Five to five from one punch

Chapter 269 You have become stronger

Chapter 269 You have become stronger

Sykes felt great now!

Originally, she thought that the Weird Association was doomed. After all, Bai Yu's strength was simply beyond her comprehension.

But I didn't expect Bai Yu to fight ghosts with the Heroes Association in the end!
What's more, Sykes found out that the one-horned fairy Ashura was actually with Bai Yu!

Bai Yu was secretly manipulating the strange man's actions?
In other words, that guy Poros is also Bai Yu's subordinate?

If this is the case, then it makes sense, after all, a guy as arrogant as Poros, probably only Bai Yu can suppress him.

Now Bai Yu's attitude is very subtle. As a hero, he keeps company with weird people and even attacks his companions.

In this case, Sykes can also surrender willingly and regard Bai Yu as the new king of weirdos!

She had no choice anyway.
However, what is the loud noise coming from the ground now?

White jade! ! !

The strange hungry wolf and its terrifying speed leaped upwards, and the enemy was extremely jealous when they met. In particular, Bai Yu still had this stinky look of pretending to be a ghost, which made him even more angry!

Of course, Poros would not allow the strange man Hungry Wolf to get what he wanted. It caught up with the latter at a faster speed and began to attack the opponent, trying to prevent it from going to Baiyu's position.

Facing the obstruction of the bastard Poros, the strange man Hungry Wolf roared angrily: "You bastard, get out of here!"

The hungry wolf, who was in a state of anger and excitement, suddenly increased in strength. After deceiving Poros with a fake move, he threw a strange punch and landed on the opponent.

Poros didn't expect that the strange hungry wolf would choose to attack him at this time, and at the same time, he also felt the sudden increase in the opponent's strength.

Poros, who didn't react immediately, was sent flying to the depths on the other side by the strange hungry wolf.

After finishing all this, the strange hungry wolf continued to move towards a certain goal above in anger.

Bai Yu naturally noticed the situation in the big cave below, but does he know this weird humanoid full of unknown cuticles?

Why do you seem to have a lot of hatred with yourself?

For this reason, Bai Yu even stopped persecuting Emperor Tong, and turned to look at this strange humanoid as if something happened.

Until he saw the two sharp horns on the head of this humanoid monster.
Oh, Bai Yu suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a hungry wolf!
Has he finally become some kind of ultimate evil?

What a coincidence
After Bai Yu defeated Sai Dashe, the first task was also completed, leaving only the third task of Hungry Wolf.

No matter what, the task cannot be forgotten, as if receiving the reward has become a normal operation engraved in the white jade dna.

Asura Unicorn Immortal, of course, saw this ferocious monster hungry wolf, and it yelled in displeasure: "Bastard, don't even think about hindering Brother Baiyu's great cause."

"Insect breath, I don't know what type, Asura Vajra Arm!!"

After yelling, Asura Unicorn Immortal then vigorously attacked the weird hungry wolf.

next second.

Asura Unicorn Immortal was kicked backhanded by the monster Hungry Wolf
Tongdi, Sweetheart Mask and the others seem to have recognized this strange man, he seems to be the hungry wolf who has been very popular recently!

Unexpectedly, the other party really turned into a weirdo, even so strong that he could knock that yellow-brown unicorn fairy away with a single punch.

What's important is that the target of Weird Man and Hungry Wolf seems to be white jade!

Although a little ashamed, Tong Di still reluctantly cheered for the strange hungry wolf in his heart.

Weird Hungry Wolf felt even more dissatisfied after seeing Bai Yu's underwhelming appearance!

Why are you not surprised at all after seeing me like this?

Instead, he is still staring at himself with the eyes of an ant?

Don't tell me I'm weird, hungry wolf, and I'm not worthy to be your opponent?

"Go to hell, Bai Yu, this is my strongest power!", the hungry wolf turned into a shadow to occupy the top, and at the same time countless stronger and faster punches aimed to shoot down.

Penetrating through monsters and evil spirits!
The strange hungry wolf beat Bai Yu's body frantically with all his strength, venting all his dissatisfaction, anger, unwillingness, dislike, and jealousy.

During the beating, Weird Hungry Wolf's body even began to undergo a huge transformation because of these emotions.

The state of the horned humanoid gradually changed into a huge demon form!
Hungry Wolf felt the terrifying power of this posture, and he vented towards Bai Yu even more unreservedly, even if he killed him by mistake, it didn't matter.

Just when the evil hungry wolf thought that he had completely suppressed Bai Yu, a dazzling black light erupted in an instant and finally made his way to the sky!
When the demon hungry wolf came back to his senses, it had already been knocked into the air. At this time, his body lost consciousness and could not move at all.

The sound of iron chains colliding gradually sounded, and Bai Yu, who looked like a demon god, appeared in front of the demon hungry wolf.

The devil hungry wolf looked at Bai Yu's appearance, he suddenly didn't know what to say, in short, his feelings were very complicated.
In the field of vision of the demon hungry wolf, Bai Yu's mouth seemed to be opening to say something, and the former repeated it on his own mouth according to the shape of the mouth.

It turned out that this sentence meant "You have become stronger, but you are still too weak."

Finally, Bai Yu dropped his fist and hit the hungry wolf in the stomach.

After a huge shock.

In the field of vision of Tong Di and others, the eyes seemed to be filled with shadows
Under Bai Yu's punch, the rocks on the ground exploded towards the sky. Even the number and height of these rocks were so terrifying that when they gathered together, they seemed to cover the entire sky.
What kind of terrifying force would it take to create this picture?
Hungry Wolf, who turned into a great demon, bears most of the power, so is he still alive?
These doubts filled Tongdi's mind.
But now there is a more realistic problem in front of him, can anyone else come out to stop this guy Bai Yu?

The unknown cuticles surrounding the hungry wolf's body had been completely shattered by the blow just now.

He seemed to have turned back into a human being again. Under the punch just now, the fruit of Hungry Wolf's hard work for so long seemed to be completely destroyed by the white jade in an instant.

In the end, the real clown turned out to be himself!

He also talked about becoming the scariest weirdo, exterminating those hypocritical heroes, and letting people understand the true equality of evil. None of these ideas have been realized.

No matter what the hungry wolf did, it seemed that they couldn't get over the mountain.

This time, he finally gave up
The hungry wolf closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. He had a dream.

He dreamed that he was drinking coke in the restaurant and eating all kinds of high-calorie meals at the same time, and then the old man walked in with gifts to celebrate
The old man said, "Happy birthday."

The hungry wolf fell into a deep sleep, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After defeating the hungry wolf, Bai Yu reappeared in the same place, his aura became more and more terrifying, he moved towards a position, and lifted his palm up, "Ants should lie on the ground."

Black lightning appeared instantly, one after another in an orderly and straight line, and fell behind a pile of rubble behind.

The stand-ins of the drive knight and the metal knight were instantly blown to pieces, and finally turned into pieces of metal and rolled to the ground.

Tong Di felt uncomfortable in his heart, and two more S-level heroes were forced to go offline.

Excluding the injuries of the Pig God, except for the S-class heroes who were standing by, Tongdi finally found that there seemed to be no hope for them except for the flashing flash and Mr. King.

(End of this chapter)

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