Five to five from one punch

Chapter 263 The Road

Chapter 263 The Road
The strength of the muscles is the most trustworthy thing for a person.

At least that's what Super Alloy Black Light thinks. He was thin in childhood, in order to become stronger, he constantly tempered himself and exercised his muscles
After a long period of dependence, he finally got such a perfect body.

Powerful, solid, and full of beauty from top to bottom.

He thinks that he has such muscles, and he will never lose to others.

Until that day in the gymnasium, he was ruthlessly defeated by Bai Yu
In the end, he finally understood that he hadn't been eager to fight a strong enemy all this time, but enjoyed the pleasure of crushing his opponent with this muscular body.

After losing to Bai Yu, Super Alloy Black Light closed himself for a long time. For a long time
He hasn't come out of that shadow until the superalloy black light finally wakes up after the recent big incident.

He who continues to hide in the bathroom and shut himself up will never find the real answer. He is not really strong, or his mind is not strong.

Should he just retire and no longer engage in front-line heroic activities, or should he stand up again from the place of failure and give birth to a more powerful super-alloy black light?

He couldn't find the direction he should go.

But there is one thing he can be sure of, maybe the answer lies in Bai Yu's body, the super alloy black light really wants to see Bai Yu again, or hit him once.

It should have been right.

But there seems to be a little accident in the plan. Super Alloy Black Light encountered a monster that was not planned.

Hungry Wolf punched Chao Heiguang's stomach with a punch, and the powerful impact even knocked his heavy body into the air.

After the super alloy black light quickly rolled on the ground, it stabilized its uncontrollable body.

His big hand stroked the slightly aching stomach, and the super alloy black light began to feel puzzled. So the hero hunter Hungry Wolf is such a terrible enemy?

This feeling was like when he faced Bai Yu in the gymnasium that day.

Hungry Wolf, who seemed to be in a problematic state, began to look at the whole body of the super black gold and black light, "What's the matter. Aren't you going to stop my weirdo's house wine game?"

"That's all there is to it?"

Facing the ridicule of the hungry wolf, Super Alloy Black Light kept silent, as if he felt that he could find the answer to the long-standing confusion in this battle.

"Ah, hungry wolf, come on, let me see your determination to become the strongest weirdo!"

The black light of the super-alloy agitated several muscles on his body, and the solid muscles like alloy seemed to directly expand his body several times. The pressure emitted by the muscles combined shocked the hungry wolf.

This big piece of meat seems to be more terrifying than he imagined!
Just as Hungry Wolf's idea was born, his whole body was hit by a superalloy black light, which hit his entire body hard.


Hungry Wolf screamed in pain, as if he had been hit head-on by a dump truck. He felt several ribs on his chest began to break, and his internal organs began to be damaged.

The super black gold black light used this most primitive collision, and even the hungry wolf itself began to slam into the distance madly.

Boom. Boom. Boom!
Facing the powerful and unstoppable force, Hungry Wolf finally fell to the ground overwhelmed.

He didn't feel happy about the super-alloy black light that had accomplished this feat. Instead, he stared solemnly at the hungry wolf that fell to the ground.

"Don't be kidding, you are not an opponent that can be knocked down by this kind of attack!" After the super alloy black light finished speaking, he walked towards the hungry wolf.

At this moment of lightning and flint, the hungry wolf opened his eyes, and using his hands as support points, he kicked the super alloy black light's face with all his strength.

Super Alloy Black Light's scalp was numb from this sudden sneak attack. In the moment he was kicked, there were indeed a few seconds, and his mind went blank.

Hungry Wolf's physical toughness and strength far exceeded his imagination, and the powerful strength that exploded at the moment of life and death shocked the super alloy black light.

"You guys are hypocritical and want me to vomit. I will never lose to you guys." After the hungry wolf kicked the super alloy black light away, a carp stood up again.

It was very strange, Hungry Wolf felt as if something had changed in his body, he shouldn't be able to burst out with such strength after suffering such a serious injury.

But not only was his whole body full of strength, even his injuries were no longer painful.

Soon, soon, Hungry Wolf felt that he would soon become the most extreme evil, the most powerful weirdo.

Feeling the new power in his body, the hungry wolf began to frantically beat the body of the super alloy black light.

Every time he experienced a beating, Hungry Wolf felt as if something was breaking free from his body. The more he felt like this, the more energy in his body would flow continuously, and Hungry Wolf would have more fun beating.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh." The super alloy black light held his head in both hands, passively enduring the crazily malicious beatings of the hungry wolf.

Super Alloy Black Light has only one feeling at the moment, that is, being attacked by dozens of martial arts masters overwhelmingly.

Horrible and endless!

After receiving a vertex of super-alloy black light, he opened his angry hands, and then punched the hungry wolf with all his strength.

Super Alloy Bazooka! !
The hungry wolf was also not afraid, he mobilized the continuous strength in his body, clenched his fists and hit the fist of the super alloy black light.

Falling mountains and rivers
At the moment when the two hit and collided, the entire ground was shaking crazily.

At the same time, at this moment, some substance in Hungry Wolf's upper body began to decompose, and all of it was inhaled into the hole above his stomach.

Something that belonged to him, finally opened!
A monster named Fear began to appear in front of the superalloy black light.

The thought of failure reappeared in his mind.

Unwillingness, humiliation, and anger occupy the top of reason.

The super alloy black light rushed towards the hungry wolf furiously, launching a frenzied attack.

"The sound seems to be coming from the front?" Banggu asked doubtfully to the people around him.

"Well, it should be in the front. The movement is so loud. It doesn't seem to be a good thing!" Bangpu agreed with his brother's thoughts.

At this time, Fuxue wanted to persuade the two of Banggu to turn around, because in her perception, there seemed to be an unfathomable malice ahead.

Baiyu was not by her side, which made Chuuxue feel a lack of confidence for no reason.

At this time, Poros walked over Fubuki and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you."

There seems to be a strong opponent waiting for Poros ahead, which makes his blood boil
This was an unreasonable intuition, and Poros was sure that the opponent in front of him would be able to satisfy him.

(End of this chapter)

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