Five to five from one punch

Chapter 260 Strength gap

Chapter 260 Strength gap
Damn, damn it!

What exactly is Pochi doing?
Why didn't you come over after hearing my teleportation?
Concentrated, Sykes began to hack into Pochi's mind link, peeking into its current field of vision.

blowing snow?

Bangu and Poros! !

Sykes realized that Porch was facing a hard battle, and it was impossible for him to come here to save himself.

The hope of breaking through the predicament right now is her herself!
Sykes began to unbutton the hem of his clothes on his chest, revealing his white neck, and began to unbutton it slowly along the position below the collarbone.

! !
After Bai Yu saw such a voluptuous scene, he covered his eyes with his left hand in embarrassment, closed his legs and said, "Don't do this, this is a very serious battle, don't tempt me and I have poor concentration , if you insist on doing this, then I can only passively accept your kindness."

Sykes stuffed her right hand into her ditch, and then took out a small bottle of potion. She shouted triumphantly: "Bai Yu, you are too careless, this is all in my plan."

After finishing speaking, Sykes poured the potion into his mouth fiercely.

The energy like a star explosion seemed to surge and swell in Sykes' body. She covered her beautiful face in pain, and her blue hair began to pierce the outer ends.

The astonishing thunder light began to explode around Sykes.

Bai Yu moved his palms away from his eyes, and said jokingly, "It's so scary."

"Oh ah ah ah!", Sykes could no longer suppress the violent energy in her body, after she felt her incomparable evolution, she was finally satisfied.

Bai Yu, you are finished!

"Ah, it does feel different, it seems to be much more powerful." Bai Yu commented seriously.

Sykes didn't want to talk to this man who lied to her feelings, she gathered the telekinetic power in her body, and then condensed it into a spherical protective shield around herself.

Then a lightning that shattered everything appeared on the periphery of the sphere.

"Go to hell with you." Sykes himself, together with the sphere of lightning, rushed to the position of Bai Yu at a high speed, trying to directly crush this man who cheated his feelings.

Facing the surging super power attack, several solutions flashed through Bai Yu's mind, but in the end he chose the simplest and most violent method.

Infinite air wall!

The scorching breath erupted majesticly from Bai Yu's eyes, and a translucent wall directly divided Sykes' attack.

The azure sphere of lightning kept this impassable wall out of the safe range.

Sykes, who was inside the sphere of light, gritted his teeth and said, "What a subtle technique, I didn't expect you to be a mind user."

"This is a power far beyond your imagination!", Bai Yu's eyes widened, and the scarlet eyeballs could no longer hide this powerful aura, and the extremely strong infinite air wall instantly released a huge aura attack, transforming into an "infinite impact" "!"
The multiple aura attacks that were too fast to be seen were sent out from Bai Yu's eyes, and all of them fell on Sykes' lightning sphere.

Sykes' screams instantly filled the bottomless abyss.

The tornado far above, with a suspicious expression, felt the changes in the depths below.
Knowing that Da Jiongyan was teasing her, Long Juan used his telekinetic power to follow the clues to capture Da Jiongyan's real body.

Just when the tornado found where Dajiongyan's main body was hidden, there was another aura that made her feel powerful.

The fight below seems to be fierce. Who is fighting with Da Jiongyan himself?

Just when Tornado felt strange, she seemed to be attracted by some movement.

In the perception of the tornado, in several rooms of the Monster Association, there are disgusting irregular pieces of meat that are devouring all the creatures that adhere to it.

Every time a creature is swallowed by this irregular mass of meat, this disgusting mass of meat will grow stronger
Even the tornado can feel the strong malice emanating from this lump of meat!
Sykes pressed her temples on both sides of her head with both hands, and the severe pain was about to burst her head.

Bai Yu was very strong, even stronger than she had expected. Sure enough, when he pretended to be Frieza, he didn't use his full strength at all.

Up to now, Sykes could no longer stand back. She pushed up her glasses with both hands, and terrifying energy particles gradually gathered in front of her eyes.

Destroy the Lightning!

A thick and long wave of light erupted in front of both eyes, and the azure blue energy began to fall to cover Baiyu and the surrounding areas that could be dodged and avoided.

Under her attack with all her strength, she believed that no matter how powerful Bai Yu was, she would not be able to resist it.

After Bai Yu felt the energy of this blow, he laughed, and then still opened his "Infinite Qi Wall" to block this lightning attack.

The berserk thunder still couldn't break through the white jade's infinite air wall, but was directly blocked by it from the center. It split into two halves until finally dissipated in the air.


After all, it still failed, how could this be?
Obviously his super power has risen to a very terrifying level, but why can't he even break through the transparent wall released by Bai Yu's eyes?

Is it true that I have evolved successfully, or is there still a huge gap between Bai Yu and Bai Yu even after I have evolved successfully?

Sure enough, the silver light in the sky was related to this white jade.

Bai Yu carefully stared at Sykes' panting appearance, the dripping of sweat began to wet her thin tights, and under the collarbone
Thinking wrongly, after Bai Yu slapped himself, he said a few words "Dawei Tianlong" silently in his heart, and expelled all the evil thoughts in his heart.

"You've lost, Sikes!"

Of course, Sykes also knew that he had lost, and the strength gap between the two sides seemed to be unbelievably large.

She now has reason to suspect that this white jade may even be much stronger than the tornado up there waiting to be fed.

Sykes looked at the wriggling mass of flesh and blood above.
She really can't beat Bai Yu now, but Sykes still has a chance of victory.

Bai Yu noticed the eyes of Sykes, which seemed to be a kind of light that can only be possessed by a desperate situation.

Sure enough, as he expected.

When Bai Yu rushed over just now, she had already seen the dead body of Wang Dashe.

He has reason to believe that Wang Dashe has been accidentally caught by the bald head and beat him like this.

Although he was robbed of his head by the bald head, Bai Yu's mission one is still in progress.

This shows that Wang Dashe is not the last secret weapon of the Monster Association.

Da Jiongyan. No, it should be Sykes. She must be hiding some final stunt.

Only by defeating Sykes' last hope can Bai Yu truly complete mission one.

(End of this chapter)

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