Five to five from one punch

Chapter 272 Do You Know Me?

Chapter 272 Do You Know Me?

A snowy night.

This is a lifeless, ending village. Few people would set foot here, because this village has another name, "Robber's Village".

Not everyone in this world can live a happy life. Over time, a group of robbers gathered in this dilapidated village.

No ordinary people would enter such a village. After all, how could ordinary people take the initiative to contact murderous robbers?

However, the balance was broken that night.

"Hey, you have to be careful, this time we are facing an enemy like ghosts, we must not be careless." Masao Nohara reminded the new members of the ghost killing team.

A timid-looking guy tremblingly asked Nohara Masao: "Captain, we shouldn't encounter Twelve Ghost Moons, right?"

Masao Nohara looked at Nobita Nobita's obsequious look and wanted to beat him up, but he was relieved when he thought of his attitude when he was on a temporary mission before, and then he gently comforted him and said: "Don't worry, you should It's just an ordinary ghost, how could Twelve Ghost Moon appear here!"

Masao Nohara's words seemed to have a soothing effect, and the popularity of the whole team suddenly increased. In this way, under the watchful eyes of the boundless night, this group of members of the ghost killing team entered the robber village.

This is a night that is destined to have no sun, and the only thing that can comfort humans in the sky is the moon!

But the members of the ghost killing team understand that the moon cannot help them defeat the ghosts, and the only thing they can trust is their teammates and the sun wheel knife in their hands.

With the joint efforts of all members of the ghost killing team, the neck of the "ghost" hiding in this village was quickly chopped off.

Seeing that this ghost was about to disappear in the sky, Nohara Masao felt unspeakable comfort in his heart. Whenever one more ghost is eliminated, more people will be saved from their evil hands in this world.

In this beautiful and wonderful world, there should be no mistakes like ghosts.

Zhang Mazi and a group of younger brothers came out of the secret room. When they knew that there were ghosts hidden in this village, they were really shocked. After all, their occupations are very special. There were people stationed there, and when they came back and learned about the Ghost Killing Squad, they immediately launched a search with the opponent, of course the main force was the Ghost Killing Squad, not them.

Ghosts are destined to be the enemy of human beings, and this may never change.

Zhang Mazi said to Nobi Masao, "Thank you very much. Without your help, we might really die at the hands of this ghost when we come back this time."

Nohara Masao shook his head, and he responded: "It is our bounden duty to eliminate ghosts. Even if we fail this time, people will come here one after another until we eliminate them, so this is our mission!"

Zhang Mazi's eyes widened, and he yelled several times, "Damn!"

He is uneducated, and he doesn't know what to say to express his emotions that have nowhere to rest in his heart.

The only way to relieve this uncontrollable feeling is to keep saying shit.

Nobita Nobita came up to Zhang Mazi and the others at this time and said, "Don't be robbers. Although you are robbing rich and heartless landlords, sooner or later you will fall into the hands of others. You might as well think about the way forward." .”

There was an explosion sound like flames cracking wood in this house, and a gentle voice appeared: "How can you go back?"

The enemy who appeared suddenly stood on the beam close to the ceiling. At this time, the Ghost Slayer and the robbers huddled together and stared at the uninvited guest.

After seeing the other party's eyes, Nohara Masao yelled out in disbelief: "Twelve ghost moons, the land of the last string!"

After hearing this, Kamae laughed happily, and jumped down from the beam on the ceiling, enjoying everyone's fear of it.

It likes to bully weak humans and ghost hunters the most.

Nohara Masao was very surprised as to why Twelve Ghost Moons appeared here, but all the surprises were not what he should think about now.

Because they are likely to die here.

Masao Nohara pulled out his Japanese saber and said to the people behind him, "I'm sorry, but this is the first time I've taken you on a mission and this happened to me. I'll definitely do my best. Let you all Can go back alive safely."

Even if I die!

Thinking of this, Nohara Masao tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, not even knowing that his skin was being worn out.

Nobi Nobita held the knife tremblingly, walked up to his captain and said, "I'm sorry Shizuka, I can't go back and marry you"

After finishing speaking, Nobita Nobita's nose ran out of sadness, and his trembling legs showed how scared this guy is until now.
But he just never took half a step back.

The corners of Kamae's eyes twitched a few times, it was because the group of ghost hunters were so disgusting that it suddenly ruined its good mood.

Sure enough, it really wants to eat people!

"Blood ghost art", when Kamae opened his hands and roared, the door on the left side of everyone was suddenly opened.

At this very inappropriate moment, a handsome and unusual red-haired man appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Mazi was dumbfounded. Why would someone appear like this when the battle between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out?

The red-haired man scanned the room, his face showed no expression, it was as cold as the heavy snow outside, until a few seconds later he said slowly, "Do you know me?"

Kamame:? ?

Masao Nohara:? ?

"I forgot what my name is. I have traveled through many villages, but none of them could answer my question." The red-haired man still said with a paralyzed face.

Kamae's face became more and more ugly. At first, he thought it was Zhu who rushed here, so he was startled. It turned out that it was just a lunatic who broke in.

Kamae was extremely fast, and when it was difficult for everyone to react, he appeared behind the red-haired man and hit him on the head with one blow.

By the time Masao Nohara realized it, it was too late.

This red-haired man was about to die at the hands of Twelve Ghost Moon, but he couldn't save anything.

Kamae's fist was caught by the red-haired man, who asked strangely, "Why did you attack me?"

"When you swing the death knife at others, you must have corresponding consciousness. Can I understand that you can kill you now?"

Kamae was completely dumbfounded, humans actually caught its fist with bare hands?
Before Kamae could get away from this weird guy, his chest was directly pierced by this red-haired man!

After the red-haired man finished all this, he regarded the strange-looking guy as garbage and left it aside.

At this time, Nohara Masao hurriedly reminded: "Don't be stupid, that's a ghost, you won't die if you don't cut off your neck with a sun wheel knife."

(End of this chapter)

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