Chapter 254 Gods
earlier time.

The Fubuki group was almost wiped out because of the city monster attack.
The reason why the entire army wasn't wiped out was because all the members except Bai Yu were sent to the Hero Hospital to recuperate.

Fubuki was worrying about this matter. The Heroes Association was going to attack the headquarters of the Monster Association. It was already a certainty, but at this critical moment, she didn't have any horses to use. This was undoubtedly no less than eating instant noodles without seasoning uncomfortable.

As for Yu'er, although he is a member of the Fuxue group, he is an S-level hero. He is definitely a member of the core land reclamation group who followed the S-level hero group and rushed directly to the front.

In other words, Fubuki is now a polished commander!
"Ah, so you're here." The tornado appeared in front of Fuxue from the sky, and she unceremoniously gave orders to her sister: "Chuuxue, you don't need to participate in this attack plan."

"Sister, why? As the number one hero in Class B, it is my duty to attack the Monster Association." Fubuki faced her sister angrily, which was something she wanted to do but never dared to do in the past.

"Why?", Tornado started to approach Fuxue, and her tone became more and more dissatisfied: "Don't you have a clue in your heart?"

"The attack on the Monster Association this time is so dangerous. You don't need to participate in this muddy water. I have also notified the Hero Association. They will not arrange for you to join this plan."

Fubuki is angry, her sister is still so domineering and unreasonable, she will prevaricate you with the excuse of "for your own good" no matter what.

"Oh, by the way, Yu'er won't participate this time either. Both you and Yu'er are excluded. You two can just live in peace." Long Juan told Fuxue about Bai Yu's situation, hoping to hear this After the news, the younger sister will not feel so uncomfortable.

Fubuki was happy instead of worried, as if he had thought of something good.
She bid farewell to her sister in a hurry, and then disappeared into the eyes of the tornado like a rabbit.

Long Juan murmured suspiciously: "The black coat that Fuxue is wearing today is very nice. Where did you buy it?"

In an apartment in no man's land.

Fubuki's eyes widened, she looked at Saitama and Genos and asked, "He hasn't come back since yesterday?"

Saitama nodded, "Yes, I didn't come back."

It’s tricky!
Fuxue even wondered if Yu'er had sneaked into the Weird Association by herself, after all, it was intriguing to disappear at this time.

That must be the case, Yu'er must have learned that she could not participate in the plan to attack the Weird Association, so she acted secretly by herself.

Damn it, at least bring her along!

However, it doesn't seem to be the worst situation, after all, there is a bald head and a devil-reformed person here
It is not a big problem to temporarily build a blowing snow group.

at this time
Vaccines have spent a lot of time near no-man's land.

Although it was arranged by Baiyu to support it outside, in fact it didn't have many things to do every day.

Apart from swatting mosquitoes and staring in a daze, there's really nothing for it to do during the rest of the time.

But now the situation seems to be such an accident.

A large group of humans from the Association of Heroes is marching in groups, feeling the aura emanating from them, it seems to be the prelude to attacking the Association of Monsters.

This team is led by heroes who the vaccine people know through information, and there are even a few familiar faces in it.

Such as trembling tornado, super alloy black light, and atomic warrior.

"Hey, did you declare war on the Weird Association so soon?" the Vaccine Man muttered alone.

I don't know if they swaggered in like this, would they disrupt Bai Yu's plan, would they go out and obstruct it?

The Monster Association seemed to have foreseen the arrival of the Hero Association, and several weird monsters began to crawl out of the holes in the ground, one after another. It was as if there were endless weird people underground.

Tongdi looked at the strange crowd in front of him. With a wave of his little hand, he gave orders like a general: "Attack. Start!!"

The members of the Hero Association officially launched an attack on the Monster Association. This day is destined to add a strong stroke to the history of mankind.

Da Jiongyan, who was originally deep in the ground, is spying on this tragic war through peeping eyes.

She is collecting the data of each hero. As for the weirdos sent to fight on the ground, they are all cannon fodder. If they die, they will die. Da Jiongyan doesn't feel bad at all.

The most important thing that the Weird Association lacks is weirdos!

Bai Yu told Hei Jing to stay away from this place, and he began to walk towards this strange sacrificial altar.

His only purpose is this black box, of course Bai Yu will not be bewitched, his eyes have already turned into the shape of money.

The concept of black box = money has already been deeply rooted in my mind.

Whenever Baiyu gets close to the black box, the surrounding air will gradually become cloudy, and even Baiyu can feel the jump of time.
As the manipulator of time ability, he is naturally extremely sensitive to time. The black box in front of him is indeed closely related to the black box owned by the remnants of Ninja Village.

The palms of the hands touched the black box like this, and Bai Yu felt the coldness transmitted from the black box.

Strange changes began to take place.

Hei Jing, who is far behind, has a numb scalp
After Master Baiyu touched the black box, the surrounding light seemed to be swallowed by some abyss, and the black mist that obstructed vision began to shroud around the sacrificial altar.

Hei Jing can only see the darkness in front of him now, and there is no sign of Master Bai Yu anymore.
Bai Yu was now in a dark and silent space.

Although the surroundings were extremely dark, Bai Yu felt that there seemed to be an unusually big guy in front of him.

[I didn't expect someone to finally come, it's really a rare situation]

[Put your hand on it again, if it fits, you will gain supreme power, if you don’t feel it, it will be erased]

This guy doesn't remember him?

It's still this guy, not the same guy I met in Ninja Village!
Bai Yu used Wukong to make herself rise upwards.

But this space doesn't seem to have the meaning of the word "scope", Bai Yu stopped using the Wukong technique, just suspended in the air quietly.

Scarlet light exploded from him, and the refracted red light began to spread outward from this central point.
The dazzling fierce light began to tear a hole in the corner of this dark abyss, fading away a corner of the boundless darkness.

what! ?

What is this stuff?
Bai Yu looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Incomparably huge rock.

It was so huge that Bai Yu felt unbelievable!

A stone man who can't be measured by numbers is squatting in this empty space with his head bowed.

It may be because Bai Yu's prying began to alarm the god, or the god did not expect that this human being would have the means to spy on it.

next second.

Bai Yu reappeared near the sacrificial altar.

(End of this chapter)

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