Chapter 256
"Saitama, did you and Fubuki come down together?" Baiyu asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, but we got lost in the middle. Speaking of which, there are so many weird things under our house. There are cats and dogs, and there seems to be a guy who claims to be the strongest creature." Saitama scratched himself naked Nagging in the head.


Bai Yu seemed to have missed something.

He looked at the flashing flas uncertainly and asked, "Is the Hero Association here too?"

The flashing flas replied proudly: "Come here, I didn't expect that group of guys to exclude you, hum, I knew you were not a man who would give up so easily, you really came here too, Bai Yu!!"


Bai Yu frowned, and he understood another layer of meaning from the flashing flas' words.

That was the Heroes Association. He was not included in the plan to attack the Monster Association this time. If Bai Yu hadn't entered here to complete the mission, he might have been kept in the dark.

Bai Yu took out his mobile phone, and he looked at the time and information on it.
Sure enough, the flow rate of time is different, but he obviously didn't stay in that dark space for long, but when he came out, he found that it was almost noon?
And there is a message from the vaccine person on the phone.
The general meaning is that the Heroes Association has come to the door.

Baiyu said to Saitama: "Hei Jing, please help me take care of it, I'll go out for a while!"

When Saitama wanted to say something, Baiyu had already disappeared in this place.

The flashing flas is thoughtful, Bai Yu is still so fast, he is really suitable to learn ninjutsu, but now he has his eyes on the bald man next to him.
Bai Yu was about to die, the Heroes Association had already come to his door, and what was even more frightening was that the bald head had also come.

Could it be that the Weird Association has already hit the street?
Hearing what the bald head said just now, he seems to have encountered a lot of strange people along the way, maybe the strange person Wang Dashe, a fool, died in the hands of the bald head. It is not impossible!
If this is the case, then Bai Yu's mission will be cut short.

Damn it, you hurt me with your bald head!

Da Jiongyan seemed to realize that things had gone beyond her budget.

Although the digital S-level winners of the Heroes Association are already fighting with the cadres of the Weird Association, something painful happened.

Those cadres seemed to be paddling the whole time, and even the group of S-level heroes seemed to know the cadres' abilities and weaknesses.
There are ghosts!
There must be ghosts in the Weird Association!
This hateful inner ghost not only disintegrated the fighting spirit of the cadres internally, but even informed the Heroes Association of their abilities and weaknesses.

Who is it?

Suddenly, Da Jiongyan locked his suspicious target on the two guys.

Frieza and Asura Unicorn!
These are the two weirdest suspects.

The former just joined yesterday, and it seems a little unreasonable to accomplish such a thing.

But for the Asura Unicorn, that's not necessarily the case.

Not only does this guy have a good relationship with every weirdo, but he also walks around a lot, in the name of enhancing the relationship.
By the way, it must be this guy, but Da Jiongyan doesn't understand, what is the motive of this unicorn fairy?
It is a genuine weirdo, what good can it do if it seeks refuge with humans?
Damn it, it's best not to let this unicorn fall into her hands, otherwise it will definitely let it live or die!
Although this is the case, Da Jiongyan himself is about to die. Apart from the things like the two or five boys in the Weird Association, there have even been many accidents.

For example, she miscalculated the strength of the tornado, a weapon of war, and Da Jiongyan couldn't beat him.

To make matters worse, the eccentric Wang Dashe unexpectedly died suddenly for no reason!

How could anyone in this world be able to defeat the monster king snake?
Wait, what if the other party is not human?
If it is not a human being, it seems that there are really two people here who can do such a thing, Frieza and Poros.
The former seems to have disappeared so far. Da Jiongyan has reason to suspect this mysterious monster, but if it is more likely, Poros seems to be more likely to do such a thing.

Firstly, the relationship between the weirdo Wang Dashe and this guy is not good.

Secondly, Poros seems to have the ability to kill the monster King Serpent.

The third reason is that Poros seems to have been brought in by Hero together with Ashura Unicorn Immortal!

"I'm stupid!!" Da Jiongyan swears out loudly for the first time.

It turned out that in the end it was the fault of the idiot Haojie. If he hadn't attracted two traitors, why would the Monster Association come to this?
It exploded. Da Jiongyan didn't panic at all, but the weirdo King Dashe died suddenly. Poros was suspected of being the murderer and his position was unknown. What's more, the backstab of the unicorn fairy Asura, now the weirdo association is hanging by a thread Frontline moment!

The only thing Dajiongyan can count on now is Frieza, the weird person, or she will use the real killer.

"Ah? Are you still in the mood to swear now?" Xiao Longjuan pulled her green hair back with her hands, looked up at Da Jiongyan with her proud little face and said, "You Weird Association is finished, and you His fate will definitely be miserable, miserable, miserable!"

With a quick flick of the tornado's index finger, the huge power of thought was locked on Da Jiongyan's body, and he twisted and twirled crazily.

Da Jiongyan's painful screams came from this vast battlefield!
The zombie man wiped the blood from his mouth, he looked at the Asura Unicorn Immortal in front of him, not knowing why.

"Why did you come to save me?"

Asura Unicorn farted towards the zombie man's face, it turned its head and said, "Ah, no way, my uncle came to save you, and you still look reluctant?"

"If I really have a conspiracy, can the information I gave you be true?"

The zombie man pinched his nose tightly, and he didn't make any more sarcasm.

Indeed, if it weren't for the information provided to him by Ashura Unicorn Immortal, perhaps the Heroes Association's casualties would have been even more severe.

At first, the zombie man was skeptical about Asura Unicorn's intelligence, but after he met Genos, he finally dispelled his doubts.

The Wandering Emperor looked at the familiar face of Ashura Unicorn, and he blamed bitterly: "Why you?"

"Although the time we have been together is very short, I really regard you as my good brother, brother Unicorn, but why do you still betray our trust!!"

The Asura Unicorn Immortal accepted the cynical expression on his face, and its eyes gradually became serious, until it opened its mouth and said what it had been wanting to say for a long time: "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a weirdo!!"

After the Wandering Emperor heard this, he ran wild on the spot, and he retorted angrily: "Okay, tell these heroes, see if they let you be a weirdo?"

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(End of this chapter)

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