Five to five from one punch

Chapter 252 You Are Not Scary At All

Chapter 252 You Are Not Scary At All

Hungry wolf!

Bai Yu almost forgot that this guy also joined the Weird Association.

But looking at the current situation, he seems to be declaring war on the Monster Association?
The half-body of the hungry wolf wrapped in bandages was standing on the floor, and he proudly looked up at the gigantic monster Wang Dashe in front of him.

To be honest, Hungry Wolf has never seen such a terrifying monster
The pressure emanating from the monster king snake began to gradually transform into real terror. Hungry Wolf's calf began to tremble slightly, perhaps because of fear, or excitement, or both.

In terms of body size, apart from Elder Centipede, the monster King Da She is the biggest monster Hungry Wolf has ever encountered.

Can he win?

do not know.
But one thing is for sure, and that is that the hungry wolf never backs down.

Bai Yu was still in the shape of Frieza at this time, he floated to Da Jiongyan's side through the Wukong technique and asked, "What's going on here? Why is there a human here?"

Dajiongyan saw that it was Frieza who came, and she happily explained: "I am laughing at you, this self-proclaimed weirdo has great human potential, and I value him very much."

"But it's a pity that if the dog is disobedient, you have to give him a good beating, or put an obedient collar on him, so that the dog can be loyal, so that he can understand where he stands!"

Bai Yu echoed and asked: "Well, it sounds like this human has joined our side, but why is he disobedient again?"

Speaking of which, this is a bit irritating. Da Jiongyan never expected that Hungry Wolf would go against the Weird Association for the hostage of a stinky brat named Snot Xiong, and even several ghost-level weirdos died because of it. In the hands of hungry wolves.

Let me ask, can Da Jiongyan bear it?

Not to mention that Hungry Wolf actually dared to offend and ran up to her to be arrogant.

Speaking of which, isn't Hungry Wolf the same as what Frieza did yesterday?

However, compared to Frieza, Da Jiongyan was a little surprised by the hungry wolf. This human body has a strong adaptability, but after a short period of fighting, he has already adapted to her superpowers. It is indeed not a normal person at all. Humanity.

Heh, it is precisely because of this that hungry wolves have the value of being transformed.

After hearing this, Bai Yu finally understood the context of the whole matter.

He also didn't expect Hungry Wolf, a villain who killed his fellow disciples, to go against organizations like the Weird Association in order to save a child.

Why did Bai Yu think it was so nonsense?

Hungry Wolf, a middle school boy, doesn't talk about absolute evil, the world's fault, a group of hypocritical heroes, etc. all day long.

Such a person, suddenly transformed into a dazzling hero, really makes people feel that it is still nonsense.

The battle below has entered a fierce stage.

Hungry Wolf is no match for the weird Wang Dashe at all, and it is extremely difficult for him to even cause effective damage to the latter.

However, Hungry Wolf's adaptability talent is indeed very strong, he quickly explored the attack mode of the monster king snake, although it was useless in the end.

But at least it can be regarded as a few tricks that can be forcibly fought.

Just when the hungry wolf was going to speed up his running speed by imitating the posture of the police dog man, the weird king snake seemed to see through the hungry wolf's trajectory. The sharp thorns on the crown on its head pierced directly through the hungry wolf's stomach.

When Bai Yu thought that the hungry wolf would fall like this, something strange happened.

The wound on Hungry Wolf's stomach did not flow out of blood. From his overall wound, it feels very strange.

It's as if a piece of chocolate has been forcibly pierced through a hole, which is not like a normal human body at all.

The hungry wolf who was pierced did not fall down because of this, but he became more and more excited, mocking the monster Wang Dashe persistently on his mouth: "Hahaha, my body can still move, there is no problem at all."

"You, the so-called monster king snake, are not scary at all, and you don't feel any sense of despair at all!"

"Compared to the pressure from Bai Yu, you are like a puppy that hasn't been weaned yet!"

Bai Yu, who was next to Da Jiongyan, was shot for no reason.

At this moment, none of the strange people watching from above took Hungry Wolf's words seriously, after all, the words of a dying man are also crazy.

Isn't the weirdo king snake scary?

Of course it's terrifying, otherwise, how could they willingly obey its orders and form this weirdo association.

Isn't it because of the opponent's terrifying strength, and the unparalleled abyss of despair.

When Hungry Wolf was still studying how to attack this monster king, the monster king Da She began to pose a martial arts pose in front of his eyes.

It is the classic starting posture of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist.

Let alone a hungry wolf, even Bai Yu felt a little nonsense.

The weirdo King Da She shouldn't be so boring, if he does such unnecessary things, what will be left is an extremely absurd reality.

It learned the essence of Liushuiyanshattering Fist through a brief fight with the hungry wolf.

Not only learned it, but also used it to the hungry wolf, as if mocking what the hungry wolf said just now.

The hungry wolf whose mental state became more and more unstable was also stimulated by this scene.

He started to assume the same posture, and the hungry wolf rushed towards the big snake's head with its Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, just like a death row prisoner about to go to the execution ground.

Da Jiong watched the battle below boredly, and she murmured boredly: "Stupid guy."

Boom. Boom. Boom sounds appeared one after another below.

After a few seconds, it stopped.

The scene after the battle made people feel distressed. Hungry wolf lost consciousness and was hammered into a wall.

Life and death unknown.

The monster king snake won the battle, but it was not moved at all.

It was nothing more than defeating a fly.

If the defeated opponent is Boros, or the new guy named Frieza yesterday, the weirdo king snake will be very happy.

After the war with the Heroes Association, the weirdo Wang Dashe will definitely make a deal with these two annoying weirdos.

Bai Yu was not interested in what the weirdo Wang Dashe was thinking at all, so he paid attention to the task three prompts on the system.

He discovered that the progress bar for the hungry wolf to become the ultimate evil has actually broken through to 50.00% progress!

Good guy, this is not dead, even open the padlock blood, lie down and become stronger
It's a pity, if there were no bald heads in this world, Hungry Wolf should be the real protagonist template.

It's even more regrettable that I, Bai Yu, are still here!
Da Jiongyan began to explain to Bai Yu: "After this beating, I believe this little dog should understand the distinction between superiority and inferiority, and also better understand what the king of weirdos represents!"

(End of this chapter)

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