Chapter 264
So strong!

The strength of Hungry Wolf shocked Super Alloy Black Light, and it was a world of difference compared to him a few minutes ago.

The super alloy black light felt the soreness from his own muscles, and a red liquid gradually appeared in his nostrils.

Hungry wolf is like a sophisticated machine running crazily, he never knows how to get tired and rest.

The super alloy black light was punched out again by the hungry wolf, and after a plop, he saw a shadow descending from the sky.

It was Hungry Wolf himself who was full of evil aura. In the eyes of ultra-black gold and black light, the figure of Hungry Wolf was constantly zooming in and almost turned into the last fist that crushed his sanity!
Can't win, super alloy black light can't win this man, the fear of being beaten by Bai Yu that day began to overlap with the emotion given by the hungry wolf at this moment.

Super alloy black light wants to throw in the towel
When he was not that strong before, once he was bullied by those gangsters, as long as the super alloy black light put on such a posture of admitting defeat, the gang would let him go.

But is that all right?

Is that how you give in?
The superalloy black light flashed that face in his mind, and the image of being dominated by silver light and white jade frantically flashed through his mind that day.

At this moment, Heiguang refused to compromise, he clenched his fists and quickly punched the black shadow that was about to land in the sky!

The sound of broken bones spread around, and the hungry wolf was directly hammered away by the counterattack erupted by the superalloy black light.

He succeeded, he finally did it, just when the super alloy black light was happy for himself, and was about to take the first step in a new life
What did he see?
Is this human eyes?
Obviously it is the most ferocious beast!
The ground shattered, and the kicked hungry wolf stepped on the wall for strength, and at the same time, rushed straight to the position of the superalloy black light.

Banggu stopped in his tracks. He looked at the scene in front of him. He felt unbelievable and terrifying!
The body of the super alloy black light fell to the ground, and the current condition of the whole person was unknown.

And in front of him, stood a monster.

"Hungry wolf?" Banggu called out the name in confusion.

Bang Pu is numb, is this the hungry wolf that white-eyed wolf?
Where did this stupid little brother of myself come from?
Banggu's feelings for Hungry Wolf are actually very deep. It can be said that even if the other party turns into ashes, he will not admit his mistake.

The humanoid monster in front of him is a hungry wolf!
The black beard on the weird werewolf's neck began to swing gradually, and the sharp black horns on top of his head contained unprecedented danger.

"Oh, isn't this the old man?" The bull-horned hungry wolf turned around and smiled wantonly at Banggu and others: "What do you think I look like now?"

"Now I am the most extreme horror, I am a god-level disaster, a monster and a hungry wolf!!"

Bangpu finally agreed with his brother's idea, and it turned out that this humanoid monster is really that guy Hungry Wolf.
Just why do humans suddenly become like this?

Did he eat the cells of the Weird Association?

God level disaster?

Fubuki covered her small mouth in shock, she could feel the terror emanating from the hungry wolf.
Fubuki felt hopeless when this man who was once a human turned into a strange monster and a hungry wolf.

Banggu was angry with the hungry wolf's behavior, and even more resented the transformation of the hungry wolf into a weirdo. It turned out that he didn't teach this disciple well.

It's not too late for him to right this mistake himself!

"Brother, let's do it, don't let the hungry wolf go out from here." After Banggu roared, Liu Shuiyan's broken fist came with sticky hands, and the murderous intent in his eyes was firmly locked on the hungry wolf, and he never showed it. A trace of weakness and sympathy.

"Very well, let me help you." Bump slammed his back against his brother's back, and made a whirlwind iron fist gesture with him, also facing the malice overflowing from the strange man hungry wolf.

Poros looked at the weird hungry wolf in front of him, and he felt the excitement. It was right, he was the man in front of him.

He deserves a fight!
Chuuxue plucked up the courage to ask Poros, "Aren't you going to help the two of them?"

"That human freak, gave me an extraordinary horror!"

Poros gave Fuxue a dissatisfied look. This woman has an unusual relationship with the master, so it didn't retort in a strong tone, and finally just said softly: "Battle is sacred, and respect for the strong is not allowed to intervene in the middle." Other people's battles, this is the basic etiquette."

Chuuxue is going crazy, what time is it, and he still talks about morals?
In the face of a crooked faction like a weirdo, shouldn't it be a righteous gang fight?
What makes Fuxue feel even more nonsense is that this kind of words actually come from a strange person's mouth.

It's as if Big Big Wolf ran to you and said, "I don't catch sheep, I don't eat lamb, and I'm good friends with sheep. Nonsense."

Forget it, Fuxue couldn't command the one-eyed monster, and she began to watch the ensuing battle intently.

With silver fangs and another little-known martial arts master, it should be impossible to lose.

But the next battle made Fubuki feel even deeper despair.
She was completely unable to capture the movement trajectory of the strange man and hungry wolf, and only heard the sound of air explosions exploding in front of her eyes one after another.

What an astonishing speed is this?

Is it faster than the S-class hero of the association, Flash Flash?

Bang Gu was as shocked as anyone else.

Is this still the hungry wolf?
Although he had heard that the other party had made great progress during these days, Bang Gu never thought that he would grow up like this!

This is growth?

It's a number change!
"Damn it, it's too fast, it's hard to catch." Bangpu pointed out the problem at hand.

He used the range damage of Whirlwind Iron Fist several times to affect the figure of the monster Hungry Wolf, but in the end he could only hit a lonely one.

Banggu watched the strange man Hungry Wolf reappear in front of them with solemn eyes, "He hasn't used his real strength to release the water."

"Brother, don't delay any longer, use that trick!"

After Banggu yelled loudly, Bangpu flashed to both sides of the strange man and hungry wolf together with him, and launched the combined martial arts at the same time!

Jiaoyalong kills fist!
In this second, Weird Hungry Wolf whipped up his left hand with a gust of wind, and his right hand was calm. He responded to the two martial arts masters with the same martial arts.

Jiaoyalong Killing Fist vs Weird Jiaoyalong Killing Fist!
One hit and crash.
Bangpu and Banggu's joint attack was instantly pierced by the strange man, hungry wolf. Just when the two were shocked, their moves suddenly changed, from Jiaoyalong Killing Fist to Whirlwind Flowing Water Booming Air Cracking Fist and shocked into the strange man In the body of the hungry wolf.

After a huge explosion.

Looking at the dusty distance, Banggu asked uncertainly, "Did it work?"

Bump wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said, "It should have been successful. Hungry Wolf's body can't withstand this kind of combined attack."

A mocking voice sounded from inside the dust, "Is that all?"

The weird hungry wolf reappeared in front of everyone with a complete body.

 I have something to do today, so I will make two changes, and I will find a chance to make up in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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