Five to five from one punch

Chapter 251 The Black Box Is Too Valuable

Chapter 251 The Black Box Is Too Valuable

The hot polenta is exuding a tempting aroma, and the dreamlike mist is gradually rising.

This is a bowl of freshly baked polenta. Not only that, Genos has learned the lesson from yesterday. He added two poached eggs to this bowl of porridge.

Saitama stared dumbfounded at the bowl of polenta in front of him, staring blankly on the chair.

After a few minutes like this, Saitama still maintained this expression, and he didn't even take a bite of the polenta and the two poached eggs on the table.

Genos put the freshly brewed milk in front of Saitama and asked, "Teacher, is today's breakfast not to your liking?"

"No, it's not to your liking, you did a great job." Saitama explained in a panic.

Although the teacher said so, the corn porridge on the table still hasn't touched a mouthful. Is this the so-called wrong mouth?
Genos immediately stood up and said to Saitama: "Teacher, it's okay. Since the polenta doesn't suit your appetite, I'll go down and give it to you."

"Stop, there's really no need to do this." Saitama made Genos look so nervous, which made him feel embarrassed. He picked up the spoon and ate a mouthful of porridge and said, "Look. I Isn't this eaten?"

After Genos saw that the polenta was eaten by Saitama, he also felt relieved and tried: "Teacher, what are you worrying about?"

Ludan glanced at Janos, and he explained the reason with a bit of resentment: "Baiyu seems to have not come back since noon yesterday, and he didn't even come over for breakfast in the morning, which is obviously a night out."

It turned out that he was worried about this matter, Genos comforted Saitama, "Teacher, you are too worried. Teacher Baiyu is so powerful, even if he encounters difficulties outside, I believe it will not cause trouble to him."

"I know", Saitama replied casually. In fact, he was guessing whether Baiyu didn't take him with him because he went to some interesting place!
"Oh, by the way, Genos, the polenta seems to be a bit bland."

A shocked expression appeared on Genos's face, and he responded excitedly: "Teacher, don't worry about the taste of tomorrow, I will make it bolder."

"Ah, well, I feel like I should eat it tomorrow."

so annoying.

Bai Yu sat up very uncomfortable.

I have to mention that the accommodation environment of the Weird Association is really outrageous.

It's also a beautiful name, an exclusive room for the cadres of the association!
Pooh, it's not even as good as the kennel in my broken apartment.

Bai Yu planned to go out for a breather, but when he opened the door, he found that Asura Unicorn Immortal had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

After it saw Bai Yu, it happily came up to it and said, "Brother Bai Yu, I didn't expect you to join the Monster Association. In the past few days, I have always kept your teachings in mind and kept going deep into the enemy to spy on information, because In this way, I don’t even think about tea and food, and I don’t even feel safe when I sleep.”

"Okay, okay, I see." Bai Yu interrupted the sycophant's claim of credit in time, and after letting Ashura Unicorn Immortal come into his room, he asked, "Tell me the little information you discovered these days." Let me know."

In the following time, Asura One-horned Immortal told Bai Yu about the abilities and hobbies of the several cadres.

They were completely sold out, after all, good friends are for sale.

After hearing this, Bai Yu praised Asura Unicorn Immortal: "Very good, you did a very good job this time. After we defeat the Monster Association, I will take all these guys under my command."

"But." Bai Yu began to think when he said this.

That guy named Wandering Emperor, can he be considered a weirdo?
According to the information given by Asura Unicorn Immortal, this guy seems to be an ordinary person a few months ago, the kind who was kicked out because he couldn't pay the rent.

Just when the Wandering Emperor was disheartened, something very miraculous happened.

The Wandering Emperor claimed to have seen a god and was even more loved by the gods. This god who sounded vain gave him strength, and the Wandering Emperor became a dragon-level monster in one fell swoop.

Until now, he joined the Weird Association and became an excellent cadre.

Bai Yu is now very sensitive to the word god. The black box he came into contact with in Ninja Village last time allowed him to come into contact with the so-called god.

Could it be that the god who gave the Wandering Emperor his power is actually the same god as the one I saw in Ninja Village?
Make a bold guess, or a group?
Under the reminder of task two, there is also a black box hidden in the Monster Association, which is the key to communicate with the so-called gods.

The black box is good, it is a white crystal of myriad realms, after the white jade is found, it will be sold on the spot!
The mysterious shop has refreshed a skill that Bai Yu is very concerned about, and it just so happens that he is short of some myriad crystals to buy it. As long as he finds this black box, then I believe all of this will not be a problem!
This black box is likely to be stored in the area of ​​space that I passed by when I came in yesterday.

After all, that guy with Da Jiongyan reacted very strangely yesterday, no matter what. Bai Yu felt that he had to go over there to investigate.

After the Asura Unicorn Immortal looked at Bai Yu's thinking, it didn't dare to disturb it. It could only quietly squat aside and wait for the elder brother's order.

After making up his mind, Bai Yu said to Asura Unicorn Immortal: "Let's do this first, you go back and wait for orders, and continue to do what you like."

"Brother Baiyu, are we going to launch an attack on the Weird Association today?"

"Well, if there are no accidents, it should be today. You just wait for my order."

After searching for a while.

Bai Yu really wanted to slap himself a few times, why did he have to set a flag.

The place where Bai Yu walked yesterday has completely changed completely, and it has completely changed into a completely new scene.

Bai Yu definitely didn't take the wrong path, but the reality was right in front of his eyes. He couldn't fake it.

He even wondered if the weirdo association could change the terrain by itself.

Bai Yu spent another half an hour searching the vicinity carefully, but finally found nothing.

There was no other way, he finally decided to go back to Da Jiongyan's side to set the tone, to see if there was any mystery in it.

After all, black boxes are so valuable!
Bai Yu is so hungry!
Just as Bai Yu was getting closer to Da Jiong Yan's new residence, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance.

It seemed that someone was fighting fiercely over there.

Bai Yu began to wonder if the Heroes Association had come to his door.

He rushed over in a hurry, only to realize that it wasn't a member of the Heroes' Association who called in, but a patient with secondary illness, Hungry Wolf!

(End of this chapter)

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