Five to five from one punch

Chapter 257 Insect's Breath

Chapter 257 Insect's Breath
"Hahaha, what are you hiding, brother Wandering Emperor, I'll show you my big baby!" With a fist as big as a clay pot, he went straight to the head of Wandering Emperor's sky.

The wandering emperor instantly covered his forehead with cold sweat, and he shouted anxiously: "God's gift!"

Several energy light bullets around the body began to converge gradually, forming a large oval egg on the Wandering Emperor himself.

The Wandering Emperor used the power he obtained from the god in time to prevent himself from being hammered to death by Asura Unicorn Immortal on the spot.

However, after Zhou Shi defended in time, the Wandering Emperor's body was still full of energy and blood, and even his vicissitudes of face began to become ugly.

This unicorn is much more troublesome than he imagined!
Although Dajiongyan once famously said that Asura Unicorn Immortal has the strength of a dragon-level disaster monster, the Wandering Emperor never expected that this guy would be so brave in a fight!

How powerful his energy ball is is naturally obvious to all, but this unicorn fairy doesn't care about the damage it has received, and insists on punching you a few times to achieve the goal of exchanging injuries before giving up.

How could the Wandering Emperor compare to the powerful body of Asura Unicorn Immortal?

Going on with this style of play, the Wandering Emperor predicted that after receiving a few more punches from the Unicorn Immortal, he might die suddenly on the spot.

He really hates this kind of powerful reckless man the most! !
"What's the point?", the zombie man suddenly appeared from behind the Wandering Emperor holding a sharp axe.

With a slash with all his strength, the zombie man directly locked on the head of the Wandering Emperor, and slashed down fiercely.

A ray of light flickered on the Wandering Emperor's body, and a series of energy light spheres emerged from his body. This group of energy light spheres not only blew up the zombie man's axe, but even shot down all of them on this unscrupulous martial artist. On the hero of the sneak attack.

Boom, boom, explosion sounded in an endless stream.

The whole body of the zombie man was blasted to pieces, his muscles were all exposed, and a big red flower was dotted with blood on the ground.

With a plop, the zombie man fell to the ground overwhelmed.

The Wandering Emperor easily defeated the prisoner's little fly, but things were far from as simple as he imagined.

This S-class hero zombie man himself does not have outstanding physical abilities or superpowers, but his physical strength and endurance are bursting.Can rely on nearly unlimited regeneration ability and endless weapons to kill opponents.

In other words, as long as the Wandering Emperor is careless, he will be attacked by this zombie man with a weapon on his vitals, and the battle will end immediately.

The opponent has countless chances to come back, but the Wandering Emperor has only one life. What annoys him even more is that in this battle, the Unicorn Fairy is the main C, and the zombie man has been looking for opportunities to attack him all the time. The Wandering Emperor wanted to yell at these two bastards on the spot.

"You two bastards, you forced me!!", the Wandering Emperor manipulated his own energy and let it float to the sky for a short time. After raising his hands, he gradually murmured: "God, please give you the supreme power of believers!" Let the ants below feel the infinite pain!"

Asura Unicorn Immortal woke up suddenly, opened his mouth suddenly and said, "Super God Luo Tianzheng?"

"God's declaration!!", the Wandering Emperor's eyes were filled with white light, and the energy emanating from his body became stronger and stronger, and the energy light balls around his body began to merge into a giant white light bomb above his hands.

Then the Wandering Emperor directly vented all the energy in his hands downward!
This was a blow that combined the supreme wrath of the Wandering Emperor.

Asura Unicorn Immortal reacted instantly, and it immediately ran to the vicinity of the terrain where the damage could be minimized. As for the zombie man?

leave him alone
A cockroach with exaggerated tenacity will not die no matter what.

On the battlefield below, scorched smoke spread, and the surface was blackened.

The Wandering Emperor fell down again, looking wearily at the endless scorched earth in front of him and thinking to himself: "Should we kill those two guys now?"

It should be eliminated, after all, the move just now was carefully prepared by the Wandering Emperor for these two guys. He is not sure if the zombie man will die, but the unicorn fairy should be dead, right?
At the moment the Wandering Emperor relaxed, a gust of wind appeared beside him.

"Brother Wandering Emperor, do you seem to be relaxing?" The tall body of Asura Unicorn Immortal reappeared on the battlefield.

The skin on its whole body is stained with an evil purple. Green lines appear on the purple body and intersect with it. A sharp machete is twisted behind the back of the unicorn fairy, and the top corner of the head directly evolves into a The machete on the back is an even bigger and longer weapon.

Ashura mode! !

Ever since he became the horse boy of Big Brother Baiyu and was recognized by Master Ball, Unicorn Immortal has discovered that his Asura mode no longer causes him to lose control and lose his mind as before, but instead makes him stronger and clearer. You can experience the beauty of this mode even more.

After the Wandering Emperor saw that the Asura Unicorn Fairy had turned into such a ferocious and cruel appearance, he was completely frightened.
He will die, after being caught by this guy, he will definitely be beaten to death!

The Wandering Emperor frantically warned himself that he had to leave this place, this battle...he didn't want to fight anymore!

Just when the Wandering Emperor wanted to retreat, his bare feet were suddenly caught by a pair of cold and slippery palms
The terrifying face of the zombie man was staring at the Wandering Emperor and said, "Hehe, where do you want to run? The battle is not over yet, so you are not allowed to leave the field suddenly."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!", the unicorn fairy in Asura mode felt that there was nowhere to vent its anger in the body, and it directly raised its head to the sky and shouted: "The breath of insects, the shape of one, the halo of hell Asura sun Crazy Leaf Dance."

The zombie man who was lying on the ground as an assistant was stunned
What kind of trick is this? The name is so long?

After a bloody scene.

The zombie man looked warily at the Unicorn Immortal in Asura mode. He was on the No. 66 test bed of the House of Evolution. He had naturally heard about the hidden evolution mode of this guy. It is said that in this mode, this monster will In a state of madness and loss of reason, the only thought in his mind is to destroy the things in front of him.

The zombie man is really afraid now that Ashura Unicorn Immortal will suddenly beat him up at this moment.

Asura Unicorn looked at the zombie male fox lying on the ground and asked, "Could you be thinking that I might do something bad to you right now?"

Damn it, it was actually seen through!

The zombie man quickly retorted: "No, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Asura Unicorn: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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