters came out from behind the group of weirdos, and asked Bai Yu arrogantly, "Come with us, this place is not a place like you. The weirdo can get his hands on it, if we don't start a war with the British Association tomorrow, how can we keep a guy like you until now!"

Good guy, this rhinoceros has such an aggressive temper, Bai Yu couldn't help but want to kill it here.

"Is this guy dumb?"

"Hmph, who knows, follow us quickly, Mr. Dajiongyan wants to see you." After the rhinoceros monster finished speaking, he motioned Bai Yu to quickly follow their pace.

Bai Yu narrowed his blood-red eyes, and imitated Frieza and let out a creepy laugh, "Hehehe, I'll follow right away."

I feel that things seem to be interesting, so I follow these guys to have a look, and decide whether to kill these guys or not.

Da Jiongyan is still sleeping in her palace, or she is thinking about the current way. Tomorrow, the Heroes Association will come here to rescue the hostages. She has to make sure that she is safe.

There was movement outside the gate, and Da Jiongyan also opened his eyes at this time, and she was looking at the position at the gate.

Immediately afterwards, the huge rhinoceros monster and others led Bai Yu to the front of Da Jiongyan.

"Master Dajiongyan, we have brought here the weirdo who strayed there by mistake, that is the guy behind us." After the rhinoceros monster finished speaking, he moved away from his huge body, allowing Baiyu to show his whole body in Dajiongyan. below the field of view.

Dajiong eyes focused on Baiyu.
It's strange, it's really strange, Da Jiongyan finds that he can't perceive the strength of this pale monster, which is very rare.

"What's your name?" Da Jiongyan asked Bai Yu with his hands folded.

"Hehehe, my name is Frieza." Bai Yu replied honestly.

"Why did you come in from there?"

Bai Yu blinked his eyes. After hearing Da Jiongyan's question, he seemed to realize something was wrong.

The rhinoceros monster just now seemed to have mentioned that that place is not something that he can get his hands on
Sure enough, there might be some secrets hidden in the passage I walked through just now.

"I'm sorry, I'm a weirdo who came here from a far away place. I heard that there is a weirdo association underground here, so I just found a random place and came down to have a look. I didn't expect to make you guys unhappy by hitting the right way."

Da Jiongyan seemed very dissatisfied with this answer, but since she couldn't perceive strength and other useful emotions from Bai Yu, she looked at the Rhinoceros and nodded to it, as if giving some order.

A blast of hot air came from the deep breath of Rhinoceros's nose. It stepped forward, and its huge feet crushed the solid ground directly, "Hmph, it looks like it's just a crooked waste. Since you never set foot in a place where you shouldn't be, go away!" If you come in, please go to hell!"

Da Jiongyan was watching the scene with the mood of watching a play.

The secret room hidden by the Monster Association has some big secrets there, and although this new monster didn't touch the core, it still made her very uncomfortable.

After the matter was over, Da Jiongyan went to personally seal the secret hole and block the passage.

As for this weirdo called Frieza?

Let Rhinoceros test the waters.

Da Jiongyan even felt that it might be a better thing for this weirdo called Frieza to die directly at the hands of the rhinoceros.

(End of this chapter)

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