Five to five from one punch

Chapter 266 Poros VS The Monster Hungry Wolf

Chapter 266 Poros VS The Monster Hungry Wolf
Carefree, Poros is playing very carefree now!

This strange man called the strange man Hungry Wolf turns out to be the opponent who can be evenly matched with him in the prophecy!
"Ola!", Poros punched vigorously and was dodged by the monster hungry wolf, and the fist wind that had nowhere to vent pierced all the stone walls wherever it went, creating a large lava hole.

No matter how many times the weirdo and hungry wolf watch this kind of scene, they will feel that the opponent's power is outrageous.
Poros missed a hit, and started to lock the left arm of the strange man Hungry Wolf relentlessly, and it wanted to tear the arm off alive.

Predicting Poros' intentions, the strange hungry wolf with his left arm locked started to perform a backflip in a weird way, and at the same time used his strength to drive Poros to turn his body around, just at the moment when the former was surprised.

The strange hungry wolf locked on Poros' chest, and used the shocking monster cross-toothed dragon killing punch.

The combination of fist, inner strength, and rage raged on the surface of Poros' body.

Even Poros's sturdy body began to gradually tear one wound after another under the blow carefully stored by the strange man Hungry Wolf.

Poros, who was caught in the dragon's mouth, began to gradually grope for a way to counter the monster and hungry wolf. The raging and violent energy in his body began to radiate from the outside of his body to wrestle with the cross-toothed dragon's killing energy.

After a few seconds of pulling, the energy in Poros' body was superior after all, defeating the attack of the monster hungry wolf, and even bounced it out.

The strange hungry wolf stabilized his body again, and then began to look at his hands.

A smell of burnt smoke began to pass from the hands.

Poros is not only powerful, but also has such terrifying energy in his body fighting?

But after this trial, the strange man and hungry wolf have found the opponent's weakness.

That's melee combat!
The opponent seems to have no skills in melee combat, only knows how to perform miracles with great strength, and hit wherever he sees.
If it weren't for his outstanding strength, speed, and explosive power, such a guy wouldn't be able to survive a few rounds of training in the dojo.

But there is one thing that must be paid attention to.

The opponent's explosive power is very strong, and the body can always burst out terrifying energy attacks.
Poros's speed is not inferior to his own. If it chooses to fight and then use energy to launch a long-range attack on him, I'm afraid it will be at a disadvantage when the time comes.

Poros's intuition for combat was very keen, and he also found that he could hardly hold down this weird hungry wolf in close combat, which meant that it was a very stupid behavior to continue to fight with the opponent in close quarters.

The most sensible way now is to keep a distance from the opponent, and then use the energy cannon to bombard the opponent to consume, and finally look for an opportunity to give a fatal blow.

But why does it do this?
It is the overlord who conquers the universe. When encountering difficulties and taking steps, it should face them instead of avoiding them.

Poros roared, and a strong energy burst out from his whole body. With the passage of this energy kinetic energy, its speed changed drastically.

Weird Hungry Wolf was taken aback by the opponent's sudden burst of speed. Although he didn't understand why the opponent still insisted on fighting him so closely, it was just right!

A new round of confrontation between the two sides started again. This time, there was no intention of tweaking and testing. The two sides engaged in a cruel and fierce battle with full firepower.

As expected by the strange hungry wolf, Poros was soon at a disadvantage in this fight, often it had to endure several punches from itself before it could fight back.

But for the former's counterattack, the strange hungry wolf quickly adapted to this high-speed fighting rhythm, and began to consciously dodge.

Under the huge skill gap, Poros's body began to be wounded by the strange man's hungry wolf's swift attack.

Just when the strange man Hungry Wolf thought he could wipe out the strange man in one go, the most unacceptable thing happened.

The wound on Poros's body began to heal instantly with the rapid recovery ability. After seeing this reality, the monster hungry wolf finally understood why the other party fought him so confidently in close combat.

Because this is the ability to regenerate or not die!
This is a special ability that hungry wolves hate the most.

Believe him, there is no one who will not go crazy when encountering an opponent with this ability.

Single, just the ability to regenerate and immortality is okay, but when a powerful opponent possesses this ability, the nature of the two will become very different.

An electric arc flashed across, and Poros' figure disappeared in the eyes of the strange man, the hungry wolf.
At the same time, Poros, who gathered terrifying energy on his chest, flickered behind the hungry wolf, and it was about to use this blow to bring the battle to an end.

Just when Poros thought that the winner was about to be decided, something strange happened.

The back of the strange hungry wolf's head seemed to have eyes, and the sound of heavy breathing and heartbeat suddenly and continuously resounded through the ring-shaped gray mist that gradually boiled from its body.

Monster Killing God Killing Fist!
Countless fists and punches invaded Poros's surroundings, blocking any way the opponent could escape. In the layer upon layer of fist strength, Poros could only use more powerful energy to spray all the roaring cannons on his chest. go out.

this kind of fight
Such a bloody battle.
This is the battle it has been longing for!
Enemy of fate, I, Poros, approve of you.

The sound of heavy breathing began.

The wound on Poros's body began to heal gradually. He stared at the strange monster Hungry Wolf who was also seriously injured and said: "In our home planet, the environment and its harshness are beyond your imagination. This is what forces our race to have extraordinary resilience and vitality."

After the strange man Hungry Wolf heard it, he probably understood what Poros meant, and what he meant was to say.

They may not be able to tell the winner in a short time, but once the battle is delayed, the balance of victory will begin to tilt in the direction of Poros.

"Stop being arrogant, you one-eyed alien!" Hungry Wolf propped up his body, perhaps his physical strength was no longer as long-lasting as before.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't have a trump card, and even what's going on in this situation?

There seemed to be some strange changes in the body of the weird hungry wolf.

Can I still become stronger?
Just when Hungry Wolf guessed like this, there was a burst of explosion above.

The dark daylight began to shine in.

what the hell is this...

Poros also looked up at the change that occurred in the sky above.

This terrifying figure like a demon the master! ?
The weird hungry wolf finally recognized who the pretending guy in the sky was.

It is his greatest enemy, old enemy, and object of revenge all the time.

White jade! !
(End of this chapter)

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