Five to five from one punch

Chapter 248 What do you think of me?

Chapter 248 What do you think of me?
Hei Jing is so sad.

Captain Poros successfully rescued the master's master. The Asura Unicorn seems to be poaching the wall, and even spread unfavorable rumors about the Monster Association, but it seems to have gotten nothing so far.

If this continues, I'm afraid I will fall out of favor.

Shouldn't he be reduced to a useless bench king like the King of the Deep Sea in the end?

Do not! !

The black spirit will never agree!

It's all the fault of that dead dog named Pochi. If it hadn't been for hindering his actions, he might have already made great contributions.

It has to do something as quickly as possible.

Thinking of the black spirit here, it no longer waits and sees the contest below, it will start looking for something that can make Master Baiyu happy.

The dust dissipated.

The strange man Wang Dashe looked at his several thick tentacles in horror.
The head of the snake-shaped tentacle was directly wiped out by the collision just now. If the monster king snake hadn't been pulled out in time, it might have affected its entire body.

In the battle against waves just now, it actually lost!

Bai Yu was still calm and composed in mid-air, and he said, "Hehehe, it seems that you are also a guy who only cares about what is not useful."

Coupled with Frieza's appearance and this kind of sarcasm, even the eccentric Wang Dashe, who is as calm as water, also gave birth to an extremely angry emotion.

This Frieza is more disgusting than that guy Poros!
The eccentric Wang Dashe was about to show his full strength, but his big piercing eyes blocked the eyes of the two of them inappropriately.

"Well, everyone, calm down first, this kind of unnecessary consumption of internal fighting is really very stupid."

Da Jiongyan continued to persuade: "Tomorrow the Heroes Association will officially invade our place. At this time, the most sensible thing to do is to recharge your batteries. I am here to boldly propose that it is better for Mr. Frieza to officially join our Weird Association and make it a A member of the cadre."

The weirdo king snake: "."

Obviously it came here just now because you yelled for help.

It was you who ordered that this weirdo named Frieza be taught a lesson.

Why don't you jump out when they fight so fiercely
The monster King Dashe has a tameness in his body that obeys Dajiongyan unconditionally, even if it is true, it still feels a sense of unhappiness in his heart.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more unbelievable she is!

The eccentric Wang Dashe closed his eyes and continued to sleep and save energy.

Da Jiongyan dragged his bloated body to float in front of Baiyu and asked, "Mr. Frieza, do you think this is okay?"

Let him join the Weird Society?

Bai Yu felt that there was a hole in this big piercing eye's mind.

But that's fine
It is convenient for him to solve the curse problem on Banggu and Bangpu, and he can better complete task two.

But agreeing like this seems a bit frivolous, the other party will not cherish things that are too easy to get.

Bai Yu asked Da Jiongyan, "A cadre? Is it an important high-ranking member of this association?"

"Of course that's right. The cadre of the Monster Association is almost the highest position here, and it has supreme power. It is a position that only powerful weirdos can do."

Big piercing eyes lure Bai Yu incessantly.

Bai Yu: "How many holidays are there in a week?"

Da Jiongyan: "Weird Associations generally don't give holidays and weirdos don't need holidays."

Bai Yu: "How much is the salary of the Weird Association? Are there any holiday benefits and various welfare allowances?"

Da Jiongyan: "No."

Bai Yu: "Does the Weird Association provide food and accommodation?"

Da Jiongyan: "Include it. There are many rooms here, you can use them as you like, but you don't include food."

Ha. What a weak organization.

The welfare here is even worse than the master ball with its unequal treaty. You really deserve your association to go to the street.

Bai Yu felt that the fire was almost ready, and he finally said jokingly: "There is nothing, do you still want me, Mr. Frieza, to join you?"

"Could it be that you will send hair and match your wife?"

Dajiongyan was completely dumbfounded. This Frieza doesn't look like a weirdo at all. Shouldn't he be beating his chest with his fists now, and then solemnly swear to be loyal to the Weird Association?

Why did you bargain with her here?
Gods are so weird that people want wages!
I give you salary, can you use it?
If every weirdo had to be paid, then the big-eyed weirdo association would not be able to pay the wages of so many weirdos if they sold themselves?
Da Jiongyan answered Bai Yu angrily: "I'm sorry, we don't marry wives here. If you really need it, what do you think of me?"

"You?" Bai Yu looked up and down Da Jiongyan's body in disgust.

He was just joking, who would want you as a wife who is so bloated and ugly.

Bai Yu's tone and expression deeply stimulated Da Jiong's eyes.
So angry.

Da Jiongyan warned himself that now is not the time to turn his face.

You must not be impulsive, come on, big eyes, you are the best!

"Hmph, you don't have anything, you just plan to be a white wolf, let me join?" Bai Yu said sarcastically, "If you want me to join, you have to show your sincerity."

Da Jiongyan realized that this weird guy was not as easy to fool as she imagined, and it didn't play cards according to the routine.

"Okay, I can show you some secrets of our Weird Association. At the same time, you must also join the Weird Association as required and follow my instructions." Da Jiongyan said to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu replied with a smile: "Of course I, Frieza, will join your weirdo association, and then follow your instructions, and say what you say."

After the incident here, Da Jiongyan began to take Bai Yu to his laboratory.

At the same time, she was also probing some of Bai Yu's secrets intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, where did such a powerful weirdo like it live before?

If it is such a powerful weirdo.Why Dajiongyan has never heard of Frieza's rumors.

She even insinuated whether Frieza also came from outer space.

Bai Yu was so annoyed that she made up a lie.

For example, I have been living in the glaciers on the Antarctic side.

Perhaps because of global warming, the iceberg was forced to melt, and Frieza was naturally inexplicably broken out.

It is extremely curious about the outside world, of course it has been learning various methods of human society, just in time to hear that there is an association of weirdos here.

Just out of curiosity, it came over to take a look, and what happened just now happened.

Da Jiongyan was dubious about this statement.
However, she did not pursue too much, the origin of this monster named Frieza, no matter what.

As long as it's weird.

With the addition of powerful monsters like Frieza, I believe that after the arrival of the Heroes Association tomorrow, the defeat will be even more bruised.

Thinking of Da Jiongyan here, he looks forward to tomorrow's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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