Chapter 265
Banggu's body jumped backwards uncontrollably. Fortunately, Bangpu appeared at this time and caught the former's body, so that no more serious injuries were caused.

With Bangpu's support, Banggu regained his body's balance. He said solemnly, "It's amazing. After the hungry wolf turned into a weirdo, the strength of his body has become so exaggerated."

"My stupid little brother, it's not just about physical strength, you should have discovered that every fist of Hungry Wolf now contains his own punching principle, and the sense of oppression brought by an ordinary punch is so Amazing." Bang Pu began to communicate with his younger brother about the situation of his opponent.

Banggu naturally understands this truth, that is to say, Hungry Wolf is now able to push the two of them to this point through simple punches and kicks
This kind of irregular, hard-to-grasp physical movement trajectory. It is impossible for human beings to reach this level, and perhaps only creatures like weirdos can explain the reason.

The weird hungry wolf just felt his body wantonly on the spot, until after some groping and simple warm-up exercises, he said to the two of Banggu: "Hmph, old men, if I leave here now, I can forget the past. "

"Otherwise, tonight, whether it's the Monster Association or the group of heroes, I will kill all of you!"

"Sinister, shut up!" Banggu interrupted the hungry wolf angrily, and he tore off the black clothes on his upper body with one hand, revealing his bruised and sturdy body.

After seeing this scene, Bang Pu finally realized that his younger brother was angry.

"Old man, anger doesn't make you stronger, it only makes your hidden wounds worse." The strange hungry wolf started to walk towards Banggu and he opened his hands and said, "Just let you see, I am an incarnation!" A magical skill that was realized after becoming a weirdo."

The hungry wolf who has completed the eccentric transformation is extremely powerful and fast, and has improved and integrated all the martial arts he has learned into a set of "Monster Killing God Killing Fist".

This is a martial art without weaknesses!
The starry fist prints swept across the eyes of the two of Banggu, after their brains and thoughts issued, before their bodies had time to receive the instructions.

The fists of the strange hungry wolf hit the bodies of the two martial arts masters like continuous waves.
Perhaps in less than a second, the two of Bang and Gu completely ate this set of strange killing punches of the strange man and hungry wolf!
Punch, fall, win.

The weird hungry wolf stood upright, and the two of Banggu fell to the ground weakly.

Martial arts, one horizontal and one vertical, the vertical one is king.

His tired body is telling Bangu that the end is here, the strange man and hungry wolf are stronger than he imagined, maybe he used the breathing method to go all out at the beginning, maybe he won't end up in the current scene.

However, after eating a set of punches from the strange man Hungry Wolf, he didn't even have the strength to stand up and resist. It's too terrifying.

The strange man Hungry Wolf looked at the old man who fell on the ground, and he began to slowly stretch out his palm.

Intense struggles are pulled in the mind of the weirdo hungry wolf
Does he really want to go down and kill the old man?

Obviously this is the dream he has been pursuing, but why is he now hesitating.

This is weakness, a kind of tarnishing of dreams, the eyes of the strange man and hungry wolf gradually became firmer, and he began to extend his hand to Banggu again.

"That's enough, I really can't stand it." Poros intervened in this mother-in-law's tweaking drama.

what is this?
Is this really a fight?

Banggu said that he wanted to punish this apprentice, and he did use his real skills, but in the end he kept hiding his skills.

The same is true for this guy called Stranger Hungry Wolf, who kept shouting to kill them here, but in Poros' eyes, this guy was letting water out from the very beginning, and he was waiting for Banggu and others to find out. And retreat.

Maybe it was because the weird hungry wolf got impatient in the end and started to use his own strength, but he just knocked Bangu to the ground, and didn't hit the key points at all.

You put down the water, and I will put down the water together.

Did you go home?

The weird hungry wolf has been focusing on the two of Bangu since just now, and now he finally has the opportunity to look at this one-eyed weird who looks very attractive.

"Who are you?" Stranger Hungry Wolf was curious. This guy was obviously a weirdo, but why did he appear with the old men, as if the relationship was inexplicably harmonious?
Is today's sun eaten?

"Poros, weirdo hungry wolf, you should be entitled to know my name." Poros walked to the place where Bangu and the two were, and then picked them up and handed them to Fuxue, saying, "Use your little skills to bring They get out of here, and from now on it's not something you can get your hands on."

Fubuki nodded, and she began to use her super power to suspend the two old men in the air, and then said to Poros: "I'll leave here first, and you will deal with this strange man, Hungry Wolf."

As soon as the words fell, Chuuxue didn't turn her head, and directly led Banggu and the two away from this place.

The strange hungry wolf didn't stop this matter from beginning to end, or he didn't care whether Bangu and others would be taken away.

As for what is the reason?
Who cares!

"So that's why you sent away these needless weaklings, so you want to fight with me here?" The strange hungry wolf finally figured out what this Poros was planning.

"You don't want to?" Poros replied simply and clearly.

The weird hungry wolf seemed to have heard something funny. He swung his hands back and stretched them in front of his chest in a fighting posture and said, "You want to die, why don't you?"

In the next second, there was a huge shock here.

Poros and Hungry Wolf attacked each other at the same time.

The collision between the two forces, the pursuit of speed, quickly destroyed this area, and it was inhumane!
After the short-term confrontation between the two sides, the weird and hungry wolf gradually changed from the initial disdainful attitude to the degree of serious treatment.

This guy named Poros is completely different from the weirdos we've encountered before!

Weird Hungry Wolf clearly understands how powerful he is now, even if he is now confronted with the previously invincible Weird King Da She, he is confident that he can take down the opponent within ten moves.

The idea that Poros is stronger than the monster king snake is deeply rooted in the mind of the monster hungry wolf.

The more fierce the battle went on, the more excited Poros became. It really did not make a mistake in its calculation. This strange hungry wolf was able to gradually suppress its attack in melee combat!

This is the first time Poros has encountered this kind of guy besides the master.

The martial arts used by human beings are performed by strange people. It is indeed very strong, and it is completely different from that idiot hero hero!
(End of this chapter)

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