Five to five from one punch

Chapter 253 The Mysterious Black Box

Chapter 253 The Mysterious Black Box
Bai Yu has already vaguely guessed that the important factor for the hungry wolf to evolve into the ultimate evil, perhaps the key lies in the Weird Association.

When he was torturing hungry wolves before, he didn't see any improvement in his progress bar, but not long after he arrived at the Monster Association, he immediately broke through the 50.00% mark.

Maybe this is because of fate?

After this farce ended, the weird people who watched began to leave here, and no one cared about the loser of Hungry Wolf.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Weird Association, there were also many eccentrics who did not know how to live or die to challenge the eccentric Wang Dashe, but now the graves of these eccentrics are as high as several floors.

They believe that the hungry wolf, this kind of lifeless guy, will never be the last.

Above. Standing in the shape of a cylinder, the highest top cadre auditorium.

Of course Poros also watched the battle just now.

Not only it, but even the Asura Unicorn Immortal, who didn't think it was a big deal, came here specially to become a competent melon-eating crowd.

Now in the Monster Association, only Asura Unicorn can say a few words to Poros.

Other cadres and weirdos are afraid to communicate with Poros, the fierce god.

According to rumors, Poros is a guy who even beats himself when he goes crazy, the kind that the weirdo Wang Dashe is afraid of...

"It's really a one-sided massacre." Asura Unicorn said to Poros: "This human named Hungry Wolf really wants to die. Do you really think that you can beat the King of Monsters?"

Poros stared at the Unicorn Queen and said casually: "Who knows..."

"Well, Captain Poros seems to have a different opinion?"

After a few seconds of silence, Poros continued to explain to Asura Unicorn: "Compared to that guy, the King of Monsters, I care more about this weird human named Hungry Wolf."

"There seems to be something terrible awakening in this hungry wolf. Even I... seem to be unable to ignore this intuition."

The Asura Unicorn seems to have heard something terrible, and it asked in disbelief: "What Captain Poros means is that this hungry wolf will eventually become a terrible thing, even more powerful than the monster king snake ?”

"It's still the same sentence, who knows!" After Poros finished speaking, he turned and left here, but he really longed for his intuition to be right.


Several dark Teletubbies began to appear in this untouched forbidden area.

Although Hei Jing didn't understand what exactly this place was.

But intuition tells it that there may be some unexpected good things here!
The black spirit's split body began to gradually fuse together, forming a brand new individual.

In order to infiltrate this secret room, it had to rely on this split method and adopt crowd tactics to find a way out.

Fortunately, its efforts have paid off.

Hei Jing began to carefully inspect the surrounding stone walls, and found that the walls and ground of this place were obviously different from those inside the association outside.

Whether it's the color or the material...all are different.

Strange paintings and characters are engraved on the stone wall.

Hei Jing thinks he is knowledgeable and talented, but being so witty, he can't figure out what is on the stone wall.

Forget about these fonts, why are even the stone paintings so abstract?
I really want to pull this portrayed guy out and punch him to death!

This mysterious room does not seem to be as vast as Hei Jing imagined.

Soon, Hei Jing walked to the end of the room.

At the end, there is a huge pitch-black stone platform.

There seemed to be something floating above the stone platform.

This strange thing is surrounded by a dark, unknown substance.

I don't know if the black spirit is hallucinating, it seems to feel that this unknown substance is wriggling.

"Hey guy, what the hell is this?"

Not long after Hei Jing finished speaking, the black unknown substance began to gradually spread out, revealing its true appearance.

a black box? ? ?

Why is there such a thing in this place?
Hei Jing leaned towards the black box, wanting to get a closer look at it.

As Hei Jing got closer to the black box, it seemed that a mysterious force was covering the vicinity.

At the same time, the mysterious power emanating from this black box seems to be affecting the black spirit's thoughts.

"Pick it up, pick it up quickly, as long as you pick it up, you can gain power and get the whole world!"

Words like these appeared in Heijing's mind inexplicably.

What's worse is that the black spirit really started to stretch out his little hand towards the black box.

Right now, there is only one thought in Hei Jing's mind.

That is to pick up this black box.

At the moment when Hei Jing was about to touch the black box.

A bolt of lightning struck Hei Jing's body!
With a bang, everything returned to calm.

Hei Jing, who was awakened by the lightning, instantly realized what was going on.

It began to move backwards, away from the black box of unknown origin.

"It's so dangerous, I almost got caught." Hei Jing said to himself with lingering fear.

It did not expect that this black box actually has the ability to confuse other people's minds.

God knows what strange things will happen after picking up this black box!

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, master Baiyu's master ball helped it and woke it up.

I didn't expect that after becoming a legal member of the Master Ball, there is such a magical effect of forcibly releasing the control.

Bai Yu, who was a few meters away, could naturally feel the strangeness from Master Ball.

He took out this wonderful and infinite prop.

At the same time, it locked the source of the anomaly just now.

black spirit!

Bai Yu began to forcibly get the help of Master Ball, and established a chat group in Hei Jing's mind.

He began to understand the black spirit, what happened there.

After Hei Jing found out that it was Master Bai Yu, he seemed to have found a backbone.

It will tell Bai Yu everything that happened in this secret room.

"Wonderful!" Bai Yu said happily.

Unexpectedly, this black box, which has a special connection with the gods, was actually found by the black spirit!
This wave came without any effort.

Bai Yu began to keep Hei Jing away from the black box, so as not to cause any accidents.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu used the new skill of the talent template to reverse teleport to lock on the nepotism with which he was related.

A colorful beam of light appeared on Bai Yu's body, and then an extremely mysterious magic circle appeared under Bai Yu's feet.

After a few seconds, Bai Yu disappeared in the same place in an instant, and was directly teleported to where the target was.

the other side.

Hei Jing saw Master Bai Yu appearing beside him.

Although it feels very miraculous, this is Master Baiyu!
Only this kind of character is worthy of being the boss of the black spirit.

Bai Yu touched the small tentacles on Hei Jing's head and said, "Very good, you did a great job this time, and you are indeed my most capable pony."

Hei Jing: Good!
(End of this chapter)

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