Chapter 247 Singled Out You Group

Are you kidding me?
The rhino monster covered the hole where his heart was with both hands, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't stop the flow of blood. The pain of the heart being pierced reminded it that all of this was real.

"Damn it!", the rhinoceros monster stared at Frieza in front of him, turned around and looked at Dajiongyan with difficulty, and said the question: "Master Dajiongyan, didn't you say that I have now reached the level of a ghost-level disaster?" Well, why?"

After all, the rhinoceros fell to the ground without waiting for Da Jiongyan's answer.
"Are you kidding, Brother Rhino. It was killed by this Frieza with one move??" The mantis monster looked at what happened in front of him, which completely subverted its three views.

Even the weird slime who had mocked Frieza just now began to move away from the god of death, because he was really afraid that Frieza would remember what he said just now.

Da Jiongyan said at this moment: "Rhinoceros, you have indeed achieved a ghost-level disaster through hard evolution, but your opponent is far stronger than you."

Bai Yu imitated Frieza's tone and smiled happily: "Hehehe, it's really scary. I saw it was so fierce, so I couldn't help sending a death beam to this rhinoceros. I didn't expect it to make one move in a row. Can't make it through either."

In fact, Bai Yu doesn't know the death beam, but he can control the Qi on his body, and he can barely imitate a general appearance.

A look of surprise appeared on the face with big piercing eyes, it seemed that it had miscalculated the strength of this weird Frieza.

He killed the ghost-level disaster rhinoceros monster with one move. Let's make a bold guess that this Frieza's strength may be at the level of a dragon-level disaster with a certain probability.

Bai Yu took a step back on one foot, bent his upper body slightly, opened his hands left and right and moved forward, with his palms pointed at Da Jiongyan, and the strange man said, "Then you will single out me, or I will single out a group of you." ?”

Dajiongyan waved his hand, and the strong and heavy gravity began to press on Baiyu's body. She expressed dissatisfaction, "I advise you not to be so arrogant, this is the Monster Association!"

This heavy pressure completely covered Bai Yu's body, making it difficult to move.

Da Jiongyan laughed a few times in satisfaction, and sure enough, in terms of the use of super powers alone, she has far surpassed the expired loli like Tornado.

"Are you giving me a massage?"

Bai Yu walked out of this so-called gravity zone easily, and he said to Da Jiongyan very unhappy, "If your strength is only at this level, then you deserve to be killed by me!"


Da Jiongyan opened up several arms on his body angrily.

The ground in the palace began to crumble, and under the blessing of the power of thought, several rocks all became extremely shining, and the rocks began to perform a symphony of notes at the position of Bai Yu.

The nearby praying mantis and monsters were all crushed into flesh by the rocks, and died from the damage of the big piercing Aoe.

After Bai Yu saw these rocks attacking, he didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, an even more frightening red light appeared in his blood-red eyes, and a powerful Qi wall appeared around his whole body.

The moment the rock collided with the scorching air wall, it was instantly annihilated into grains of dust, which dissipated before Da Jiongyan's eyes.

Still useless?

The astonishment on Da Jiongyan's face couldn't be concealed any more.

Where did this monster come from?

Could it be that he was also smuggled down from outer space like the plague god Poros?
Bai Yu easily defeated the attack from Da Jiongyan, and he opened his palm to aim at the bloated one-eyed monster.

The impact of thought power gathered on his palm, and a terrifying sphere of fiery red energy appeared in front of Da Jiongyan.

Feeling the inexplicable danger, Da Jiongyan finally realized that things were out of his control.

Damn it, she still has to save her unique skills and go to deal with the Heroes Association tomorrow, so she can't waste it in the civil war.

So there is only one way left.

"Master Orochi, come and save me!!"

Accompanied by Da Jiongyan's loud cry for help.

The ground began to shake violently, and then several places on the ground were broken by purple unknown objects with sharp front ends and thick bodies.

Bai Yu also stopped his own attack and looked at this big monster that was about to burst out of its chrysalis.

The huge palace couldn't give the monster any room to move, and the hard ground was smashed to pieces by several snake-shaped tentacles.

The magnificent and huge palace room just a few seconds ago was completely destroyed in an instant.

Bai Yu floated in mid-air using the Wukong technique, and looked at the giant under the ground.
No matter how strong it is, in terms of appearance and style, it is very passable!
"Master Orochi, this guy named Frieza dared to offend me, please teach him a lesson."

As soon as Dajiongyan finished speaking, the strange man Wang Dashe began to fix his eyes on Baiyu.

"I can't feel the pressure from you." The strange man Wang Dashe began to speak on his cold carved face: "But you should be a guy who should not be underestimated."

Orochi Cannon.

Several thick snake heads aimed directly at the white jade floating in mid-air, and the energy cannons wrapped in purple light were directed towards the latter.

"Oh, that's terrible."

Bai Yu began to use Wukong to spin and drift in the air, dodging these terrorist attacks with ease.

The eccentric Wang Dashe controlled his own snake heads and began to predict Baiyu's next location and range of activities.

The head of the erupting snake cannon began to rotate and twist counterclockwise gradually, and finally converged into a more terrifying and wide-ranging super snake cannon!
The eccentric Wang Dashe really didn't want to waste time playing hide-and-seek with the prisoner's fly this time.

It's a one-hit kill!

Bai Yu didn't dodge or dodge, he felt the monstrous killing intent from the monster King Da She in this blow.

The pride of the opponent must be dealt a heavy blow in the same place.

Putting his hands together, Bai Yu murmured: "Ten times Guibo. No, super mind blaster!"

Under the purple brilliance of the Super Orochi Cannon, the scarlet light began to counterattack, and even destroyed everything covered by the red light wherever it went. Many innocent monsters who ran out to watch were affected to the point of death. Disappeared to a miserable end.

There is a hidden corner above the place where the weirdo Wang Dashe and Bai Yu fought.

The black spirit is here, watching the battle.

As a contract weirdo of Master Bai Yu, even if Bai Yu turns into ashes, Hei Jing will not admit his master's mistake.

"I didn't expect the master to come to the Weird Association." A nervous expression appeared on Hei Jing's wretched face, "The Weird Association will end after all. No one can not be retaliated against after offending Master Baiyu."

I have to mention one thing, this weirdo Wang Dashe is really tough!

(End of this chapter)

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