Five to five from one punch

Chapter 255 Blasting

Chapter 255 Blasting
Is that Heavenly Stone Man a god?

Bai Yu weighed the black box in his hand and guessed wildly, but speaking of it, this black box was much heavier than the one he met in Ninja Village last time, and the so-called "god" he met this time was also more powerful than the last one.

Frieza's appearance has disappeared, and Bai Yu has returned to his original appearance.

It's strange, if I remember correctly, the effects of the Transformation Card should still be available for at least a few hours.

Or, in that dark and boundless space, the flow of time is not consistent with that here?
There were many doubts that he didn't understand, Bai Yu really wanted to see this rock giant again, he began to stretch his left hand to the black box again, as if he wanted to enter that space again.

"Young man, this thing is not something you can control." An arm covered with armor began to grab the black box in Bai Yu's hand.

"Uncle, this is not allowed." Bai Yu slapped Blast's arm away with his left hand, and he said to the scar-faced uncle who suddenly appeared: "This black box is mine, and no one can take it away! "

The explosion that came out from behind Bai Yu stunned him. He looked at his right hand that was slapped away, and fell into deep thought.

Good guy, in this time-affected space, can this young man maintain this terrifying speed?

Too careless, this young man is not a simple person who can pick up this black box.

Maybe it's because he's been away for too long, it seems that it's not unreasonable for such a hero to appear in human beings, and he doesn't know about it.

Bai Yu was also very wary of this uncle who suddenly appeared!
This is the Monster Association, and it is also a mysterious area in the association. Bai Yu has never seen humans hiding in this place before.

So this uncle probably appeared in this place through some means, it is really hard to say whether it is an enemy or a friend!
Speaking of which, the shape of the armor this uncle is wearing is similar to Android 16 in Dragon Ball, and Bai Yu is very concerned about the round symbols on the backs of this uncle's hands.

Because once these two circular symbols are put together left and right, it will be the symbol ∞.

After Blast took off his sunglasses, he said to Bai Yu, "Young man, I am the No. 1 hero in the S-rank of the Hero Association, and my name is Blast!!"

Bai Yu was stunned. This uncle is actually the No. 1 missing person in the British Association for many years, and also the blaster with the highest absenteeism rate?

The news was quite sudden. If this guy really exploded, why would he appear here?

Because of.
"You came here for this black box?" Bai Yu asked while shaking the black box in his hand.

"Young man, you are right. I came here just for this black box. Fortunately, you were not bewitched by those guys." Blast showed a confident smile, and he explained to Bai Yu: "Give me this black box, it will Not an object that humans can possess."

"Sorry, I like rejecting other people's requests the most." Bai Yu put the black box on her index finger and twirled it crazily until the black box began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a bang, the black box finally disappeared under Blast's gaze.


There seemed to be three question marks above Bong Bang's head.

what on earth is it?

Not only can you pick up the black box at will, but even erase the black box?
This black box is not a prop for magic tricks, so what happened to this young man?

In order to avoid having long nights and dreams, Bai Yu sold the black box on the spot and got a huge sum of money for the Myriad Realms Crystal.

Compared to meeting that rock giant again, Bai Yu prefers the white crystal of Myriad Worlds!
"Young man, this is not a joke. What happened to that black box?"

Facing the panicked question from the explosion, Bai Yu replied indifferently: "As you can see, it was erased by me."

"Do you know what that is?" Blast asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't know, does it have something to do with me?" Just kidding, whatever it is, what is in Bai Yu's hands is naturally his.

Blast appeared in front of Bai Yu in a flash, "In this case, let me test whether you have such qualifications."

The oppression like a turbulent wave rushed towards Bai Yu, and the speed of the blasting punches was dizzying. He seemed to just want to simply exchange ideas with this young man.

Flowing Rock Shattering Fist!
Bai Yu wrapped her hands around the azure breath, and began to exchange ideas with Blast on the spot.

After fighting for a while, Blast's expression became more serious. He found that he seemed unable to see through this young man, and that the other party was using silver fangs in martial arts. Could it be that this young man has something to do with him?
"Uncle, you can't do this, the number one in the Heroes' Association can't be this level, right?" Bai Yu mocked the blaster.

Blast smiled, "What a narrow-minded boy."

Blasting has no interest in fighting anymore, he began to move away from Bai Yu's position, and then subconsciously asked: "Are you a hero too?"

Bai Yu said slowly, "Yes, I am a hero driven by a mission!"

"Haha, it's really interesting." Blast seemed to have thought of something funny, and he introduced himself to Bai Yu again: "Remember, boy. I'm a hero driven by interest, so I will see you later."

Blast's fists merged, and the two circular symbols on the back of the hand flickered and enlarged instantly, merging into one ∞!

A black ball appeared around Blast's body, and this black hole-like space instantly engulfed Blast, and finally disappeared in place.

Bai Yu finally knew how this guy Blast appeared here, and at the same time he seemed to have detected something.

For example, the reason why the blaster guy has been missing for many years may be related to these black boxes.

Will the top management of the Heroes Association know something inside?

"Master Baiyu!", the black spirit ran over in a panic, and asked nervously, "Is that just blasting?"

"Perhaps, let him alone." In short, Bai Yu completed the second task.

"Let's go, Hei Jing, let's go out!", Master Banggu and the others have solved their problems, not only sold the black box, but also completed task two, there is no need for him to lurk in the Weird Association.

It's also time to go out and kick this weirdo association.

"Hei Jing, stand behind me." Bai Yu stretched out one hand, and an energy ball full of fierce light appeared on the palm of his hand.

Immediately, there was a "boom"!
Bai Yu directly blasted all the obstacles in front of him.

An unexpected scene appeared in front of Bai Yu.

Flas with a bald head and even next to the two of them, there is a cute monster with big eyes? ?

How is this going?

Bai Yu was stunned, when did Saitama also come in here.
Saitama naturally also saw Baiyu, he ran over, and said angrily, "I knew you were here, so I came down here with Genos and Fubuki to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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