Five to five from one punch

Chapter 250 Frieza Will Call You The Strongest

Chapter 250 Frieza Will Call You The Strongest

If it cannot be reversed, it means that Banggu and Master Bangpu are abolished, and they will only have two results in the end, either die or transform into a weirdo.

If the two elders were allowed to choose, I'm afraid they would end their own lives directly.

Now that things are no longer turning around, why does Bai Yu still pretend?
Just destroy this weirdo association directly, and then turn the table and stop playing!
Just when Bai Yu was planning this, Da Jiongyan said again: "Although it can't be lifted, it's not impossible to get rid of the curse mark."

Hey, things have turned around.

Bai Yu tentatively tried, "Oh, I would like to hear more about it, what would be the solution?"

Da Jiongyan is very satisfied with Frieza's humility and asking for advice. She has been studying hard, facing those stupid weirdos every day, and her whole body is rusty.
Da Jiongyan likes how Frieza thinks she is 666.

"It is indeed an irreversible thing for weirdo cells to enter the human body, but an interesting phenomenon occurred during my research, that is, weirdo cells have a strong dependence on activated cells, that is, if someone cooks weirdo cells If you eat it, the weirdo cells will have zero effect, and it will even cause the person to have diarrhea in the end, and the waste remains of the weirdo cells will be expelled."

Bai Yu answered the words very caringly and asked, "Then what does this have to do with the curse seal?"

"The curse seal is a homologous product to a certain extent with the strange man's cell, which means that the curse seal is also very dependent on the activated cells, and even the curse seal is more flexible than the strange man's cell. For example, suppose I am in a living human body The curse seal was injected, and the curse seal is linked to its vitality in the process of adhering to him. If this living person suddenly enters frequent death or dies, then the curse seal should be directly rejected due to the lack of activation environment. Going out of the body, forcibly stopping the transformation of this living person, but I don't know what will happen to the living person who is freed from the curse."

Bai Yu understood now, that is to say, Bang Gu and Bang Pu must die once first?
When you die, there is nothing left.
He doesn't know the resurrection technique, and what kind of reincarnation technique?
But this big piercing eye seems to say that frequent death is okay, and this Baiyu can manipulate it, after all, he has a fairy bean.

No matter how badly you hurt, how close you are to death.
As long as you are not dead, after eating one of these, you will immediately be revived on the spot, alive and kicking.

After groping for a solution, Bai Yu happily clapped his palms and praised Dajiongyan and said, "High, it's really high. In the field of science, no one can surpass you. In terms of biological research, I, Frieza May I call you the strongest!"

Da Jiongyan is very happy to be flattered, maybe this is why she likes Frieza so much.

"Then how tall is it?" Da Jiongyan said a little interestingly.

Bai Yu immediately flicked her tail and said loudly, "At least three or four floors high!"

Da Jiongyan smiled even happier. She pointed to Frieza and said, "It still feels low. I hope you can add a few zeros after the numbers three and four next time."

After finishing speaking, the laughter of the two spread throughout the laboratory.

Poros walked up to Banggu and Bangpu, and it looked at the faces of the two old people.

Very bad, very bad.

Even the vitality that Poros felt in the two of them was extremely weak.

The matter could not be delayed any longer, and it began to explain to Banggu the way the master had just informed itself through the communication function of the master ball.

After a while.

Banggu said to Poros, the strange man whose position was unknown: "Kill us, since we will become weird in the end, then it is better to die here."

Bang Pu also nodded in agreement, and he began to say: "Since frequent deaths can expel this disgusting thing in the body, then we have no reason to refuse. Although there is a certain degree of danger, it is better than becoming a weirdo." many."

"Yes, what's more, didn't Baiyu say that he has a god that can heal us both in an instant?" After Banggu glanced at his brother, he continued to say to Poros: "Then please do it." , Pierce both of our bodies!"

Poros felt the realization from the two of them, nodded, took out two beans and put them in the mouths of both of them at the same time, "This is a fairy bean, a fetish given by the master, as long as you eat it, you will be able to eat it." Instantly heal any damage to the body and even restore physical strength, after I penetrate your body, you can eat it."

Banggu and Bangpu put the bean in their mouths, waiting for the crucial moment.

Poros clenched his pitch-black fist, and flashes of light gradually appeared on it, and crackling electric lights began to appear. In a split second, both Banggu and Banggu were punched through the heart by the former with a single fist.

Poros said at this time: "A dead enemy once told me that as long as I am fast enough, the pain will not catch up with you."

Bang Gu, who was extremely weak, wanted to refute the alien loudly, "My child, you have been deceived."

The lives of the two people began to flow away, and at the same time, a disgusting, viscous and extremely black liquid began to be expelled from their bodies at the same time.

Soon, two groups of dark unknown objects faded from the two of Banggu.

Poros grabbed the two groups of unknown things with both hands, and then said coldly: "The things made by trash fish are still trash fish!"

Under the shattering of Poros' powerful energy, the two groups of black unknown objects disappeared into the room.

Bang Gu and Bang Pu also swallowed the fairy beans in their mouths at the moment when the unknown object left their bodies.

In less than a second.

Banggu and Bangpu were instantly revived with full blood.

After they felt their physical condition and strength, they all expressed in disbelief: "It's amazing, there are such amazing things in this world."

Not only that, Bump patted his waist and said: "Not only the injury on my chest has been healed, but even the hidden injury on my waist is gone. I feel like I'm ten years younger."

Banggu nodded in agreement with his brother's statement, and he also felt as if he was ten years younger.

Does the fairy bean still have this miraculous function?

After seeing that the two old men were out of danger, Poros informed Bai Yu of the news through his own means.

After that, Bai Yu sent back the news that Poros and the two old men should continue to stand still and follow his orders.

The hungry wolf lying on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I doing?
By the way, he was brought back to the Weird Society!

The hungry wolf jumped up in an instant, and he looked at the strange environment around him vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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