Five to five from one punch

Chapter 268 1 Group of Ants

Chapter 268 A group of ants

Sweetheart Mask, who was firmly suppressed by the unknown attack, was very uncomfortable. He found that with his physical strength, he couldn't get rid of this gravity.

"Damn it, there's no other way," Sweet Mask began to use her abilities.

Physical transformation and activation.
Soon his face was covered with unsightly blue veins, and then his slender and sexy body gradually agitated, and finally reached a critical point.

Although he had indeed strengthened his strength, Sweetheart Mask found that he still couldn't get rid of this gravity!

Sweetheart Mask stopped strengthening, because if you continue to strengthen and transform, you will break through this critical point, and finally expose your true face
Moreover, even if he broke through the critical point, Sweetheart Mask reckoned that he seemed unable to get rid of this gravity.

This guy named Bai Yu is much scarier than he imagined.

Tornado was angry at the sneak attack of the Atomic Warrior, but she was also a little at a loss.

"Yu'er, what are you doing?" Tornado's eyes dimmed slightly, and then she asked firmly: "Your eyes are very wrong, quickly end this strange state and return to your original appearance. "

Bai Yu smiled, and then said to Long Juan: "What nonsense are you talking about? I've never felt so good now. This matter has nothing to do with you. It's because these heroes are too useless and don't know their own position. I just teach them a lesson."

Long Juan shook his head and said, "It's just a lesson. Your eyes now simply regard them as low-level creatures. Yu'er, you are human, why do you show such eyes?"


Bai Yu gradually became more charming, and he shouted loudly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Strength is justice, and justice is absolute. They are not as strong as me, so they must abide by the rules I set, human? Weird?"

"It's all a group of ants!!"

Having said that, Bai Yu opened his hands, and the sky fell into darkness instantly. "I am so powerful, why do I put a group of ants in the same position?"

Bai Yu's state became more and more wrong, and Long Juan couldn't feel the so-called humanity from this beloved boy.
A strong thought force burst out of her body in an instant, and at the same time she said to Bai Yu: "Yu'er, end this transformation quickly, or I will stand in front of you and stop you!"

Just you?
Deep down in Bai Yu's heart, he didn't want to fight the tornado, and he couldn't figure out why, obviously what he wanted to do at this time was to slap the fly to death.

Finally, Bai Yu raised her hands and said, "Binding the Tomb of Gods!"


A black lightning flashed across the sky.

Long Juan was surprised to find that he was trapped by Bai Yu in a dark sphere without knowing when, and several iron chains locked the sphere layer by layer on the outside.

A giant black hand protruding from the ground held the black sphere firmly.

"You just stay here obediently." After finishing speaking, Bai Yu ignored the tornado, since it was impossible for her to break free anyway.

The fact is just as Bai Yu thought, the tornado struggled frantically inside this bondage, but in the end it couldn't be broken from the inside.
What made her feel even more frightening was that her own strength and thought power were fading away crazily, as if being absorbed by these iron chains, until finally she slowly fell into a deep sleep inside this sphere.

Tong Di, who was suppressed, felt desperate. He knew that Bai Yu, who had defeated the big moth, was very strong, but this was too unreasonable.
Suppressing himself and Sweetheart Mask casually, even Uncle Atomic Samurai failed to attack the opponent, but was stunned and flew out.

Now even Miss Tornado is being imprisoned! ?
Damn it, can we only expect Mr. King to come here in time?
Sykes is numb!

What's the situation now?
From the moment Bai Yu gave up killing her, the pain in Sykes' body had disappeared, but it was still locked up.
But what is the situation now?
Bai Yu was actually attacking the Hero Association?
Infighting happened?
Sykes didn't dare to take advantage of the random run, because Baiyu was so strong, she could only be locked up in the air like a quail obediently, watching this good show by the way.

Bai Yu gradually approached the group of S-level heroes, and his deep and sacred voice sounded: "You ants don't know your own status, and you don't want to die obediently. It's really embarrassing for me!"

Tong Di asked angrily: "Bai Yu, do you really want to be an enemy of the Heroes Association?"

"Answer the wrong question, go to hell!" After Bai Yu's indifferent eyes glanced at Tong Di, he reached out and pressed his head directly.

At this critical moment, a naked man's body appeared behind Bai Yu.

Sexy Prisoner, Diamond Hair Angel Mode! !
Although he didn't know why Bai Yu suddenly turned into such a terrifying look, but at this time he must be stopped, otherwise the situation between the two parties will be endless in the future.

Just when the sexy prisoner was about to hug Bai Yu, the one-horned fairy Asura Chaoyue appeared here, and at the same time punched the sexy prisoner flying.

"Ahahaha, with me here, you guys don't want to meet Big Brother Baiyu!"

Asura Unicorn Immortal is very excited now, although it feels that something is wrong with Big Brother Baiyu, but what the hell?
Brother Baiyu wants to destroy the world, as a loyal pony, he must be the one who rushes forward.

When Ashura the Unicorn Immortal found out his relationship with Bai Yu, all the S-level heroes at the scene showed horrifying expressions on their faces.

As an S-class hero, Bai Yu was actually with weird people?
From the mouth of this powerful monster, it seems that Bai Yu is still his boss?

A terrifying thought appeared in Tongdi's mind, and he subconsciously asked Bai Yu, "Could it be that this weirdo association is your secret organization, so Bai Yu is the so-called king of weirdos in this weirdo association!!"

Bai Yu:?
The art of chasing pots and pans?
Sykes, locked up in the sky, laughed
If Bai Yu was the weirdo king of the weirdo association, then she would secretly laugh on the bed every night.

This fly has a strong brain power, and it is best to send it to see God.

Bai Yu loathed this brat even more, and the thought of killing him became clearer in his mind.

The zombie man stood in front of Tongdi at this time, and he said to Baiyu, "Baiyu, stop. I clearly understand how much effort you have put in this operation, whether it is intentional or unintentional, this time we can The reduction of a large number of casualties is all due to the intelligence of you and Asura Unicorn Immortal."

"This incident is only on the side of the association. The misunderstanding caused by the unclear communication with you, why don't we resolve this matter peacefully?"

Bai Yu directly squeezed one hand towards the position of the zombie man, and at the same time, the latter was instantly pinched and exploded on the spot.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm angry that you are so weak, why did you command me from such a high position?" After crushing the zombie man to death, Bai Yu continued to look at Tong Di: "There is no one this time. I saved you."

Because of his special nature, the zombie man didn't really die. Instead, the scattered flesh and blood gradually gathered into a body.

It's just that it was destroyed too thoroughly this time, and it may take a long time to be reborn!
(End of this chapter)

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