Five to five from one punch

Chapter 270 Saitama

Chapter 270 Saitama
Boring opponents, boring battles, boring world.

It is not a matter of course that the strong dominate the weak.

Otherwise why do I keep searching for power?

Only a person with strength can hold the things in his hands tightly, and can fight back fiercely against those who spy on his things.

Only the most extreme power is the purest thing!
Bai Yu said to Tongdi, "That's enough, I've never tired of playing house wine with you, you this world full of holes, just die like this!"

The pitch-black vortex gradually condensed into a black sphere that appeared on Bai Yu's palm, and the latter aimed it at Tong Dibu, or this place.

With just one thought, the sphere will fall into the ground with a bang.

Everything will turn into a gorgeous fireworks.


Bai Yu's body flew upwards, then turned her palms down, and dropped the black energy ball.

The pitch-black crystal fell in mid-air, and Tong Di and others watched the object fall to the ground, but they couldn't do anything at this moment.

When all hope was lost, the huge explosion sound almost deafened their ears, as if the imagined big explosion did not appear in front of them.

A real hero stood up, his white cloak was blown up with the hot wind, and the smooth and shiny marinated egg was particularly memorable.

Saitama showed up in time and blasted the sphere with a punch. He raised his head and said to Bai Yu, "What are you doing, Bai Yu?"

"Oh, it's my best friend Saitama, isn't that obvious?" Bai Yu pointed to the group of S-class heroes and said, "There are always people who can't position themselves, the weak just need to stay in the right position to be safe and secure." Is that all right?"

"I'm resetting the order of this planet, after all, the gods are so benevolent!"

"Shut up, you're not Bai Yu, give me back the Bai Yu I know!", the bald head almost yelled out these words.

Bai Yu laughed a few times and didn't continue talking. He knew very well that he was not occupied by any strange things, but that his thinking had changed, and a certain emotion in his heart was infinitely magnified, and he even lost something very important.

He now knows that something is wrong with him, but he can't correct it, because Bai Yu thinks that the biggest problem is that he has no problems.

This time out of control, no other self will come out to stop him.

In the end, he did not expect that it would be him who was about to become a god-level disaster.

What would the world be like without bald heads?

"So that's it, I understand." Saitama clenched his fist and said to Baiyu's aloof look: "It seems that I can only wake you up."

After hearing this, Emperor Tong panicked, and he quickly said to Saitama, "Don't be stupid, that man is beyond your ability to deal with, hurry up and get out of here now, and go find Mr. King."

Saitama ignored Tongdi's words, and now Baiyu is the only one in his eyes.

This sense of oppression made Saitama tense his body.

The fight between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

Tongdi has suffered too many blows this day, including this time.
Who is this bald cloaked man?

Is he actually that strong?

Can Qiang be evenly matched with this white jade?
Tong Di could no longer use words to describe this battle. This is no longer a battlefield that humans can set foot on.

Monsters such as Poros and the Unicorn watched the battle quietly on the ground, and they were also waiting for the result.

In the darkness, the two figures intertwined and collided with each other and then separated, repeating this over and over again.

Bai Yu looked at Saitama like this, and felt that the other party was very pitiful. This was a battle that was doomed from the beginning.

Saitama is very strong, but it is this strength that constrains him. He is afraid. Afraid that he will destroy the earth.

Just like now, Saitama has human flaws and can't fly!
Whenever they fight, Saitama will fall down, and then there will be a loud noise on the ground, and he will repeat this jumping movement to fight Shiratama above.

Perhaps Saitama himself also understands how terrible the damage will be caused by the two of them fighting below.

The reason why Saitama will lose is because of the shortcomings of human beings. Baiyu flies to higher and higher altitudes, and will soon surpass this planet and reach the universe.
Saitama will also follow along, he will not give up Baiyu, but when going outside the universe, human beings cannot breathe.

Baiyu closed his eyes, where his good friend will die there, he doesn't need to defeat Saitama, he just needs to take him away from the earth, lock him so that he can't land back, and he can win this battle victory.

"Don't be distracted!" Saitama appeared next to Baiyu, "Serious series, continuous beating."

Countless fists fell into Bai Yu's dark red eyes, his thinking diverged, and the surrounding time began to slowly decrease, and the result was infinitely delayed.

But even so, Saitama's fist still hit Baiyu at a steady speed.

An unavoidable attack, Saitama was serious, this kind of fist that surpassed his ability made Baiyu's scalp tingle.

He started to collide with Saitama with both fists.

Sweetheart Mask looked at a dark sky, and he curiously asked Tong Di: "Can the bald cloaked man win?"

Tong Di shook his head, "I don't know, but now he is the only one who can fight against Bai Yu, even the one who can barely suppress him. It's incredible why such a powerful guy keeps hiding his strength?"

Golden blood flowed from Bai Yu's mouth, his sacred and solemn appearance no longer existed, wounds of various sizes appeared on his indestructible body, and a corner of the divine ring on his back gradually collapsed.

Saitama's appearance is not easy, blood is all over his left eye, liquid is still oozing under the closed left eyelid, and the yellow hero uniform that has been with him for a long time has begun to be torn, revealing his strong upper body torso.
After wiping the blood on his mouth, Saitama started to fall again. After all, it is impossible for people to fly, but Baiyu held Saitama at this time, and he said angrily, "Jump? Why don't I take you to a higher place?" far away?"

The divine ring behind Baiyu began to mimic several black wings, and then took Saitama across all distances in an instant, and even broke through the atmosphere to this endless universe.

Seeing Saitama's flustered look, Baiyu smiled, he was the one who won
Saitama is strong, the endless kind, beyond the limits of biological comprehension, in this incarnation called One Punch Invincible.

Maybe no matter what guy comes here, he can't beat this guy, Saitama is the rule here.

It's a pity that as an invincible rule, he has to be restricted and named, the shackles of human beings.

About to die of hypoxia here.

(End of this chapter)

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