Five to five from one punch

Chapter 273 He took my knife and didn't return it!

Chapter 273 He took my knife and didn't return it!
Everything was just as Nohara Masao said, Kamae did not die because of the red-haired man's chest piercing, but stood up quickly, and the wound on his chest was repaired instantly.

The red-haired man finally thought of something on his paralyzed face, and asked, "Oh, I heard people on the road that there seems to be a strange creature like you that can't die, what is it called? coming?"

"Ghost, what the hell is going on with you?" Masao Nohara yelled in time: "It's like being out of this world, don't you know about such things?"

Masao Nohara is so angry, if the red-haired man just cut off the neck of the opposite party with the sun knife, then even the last quarter moon would die on the spot.

It's a pity, the other party will definitely be vigilant in the future, and this red-haired man will never have such a good opportunity again.

Kamae rubbed his chest, staring at the red-haired man who appeared out of nowhere with serious eyes.
What exactly happened just now?
His fist was caught, and then his chest was pierced by the opponent?

It's obviously just a human being, why does it have such terrifying power?

The red-haired man bit his lip and said, "You didn't die, it's really annoying. Those who offend me, I must take revenge back. If you attack me, I must take revenge on you severely. Anyone who comes here will not be punished." It works!"

Kamae's veins bulged, and it roared angrily: "If you can do it as a human being, then try it!"

The sun stands high in the sky.

Several ghost hunters squatted on the ground in the courtyard. They were all elites in the ghost killing team, and they were named "Pillars".

Ubuyashiki asked Nohara Masao, "So, was the red-haired man killed by that red-haired man?"

Masao Nohara nodded frantically and said, "Yes, that red-haired man killed Xiaxian Zhilu several times, and after finding that he couldn't kill him, he came over and snatched my Sun Wheel Knife, and then killed him in one blow."

Speaking of this, Masao Nohara said in a distressed voice: "The red-haired man has not returned the Hilun knife to me until now, and even said that the knife is very useful, so I will lend it to him for a while."

Butterfly Ninja raised his hand inappropriately to interrupt and asked, "Wait a minute, according to your description, doesn't that red-haired man use any style of breathing?"

Nohara Masao replied suspiciously: "No. Just take the sun wheel knife and go up and brush it a few times. Not only will the blood ghost technique of the next moon land be defeated directly, but even the opponent's head will be cut off with a fierce knife."

Ubayashiki's blind eyes seemed to be shining with hope, and he asked Masao Nohara, "So where is that red-haired man now?"

"I don't know if he said that he wants to get back what he lost. As for what it is, it seems that even he doesn't understand it."

Ubuyashiki nodded and said nothing.

Yanzhu, Purgatory Xingshoulang stood up at this time and said: "My lord, this red-haired man can easily behead the next month of the twelve ghost months without breathing. Huge help."

Ubuyashiki said that he thought so too, but unfortunately he couldn't find the other party.

Tanjiro walked down the street with a basket of charcoal on his back.

He felt that when life changes, it will change with the passage of time. It is impossible to always have sunny days, and it is impossible to always have heavy snowfall. When happiness is destroyed, you can always smell blood.

"Hey, Tanjirou, can you move something for me?"

"Ah, it's you Tanjirou, come and smell it for me, who broke this plate?"

"Tanjiro, you really worked hard, I have some special products here, you can take them back later."

Tanjiro smiled and agreed one by one, he liked this feeling of happiness very much.

At this time, a certain red-haired man happened to pass by Tanjirou, and this strange situation appeared for the first time with the latter's keen sense of smell.

It was the first time that he couldn't smell anything from someone else, Tanjiro was surprised by the contrast and called out to the other party for a while: "Hello, may I ask?"

The red-haired man turned to look at Tanjirou, who looked at him with an expressionless face and said, "Do you know me?"

Tanjiro shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm sorry." After speaking, he bowed and apologized to the other party.

The red-haired man just left the street.

The man who was wronged and broke the plate just now went to Tanjiro and said: "This red-haired man is very strange. He has not been here for a long time. It is a pity that he has been asking people around him who he is. He is so handsome. It's crazy."

After hearing this, Tanjiro looked at the back of the red-haired man and said, "So that's the case, but I believe he will find out who he really is!"

It was getting dark, and Tanjiro started walking back home.

At this time, fate seemed to play a joke on him, so that he did not return home on time that night, but stayed in Grandpa Sanlang's house for one night.

The black-haired, tall, pale-skinned young man with plum-red eyes and fine features licked the blood on his hands and said, "It's really despicable blood."

Even my little blood can't bear it. It's impossible to create a ghost that can adapt to the sun so easily.

Guiwu Tsuji glanced at the moonlight in the sky with a sigh. His desire for eternal life is more persistent than anyone else. He will definitely find the blue Bana flower or overcome the weakness of the sun.

A certain beautiful woman was crying and holding her daughter tightly in her arms. She angrily yelled at Guiwu Tsujimu: "You bastard, you will die sooner or later."

A playful smile appeared on Guiwu Tsuji's indifferent face, "What are you talking about, it is your daughter's honor to get the blood I bestowed on you, and you and the little guys behind you should die sooner Bar!"

Faced with such a terrifying danger, Zaomen Kuizhi still has the responsibility as a mother to keep her children behind her.

Just under the curtain of Cui Chui, who was begging the gods, the gods seemed to really give her a chance.

An unusually handsome red-haired man popped up from the nearby bushes. After he saw the Zaomen Kuizhi and Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, he asked, "I didn't expect there was a family here. Excuse me. Do you know each other?" me?"

Is that a sun wheel knife?

The appearance of the red-haired man made Zaomen Kuizhi, the drowning woman, the only hope. She shouted to him, "Save us, please save my child."

The red-haired man seemed to understand something, it turned out that they didn't know themselves.
But why did this woman want to save her by herself?

"The strong live and the weak die, isn't it a natural idea?"

"Weak mice will be preyed on by cats, and weak sheep will also be preyed on by wolves. In the final analysis, everything stems from being weak. Then this man wearing a hat is stronger than you. Isn't it natural that you are weak? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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