Five to five from one punch

Chapter 267 Are you teaching me to do things?

Chapter 267 Are you teaching me to do things?

The dark iron chains tightly bound Sykes' huge body, and power flowed continuously from her body. In just over ten seconds, she changed from this "invincible" Sai Da snake mode back to its original form.

Sykes returned to her original appearance and normal size, but the iron chains on her body still didn't break away from her body, but instead tightened her tighter. The scene was once full of incomparable H breath.

The piece of meat that belonged to part of the consciousness of the monster King Orochi fell to the ground after breaking away from Sykes. His life and death are unknown.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal who was far below took out a pressure cooker with great interest, and then went down to catch the lump of meat.

"Ha, the piece of meat of the weird king snake, I wonder if it's delicious?" After Asura Unicorn Immortal finished speaking, he licked his lower lip.

However, everyone's attention is now on the demon god Baiyu, and they are not interested in knowing the final fate of the weirdo Wang Dashe.

Sykes, who was bound so hard to move, felt uncomfortable now, and the pain felt all over her body became heavier and heavier as time passed. I am afraid that if this continues, she will be directly tied by these iron chains in less than 5 minutes. die!

Sykes' breathing sounded one after another, and warm breath gradually came out from her mouth, "Let me go, please spare my life, I can do anything."

As long as she doesn't have to die, Sykes is willing to do anything. The word death is really terrible to her.

The demon god Baiyu didn't take it seriously, he didn't take Sykes' words to heart at all, it is a stupid thing to give trust to the enemy, if he didn't have the master ball, he wouldn't feel at ease to accept those weirdos as his subordinates.

Often the deadliest thing is the backstab from the most trusted person, without any means of protection, Bai Yu never trusts a stranger easily.

Just when a black hole-like substance condensed in the hands of the demon god Baiyu, he seemed to feel something.
After pondering for a few seconds, he put down his palm and did not annihilate Sykes in the same place.

After Sykes saw it, she immediately relaxed, as if she had survived!

Although she didn't know the reason, but if the status of the two sides were reversed today, she would definitely not let Bai Yu go, and would even kill him on the spot.

Is it because of his beauty?

The idea came to Sikes' mind.

No. The other party is not such a superficial person. Could it be that he has taken a fancy to his strong scientific research ability?

But Bai Yu would trust her?

Trust her as an enemy?
Bai Yu stopped attacking, which made some S-level heroes below feel puzzled.

Perhaps they could also see that this woman was no match for Bai Yu at all, and the first thing to do at this moment was to directly destroy this person, and if she had any backup later, they would fall into a passive situation.

"What are you doing? Kill her quickly!" After seeing Bai Yu stop attacking, Sweetheart Mask cursed angrily, "You are an S-class hero, don't forget the mission on your shoulders, I was Because I saw your video and recognized your strength, I am willing to promote you to S rank."

Not only Sweetheart Mask, Tong Di and others also began to question why Bai Yu didn't continue to eliminate this woman.

Obviously, the Weird Association has a great relationship with this guy, and to some extent it is certain that she is regarded as a weirdo.

After all, human beings couldn't become the kind of moth creatures that can launch terrorist attacks just now.

Tornado was watching from the side, and she didn't make a sound. She believed that Yu'er should have her own considerations, and Sykes who turned back into a human was not scary at all. As long as she wanted to, she could do it with just one thought. Suppress Sykes backhand.

The reason why the demon god Baiyu stopped his actions was because the guy named Sweetheart Mask was wrong
In the approval of the master ball, Sykes is not a human being, but a weirdo!

With the guarantee of the master ball contract, Bai Yu can keep Sykes, and there is indeed one less intelligent weirdo in his ball who can study strange things.

It's a pity that Genos is not a weird guy, otherwise Bai Yu would consider capturing him.

Bai Yu was thinking about whether to let Sykes go, but the group of heroes below had been influencing his thoughts, and instead made him affirm an idea and a decision.

The huge gravity directly suppressed it, and Sweetheart Mask felt as if he was being pressed down by a mountain. The whole person fell to the ground distorted, and the surrounding ground even began to sink.

Bai Yu's dark red eyes stared at Sweetheart's Mask high above and said, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Seeing that Sweetheart Mask was suppressed, Tong Di angrily said to Bai Yu: "What are you doing? As an S-class hero, you are attacking your companions. You have already violated the regulations in the association!"

"Handsome knight! No, Bai Yu, I knew you, you guy, would not really want to be a hero."

Tongdi's words caused Bai Yu's rationality to shift a little bit. Since he changed into this "heaven and earth, I am the only one" just now, Bai Yu felt that something was disappearing in him, as if a certain emotion in his heart was beginning to be infinitely magnified. , gradually occupying the largest part.

"Shut up, waste!", Demon God Bai Yu also suppressed Tong Di as an ant, and ended up in the same end as Sweetheart Mask, "S-level hero? Then why did you exclude me this time?"

"The organized attack plan was carried out without telling me. If I hadn't infiltrated the Weird Association early in the morning, would you really have kept it from me and fought against the Weird Association underground?"

Atomic Samurai narrowed his eyes slightly, he seemed to find that something was wrong with Bai Yu's current state
It seemed that the development of the situation was a little difficult to control, and he couldn't hesitate any longer. Then, the Atomic Warrior pushed the handle of the knife away with his thumb.

At this moment, the Atomic Warrior used the result of retreat, successfully flashed to the back of Bai Yu, and used the pinnacle of sword skills.

The thunderbolt atom flashes!
The sneak attack that was beyond everyone's expectations also happened as a result that was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Wooah." Atomic Warrior's body fell down uncontrollably, and metal fragments began to fall along with him.

His new sword technique did hit Bai Yu, but when he slashed at the opponent's body, he didn't even cause a single scar. Instead, his beloved knife was shattered directly, and the powerful counter-shock force swallowed his body. Body.

What a solid body this is.
In this world, there are really things that his atomic warrior can't stop!
The Atomic Warrior gradually closed his eyes, staring at Bai Yu, a demon-like figure, and he wanted to remember this image for the rest of his life.

In the end, he found sadly that Bai Yu didn't seem to look at him from the beginning to the end in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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