Five to five from one punch

Chapter 258 Are You Fubuki's Friend?

Chapter 258 Are You Fubuki's Friend?
The appearance of the zombie man is really tragic.

Asura Unicorn Immortal can take fairy beans out to restore his injuries and physical strength, but why give it?

Immortal beans are the benefits given to them by Brother Baiyu. Of course, Asura Unicorn Immortal will not use them on the idiot zombie man, and with the speed of the other party's healing, he will be able to recover sooner or later, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Then that's it, goodbye!", Asura One-horned Immortal bid farewell gracefully, it wanted to stay away from the unlucky zombie man.

"Wait a minute, the unicorn." The zombie man stood up with difficulty, and he hurriedly called to Asura, who was about to escape, and asked, "I've already talked to that guy, Genos, and you have already left." If you are out of his control, then... what are you planning now?"

"In this war with the Weird Association, why did you choose to help us?"

"Why did you take the initiative to sneak into the Weird Association as an undercover agent? Who are you working for now?"

Asura Unicorn Impatiently picked his nostrils and replied: "Ah? There are so many questions, which one do you want me to answer?"

The zombie man pondered for a while, then he asked Ashura Unicorn Immortal: "If you can, please answer all of them!"

For this kind of guy who wants everything, Asura Unicorn Fairy has only one reaction: "You want to eat fart!"

After scolding, Asura Unicorn Immortal didn't care how to keep the zombie man behind him, it just left this ghost place.

"Don't kill me, please, Master Longjuan, please let me go!" Da Jiongyan, who was left with only a piece of minced meat, was desperately begging for mercy.

Long Juan's eyes became colder and colder, she raised her index finger and said, "If you want to apologize to me, it's best for you to get out!"

Feeling the powerful thought power from Tornado, Dajiongyan let out a painful "gooooah", and then she cursed resentfully: "Damn guy, if you go to hell, I want you to go with me!"

Da Jiongyan's hatred exploded, and the several eyeballs on the ground that belonged to her, which were twisted off by the tornado just now, began to levitate gradually.

The eyeballs began to emit violent thunder, and they all concentrated on the position of the tornado.

Dajiong looked at the tornado after being hit by her sneak attack, and finally she could no longer suppress her hatred and joy: "Hahaha, I finally hit you, let's see if you still dare to be arrogant?"

? ?
Da Jiongyan's dying counterattack failed to break through the shield on Tornado's body, but let the latter wave his hand at will, and all the thunder began to break without attack.

The green hair on the dragon's head began to roll up, and she asked Da Jiongyan with a little interest: "Who taught you the elegant and delicate way to use your superpower?"

As soon as the tornado finished speaking, the piece of meat with big piercing eyes began to compress, and at the same time, the outline of a human figure began to be forcibly torn out by the tornado with his telekinetic power.

"Ahhhhhh, stop it, it hurts so much!" Da Jiongyan's neutral voice gradually became more delicate and sharper, it should be said to have turned into a clear and loud Yujie's voice.

After seeing this scene, Long Juan asked happily: "I seem to have a little impression, are you Fuxue's friend?"

Fuxue felt that she was in a very bad situation now. Since she came down, she seemed to have greatly underestimated the strength of the Monster Association. In this enemy headquarters, the number of monsters was as many as a nest of ants.

Fortunately, she kidnapped that bald head, otherwise Fubuki would have successfully reported in hell while on the road.

But now there is a problem, she accidentally got lost with that bald head
Damn it, Fuxue must find Yu'er as soon as possible!
Gusts of cool black wind swept over Fuxue's body from behind, and the latter immediately reacted and deployed his superpowers to resist.

At the moment when the two collided, Fubuki's strength was obviously far weaker than the opponent's, and she was even swept directly to the ground a few meters away.

The whole body was pitch black, and a strange man with a pair of ugly demon wings appeared in front of Fubuki.

"Hmph, it's actually a human being, you really don't know how to live or die!" The Hurricane Devil said mockingly: "I thought you would be so powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable!"

After Fuxue heard this, she felt unwilling and just when she was about to say something, she found that behind this hurricane monster, there were two more terrifying monsters of different sizes and shapes.

"Three weirdos?"

Faced with the shock of Fubuki, the Hurricane Demon Monster laughed wantonly and introduced: "This is my brother, the Thunder Demon Monster and the Lava Demon Monster. Each of our three brothers was rated as a ghost-level disaster by Master Dajiongyan. If you If you can defeat us, then come and try.”

It's no wonder that Fubuki can beat three ghost-level monsters!

You have to find a way to escape, and you can't waste time with these three guys here.

Fubuki, who made up his mind, began to pay attention to the surrounding environment, looking for an escape route.

However, this scene seemed to be noticed by the Hurricane Demon, and it said to the two partners beside it: "Hey, this stupid human is actually planning to escape. In the face of Brother Thunder's speed, this human has no possibility of escaping. !"

The lava demon hated humans so much, it turned into a piece of terrifying lava and rushed towards Fubuki without saying a word, vowing to melt this human into its hell-like body.

Facing the enemy's sudden attack, Fubuki used all her telekinetic power. She didn't have the confidence to resist the attack of this ghost-level monster, but now she could only resign herself to fate.

Just before the battle between the two sides began, the ceiling above suddenly shattered.

Poros fell from the sky and stomped the lava monster to death.

After landing, Poros glanced at the Hurricane Demon and Thunder Demon in front of him, and he yelled violently: "Fucking fish, die to me!"

The berserk energy immediately gathered on Poros' chest, and then sprayed out in an instant, directly drowning the remaining two elemental monster brothers
In just a few seconds, Poros won a triple kill honor.

Fubuki: "."

What's going on here? Why did a new weirdo suddenly come out, and more importantly, this new weirdo actually attacked his own kind?
Speaking of which, this one-eyed weirdo looks familiar.

Fubuki remembered, isn't this one-eyed monster the horrible guy who destroyed half of the Heroes Association some time ago?

Hasn't it been eradicated by my sister and Yu'er?

Why is it here?
"Oh, isn't this Miss Fubuki?" Banggu poked his head out of the hole in the ceiling above.

Fuxue is even more stupid now, what is this all about?
First this one-eyed eccentric appeared, and then Master Banggu?
I must be dreaming
(End of this chapter)

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