Five to five from one punch

Chapter 274 Wu Mi Can't Understand

Chapter 274 Wu Mi Can't Understand
What theory is this?
Kuizhi at the Zaomen was stunned for a moment, not to mention her, even Wu Mi was also stunned.

But two seconds later, Zaomen Kuizhi blushed and shouted angrily at the red-haired man: "You are human, shouldn't the strong ones protect the weak ones, and then take care of the weak ones to grow up, and finally it's their turn to do it?" To protect weaker beings?
It is because of this continuous cycle that human beings can continue to reproduce and survive until now. Is the reason why you want to make yourself stronger is to watch weak people not worthy of living in this world? "

Wu Mi scoffed at this theory, not knowing why he hated this woman even more, his left hand turned into a sharp thorn whip and swung it directly at the woman.

In less than a second, this room will be filled with delicious blood.

A dazzling knife flashed across, directly splitting Wu Mi's thorny whip, and the red-haired man stood in front of Kuizhi Zaomen and said: "Your words make sense, is it because I am so strong? Is it just to protect the weak?"

"Someone seems to have said that to me, but I don't seem to remember who he is, and I almost remember something. It's a pity."

Wu Mi's red eyes became more and more unable to suppress his anger. He looked at the sun blade in the red-haired man's hand and asked, "Is it the Ghost Slayer Team again? It's really a group of cockroaches that can't be shaken off."

With that paralyzed face on his face, the red-haired man said neither sad nor happy: "What is Ghost Slayer Squad?"

Wu Mi looked at the red-haired man in front of him in disbelief, probably not. The other party was not a ghost hunter, but why did he have a sun wheel knife?

Just like that, Wu Mi began to carefully look at the damn good looks and temperament of this red-haired man. He didn't have any murderous intent, anger, or emotions.
A powerful aura emanated from his whole body.

The figure of a loathsome guy gradually overlapped with the red-haired man, the ghost hunter who left several scars on his body and forced Wu Mi to wait until the other party's life was dying before daring to come out.

Follow Guo Yuanyi! !
Impossible, how could a monster like Ji Guoyuanyi be born in this world? Wu Mi thought it was just that he was thinking too much.

Must be just an illusion.

Wu Mi angrily turned his arm into a huge sarcoid and directly engulfed the red-haired man. The latter stared at the sarcoid arm for a moment, then raised his hand to block the sun wheel knife in front of him.

After the two sides fought for a few moments, Wu Can was surprised to find that the red-haired man didn't seem to know the sword skills used by those ghost hunters at all.

It's just a few random swings with the sun wheel knife
Wu Mi became more and more convinced of this, the other party was definitely not Ji Guo Yuanyi's kind of monster!

"Go to hell, you pretending to be a waste!" Wu Mi began to turn his hands into huge sarcoma arms, not only the frequency of peristalsis became faster, but even increased the strength of his hands.

After the red-haired man saw it, he still pressed the Sun Wheel Knife up to it, resisting the two lumps of sarcoma with his arms.

There was a clang.

The Rilun Knife was directly broken by Wuyou's thick sarcoid arms.

After seeing the weapon being broken, Wuyou laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you broke your sun wheel knife so easily, you really are not a ghost hunter."

The red-haired man felt a little pity looking at the broken sun wheel knife in his hand. It was a knife he borrowed from someone friendly, and it looked quite valuable. He originally planned to sell it
Zaomen Kuizhi was dumbfounded after seeing the ghost hunter's sun wheel knife broken. Maybe she did something wrong. This red-haired man is not a powerful ghost hunter. Inside the predicament.

After Wu Mi broke the red-haired man's sun wheel knife, he wantonly manipulated the sarcoma's arm and put it directly on the opponent's head. He wanted to torture the guy he hated in every possible way.

The blood instantly bloomed under the quiet moonlight.

Looking at her two twisted sarcoid arms in disbelief
What just happened?
This red-haired man twisted his arm with his bare hands?

"Did you misunderstand something? I'm not very good at using knives, but I just happen to have one by my side, so I just want to play with it." The red-haired man wrapped his hands with a blue breath, and a wonderful gesture appeared in Wu Mi's eyes. The arms stretched back, then the right hand was pulled forward and the left hand was pulled back, and then the hands were staggered, and finally a martial arts gesture was made, "How can steel be better than a well-trained body?"

It's so strange, where did the red-haired man seem to have heard this sentence? Who on earth mentioned it to him?

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Wu Mi's forehead, he didn't understand what was going on right now!
What is going on with this red-haired man?

A ghost hunter who doesn't know how to use a sun wheel knife, and has never seen the other party use breathing techniques or sword skills. He is obviously just a human being. The body is powerful and terrifying, and then he puts on a martial arts pose in front of him?
Isn't martial arts a toy for weak humans?

What a joke!
Wu Mi's eyes widened, his arms regenerated instantly, and he was so angry that he used his own blood ghost technique, black blood trifoliate thorn!

Several black plants with sharp thorns began to attack the red-haired man violently.
I saw the other party shaking his hands so illusoryly a few times, Wu Mi's black-blooded thorns all bounced off him, and the other party even made Wu Mi's all of them twist together, forming a knot.
"You creatures called ghosts, do you know so many fancy things?" The red-haired man asked Wu Mi without emotion.

After hearing this, Wu Mi took a step back with his right foot unconsciously, and asked the red-haired man, "What is this? Is it a breathing method newly researched by you humans?"

Breath of martial arts?

The red-haired man blinked his eyes and said: "Liu Shui Yan Sha Fist, I don't know why I know this. Anyway, this set of punches is like something carved into my flesh and blood, and suddenly I used it."

"As for the breathing method, I seem to know it too, but I don't know if it's the kind you mentioned."

After the red-haired man finished speaking, he leaned back on his left back and swung his right hand towards Wu Mi. The scorching breath gradually escaped from his body, and the sound of violent heart beating exploded on the snow field one after another. .

Bang..bang.bang. It got louder and louder, and the red-haired man's skin became more and more flushed. Before the snowflakes that fell from the sky touched the red-haired man's skin, they melted directly near him, and finally turned into water vapor
The clothes on the red-haired man were shattered, revealing the incomparable lines and muscles of his strong, strong and perfect upper body, without a trace of scars or flaws, just as perfect as white jade.

At this moment, the red-haired man exhaled scorching air from his nose and mouth, even Wu Mi could feel its heat.

Zaomen Kuizhi covered her small mouth in surprise, and Zaomen Takeo behind her said, "Mom, is this the God of War?"

Crazy is really crazy, Wu Mi can't understand the situation he encountered, what is going on with this human being?

How is it possible for a human being to have such a physical body?

Accompanied by the sound of each other's heartbeat, Wu Mi felt a rush of energy and blood in his body.

At this moment, Wu Mi finally understood that the other party was not a human being at all, but a monster like him, except that the other party also wore a human skin watch.

He is no different from Ji Guoyuan, they are both real monsters, no, he is more terrifying than Ji Guoyuan, he is a monster among monsters!

 Originally, the next world was going to be Hokage, but in the end I decided to insert a short story about Demon Slayer just like Saber.

(End of this chapter)

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