Chapter 259 Sykes

After a moment to understand.

Fubuki felt more and more that his world view had collapsed.

The weirdo would willingly obey the orders of human beings, and this powerful one-eyed weirdo would actually become Yu'er's subordinate!
This is too unreal!

After Banggu saw Fuxue, he also learned that the Heroes' Association had fully attacked the Monsters' Association.

What makes Bang Gu feel even more painful is...he just got bad news.

It turned out that some time ago, his dojo was completely destroyed by Hungry Wolf, who even sent all his fellow disciples to the hospital or beat them away.

Not only did Hungry Wolf do such an outrageous thing, he even called himself a weirdo openly, and then went to attack the heroes of the association.

This is really a crime!
Since hungry wolf is a mistake, then this mistake should be resolved by himself as a master.

Coincidentally, Bangu also heard from Poros that the hungry wolf seems to be in the Weird Association at this time.

He wants to wake up this villain himself, and then send him to the Heroes Association to give everyone an explanation.

"Miss Fuxue, let's get out of here quickly, and I also want to find the villain Hungry Wolf and enforce the family law myself." After Bang Gu finished speaking, he turned and walked in one direction.

Fubuki looked at the lonely back of this silver fang, maybe it was her illusion, she always felt that this old man seemed to be ten years older all of a sudden.

Bangpu walked to Fuxue's right with his hands on his hips and said, "Well, it's really a crime. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in my brother's dojo. Sure enough, sometimes it's not a bad thing for a disciple to be dull and stupid."

Of course, Bang Pu thinks that Bai Yu is an exception, and he will definitely not be like a white-eyed wolf like Hungry Wolf.

And this time, thanks to Bai Yu's rescue, the two old bones were able to survive the crisis and even get rid of that disgusting curse.

The dragon roll left this human-shaped piece of meat on the ground.

She seemed to have been deceived, this was just a piece of pure meat, not the real body of this big piercing eye at all.

This guy actually dared to pretend that he was cornered, and then came to tease her!
At this time, it was far away in the depths of the Monster Association, under several layers of mazes in the abyss.

In the bustling and warm room, the flame under the fireplace is gradually burning, and various precious research materials and books of ancient secrets are placed on the desk.

A lady with glasses and long blue hair is shaking the red wine in her hand. Every time she takes a sip, she will think about how to develop the rest of the road.

Sykes was at the deeper bottom, observing every move of the Monster Association, and even all the monsters didn't know where the real Da Jiongyan was.

Because Da Jiongyan is just a puppet controlled by Sykes.

That's good, Sykes will prepare a new puppet again, because the real mastermind behind the scenes will not appear on the surface! !
The whole world will be in fear, the unknown new king of weirdoes, Sykes will be the great man who reformed the world and will be handed down forever, as the stepping stone needed for this goal, first of all, please die, Tornado! !
"Hehe, hahaha." Thinking of this, Sykes couldn't bear the smile in her heart anymore, she laughed wantonly on the sofa, causing her proud upper body to rise and fall one after another.

"Is it that funny?" Bai Yu's voice suddenly came from behind Sykes.

! !
Sykes threw away the cup in her hand in an instant, and she jumped up like a frightened bird, "Who are you?"

Impossible. This is 500 meters underground of the Monster Association!

How could it be possible for someone to break through his turning point protection and suddenly appear in this room?

Sikes looked at the unexpected visitor in horror.
A few seconds later, Sykes actually recognized who this suddenly appeared man was.

S-class hero, handsome knight whose real name is "Bai Yu", his origin is unknown, and his ability is a mystery. It is a precious material that Sykes has wanted for a long time.

"It's you, Bai Yu!!" Sykes pointed at Bai Yu angrily and shouted.

Bai Yu closed the book that came from the table, he stood up from the chair and said, "It's really strange, you seem to be very familiar with me, have we met before?"

Sykes smiled, of course they had seen it before, but at that time Bai Yu had already fallen into a coma, so naturally she would not notice her puppet, big piercing eyes!
If it wasn't for that bald head who intervened, she would have taken Bai Yu back to the Weird Association for research.

Seeing that Sykes didn't answer him, Bai Yu continued, "I didn't expect Da Jiongyan to be just a puppet made by you. You are really an excellent Voldemort, and you were almost fooled by you."

At this time, Sykes finally asked her most puzzled thing: "How did you find this place and know that Da Jiongyan is just my puppet?"

"It is said that a man with a secret is the most charming, but the moment when the answer is revealed is the most exciting time." Bai Yu gradually approached Sykes, and he looked at the appearance of the other party who still had the chance to win , and became more sure of my guess, "Although I can't tell you how I locked you and came here, there are some things I can tell you to make you happy."

"What?" Sykes couldn't keep up with Bai Yu's brain circuit.

"Your strength is not very good, but in terms of scientific research, it is indeed as high as three or four floors!" After Bai Yu finished speaking, she looked at Sykes with a smile.

In Sykes' mind, the sky exploded instantly
A thunderbolt seemed to strike her brain, and at the same time, it made her guess many possibilities.

"Frieza, you guy turned out to be Frieza." Sykes scolded angrily: "You actually deceived my feelings!!!"

Damn it, human beings turned into weirdos to join the weirdos association. Sykes remembered why Frieza was so enthusiastic about the problems with the two old men. It turned out that Frieza came here for them.

Sykes' brains turned quickly, and many things he had been doubting were linked together in an instant.

"It's all your conspiracy." Blue veins appeared on Sykes' forehead, she squeezed her hands and asked: "Are you a fellow with the weirdos from the Evolution House?"

"Yes or not, it seems to be none of your business." Bai Yu stretched out his palm and aimed it at Sykes, and an energy bomb of thought power gathered in his hand, "I didn't expect that Da Jiongyan was really a big Beauty, although you said that you would assign yourself to me as a wife, I still ask you to die now!"

Damn it, Sikes felt threatened by the name Death.

Baiyu is Frieza, so of course Sykes can't be his opponent.

Sykes must find a way to escape this crisis!

(End of this chapter)

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